Of madness tore him to the ground and tried
To strangle him. No sooner had we saved
The wretch from his fierce grapple than at once
He turned his rage against himself and beat
His breast with savage fists; then cursed himself
And his companions to the depths of hell!
His evidence was false; the fatal letters
To Babington, which he had sworn were true,
He now denounced as forgeries; for he
Had set down words the queen had never spoken;
The traitor Nau had led him to this treason.
Then ran he to the casement, threw it wide
With frantic force, and cried into the street
So loud that all the people gathered round:
I am the man, Queen Mary's secretary,
The traitor who accused his mistress falsely;
I bore false witness and am cursed forever!
You said yourself that he had lost his wits;
A madman's words prove nothing.
Yet this madness
Serves in itself to swell the proof. My liege,
Let me conjure thee; be not over-hasty;
Prithee, give order for a new inquiry!
I will, my lord, because it is your wish,
Not that I can believe my noble peers
Have in this case pronounced a hasty judgment.
To set your mind at rest the inquiry shall
Be straight renewed. Well that 'tis not too late!
Upon the honor of our royal name,
No, not the shadow of a doubt shall rest.
The sentence, sir, which I but late intrusted
Unto your keeping; where is it?
DAVISON (in the utmost astonishment).
The sentence!
ELIZABETH (more urgent).
Which yesterday I gave into your charge.
Into my charge, my liege!
The people urged
And baited me to sign it. I perforce
Was driven to yield obedience to their will.
I did so; did so on extreme constraint,
And in your hands deposited the paper.
To gain time was my purpose; you remember
What then I told you. Now, the paper, sir!
Restore it, sir, affairs have changed since then,
The inquiry must be set on foot anew.
Anew! Eternal mercy!
Why this pause,
This hesitation? Where, sir, is the paper?
I am undone! Undone! My fate is sealed!
ELIZABETH (interrupting him violently).
Let me not fancy, sir--
Oh, I am lost!
I have it not.
How? What?
Oh, God in heaven!
It is in Burleigh's hands-since yesterday.
Wretch! Is it thus you have obeyed my orders?