We scale, this very night, the castle's walls;
The keys are in my power; the guards we murder!
Then from thy chamber bear thee forcibly.
Each living soul must die beneath our hands,
That none remain who might disclose the deed.
And Drury, Paulet, my two keepers, they
Would sooner spill their dearest drop of blood.
They fall the very first beneath my steel.
What, sir! Your uncle? How! Your second father!
Must perish by my hand-I murder him!
Oh, bloody outrage!
We have been absolved
Beforehand; I may perpetrate the worst;
I can, I will do so!
Oh, dreadful, dreadful!
And should I be obliged to kill the queen,
I've sworn upon the host, it must be done!
No, Mortimer; ere so much blood for me--
What is the life of all compared to thee,
And to my love? The bond which holds the world
Together may be loosed, a second deluge
Come rolling on, and swallow all creation!
Henceforth I value nothing; ere I quit
My hold on thee, may earth and time be ended!
MARY (retiring)
Heavens! Sir, what language, and what looks! They scare,
They frighten me!
MORTIMER (with unsteady looks, expressive of great madness).
Life's but a moment-death
Is but a moment too. Why! let them drag me
To Tyburn, let them tear me limb from limb,
With red-hot pincers--
[Violently approaching her with extended arms.
If I clasp but thee
Within my arms, thou fervently beloved!
Madman, avaunt!
To rest upon this bosom,
To press upon this passion-breathing mouth--
Leave me, for God's sake, sir; let me go in--
He is a madman who neglects to clasp
His bliss in folds that never may be loosed,
When Heaven has kindly given it to his arms.
I will deliver you, and though it cost
A thousand lives, I do it; but I swear,
As God's in Heaven I will possess you too!
Oh! will no God, no angel shelter me?
Dread destiny! thou throwest me, in thy wrath,
From one tremendous terror to the other!
Was I then born to waken naught but frenzy?
Do hate and love conspire alike to fright me!
Yes, glowing as their hatred is my love;
They would behead thee, they would wound this neck,
So dazzling white, with the disgraceful axe!
Oh! offer to the living god of joy
What thou must sacrifice to bloody hate!
Inspire thy happy lover with those charms
Which are no more thine own. Those golden locks
Are forfeit to the dismal powers of death,
Oh! use them to entwine thy slave forever!
Alas! alas! what language must I hear!
My woe, my sufferings should be sacred to you,
Although my royal brows are so no more.