New bodings in my anxious breast,

Waked by this sudden friendship, rise;

Ne'er would I choose my home of rest

On the stilled lava-stream, that cold

Beneath the mountain lies

Not thus was discord's flame controlled-

Too deep the rooted hate-too long

They brooded in their sullen hearts

O'er unforgotten, treasured wrong. In warning visions oft dismayed,

I read the signs of coming woe;

And now from this mysterious maid

My bosom tells the dreaded ills shall flow:

Unblest, I deem, the bridal chain

Shall knit their secret loves, accursed

With holy cloisters' spoil profane.

No crooked paths to virtue lead;

Ill fruit has ever sprung from evil seed!


And thus to sad unhallowed rites

Of an ill-omened nuptial tie,

Too well ye know their father bore

A bride of mournful destiny,

Torn from his sire, whose awful curse has sped

Heaven's vengeance on the impious bed!

This fierce, unnatural rage atones

A parent's crime-decreed by fate,

Their mother's offspring, strife and hate!

[The scene changes to a garden opening on the sea.

BEATRICE (steps forward from an alcove. She walks to and fro with an

agitated air, looking round in every direction. Suddenly she

stands still and listens).

No! 'tis not he: 'twas but the playful wind

Rustling the pine-tops. To his ocean bed

The sun declines, and with o'erwearied heart

I count the lagging hours: an icy chill

Creeps through my frame; the very solitude

And awful silence fright my trembling soul!

Where'er I turn naught meets my gaze-he leaves me

Forsaken and alone!

And like a rushing stream the city's hum

Floats on the breeze, and dull the mighty sea

Rolls murmuring to the rocks: I shrink to nothing

With horrors compassed round; and like the leaf,

Borne on the autumn blast, am hurried onward

Through boundless space.

Alas! that e'er I left

My peaceful cell-no cares, no fond desires

Disturbed my breast, unruffled as the stream

That glides in sunshine through the verdant mead:

Nor poor in joys. Now-on the mighty surge

Of fortune, tempest-tossed-the world enfolds me

With giant arms! Forgot my childhood's ties

I listened to the lover's flattering tale-

Listened, and trusted! From the sacred dome

Allured-betrayed-for sure some hell-born magic

Enchained my frenzied sense-I fled with him,

The invader of religion's dread abodes!

Where art thou, my beloved? Haste-return-

With thy dear presence calm my struggling soul!

[She listens.

Hark! the sweet voice! No! 'twas the echoing surge

That beats upon the shore; alas! he comes not.

More faintly, o'er the distant waves, the sun

Gleams with expiring ray; a deathlike shudder

Creeps to my heart, and sadder, drearier grows

E'en desolation's self.

[She walks to and fro, and then listens again.

Yes! from the thicket shade

A voice resounds! 'tis he! the loved one!

No fond illusion mocks my listening ear.

'Tis louder-nearer: to his arms I fly-

To his breast!

[She rushes with outstretched arms to the extremity

of the garden. DON CAESAR meets her.


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