Of me, Johanna? Know'st thou what thou askest?


A gracious sovereign throws his portals wide,

Admitting every guest, excluding none;

As freely as the firmament the world,

So mercy must encircle friend and foe.

Impartially the sun pours forth his beams

Through all the regions of infinity;

The heaven's reviving dew falls everywhere,

And brings refreshment to each thirsty plant;

Whate'er is good, and cometh from on high,

Is universal, and without reserve;

But in the heart's recesses darkness dwells!


Oh, she can mould me to her wish; my heart

Is in her forming hand like melted wax.

-Duchatel, I forgive thee-come, embrace me!

Shade of my sire! oh, not with wrathful eye

Behold me clasp the hand that shed thy blood.

Ye death-gods, reckon not to my account,

That my dread oath of vengeance I abjure.

With you, in yon drear realm of endless night,

There beats no human heart, and all remains

Eternal, steadfast, and immovable.

Here in the light of day 'tis otherwise.

Man, living, feeling man, is aye the sport

Of the o'ermastering present.


Lofty maid!

What owe I not to thee! How truly now

Hast thou fulfilled thy word,-how rapidly

Reversed my destiny! Thou hast appeased

My friends, and in the dust o'erwhelmed my foes;

From foreign yoke redeemed my cities. Thou

Hast all achieved. Speak, how can I reward thee?


Sire, in prosperity be still humane,

As in misfortune thou hast ever been;

And on the height of greatness ne'er forget

The value of a friend in times of need;

Thou hast approved it in adversity.

Refuse not to the lowest of thy people

The claims of justice and humanity,

For thy deliverer from the fold was called.

Beneath thy royal sceptre thou shalt gather

The realm entire of France. Thou shalt become

The root and ancestor of mighty kings;

Succeeding monarchs, in their regal state,

Shall those outshine, who filled the throne before.

Thy stock, in majesty shall bloom so long

As it stands rooted in the people's love.

Pride only can achieve its overthrow,

And from the lowly station, whence to-day

God summoned thy deliverer, ruin dire

Obscurely threats thy crime-polluted sons!


Exalted maid! Possessed with sacred fire!

If thou canst look into the gulf of time,

Speak also of my race! Shall coming years

With ampler honors crown my princely line!


High as the throne, thou, Burgundy, hast built

Thy seat of power, and thy aspiring heart

Would raise still higher, even to the clouds,

The lofty edifice. But from on high

A hand omnipotent shall check its rise.

Fear thou not hence the downfall of thy house!

Its glory in a maiden shall survive;

Upon her breast shall sceptre-bearing kings,

The people's shepherds, bloom. Their ample sway

Shall o'er two realms extend, they shall ordain

Laws to control the known world, and the new,

Which God still veils behind the pathless waves.


Oh, if the Spirit doth reveal it, speak;

Shall this alliance which we now renew

In distant ages still unite our sons?

JOHANNA (after a pause).

Sovereigns and kings! disunion shun with dread!

Wake not contention from the murky cave

Where he doth lie asleep, for once aroused

He cannot soon be quelled? He doth beget

An iron brood, a ruthless progeny;

Wildly the sweeping conflagration spreads.

-Be satisfied! Seek not to question further

In the glad present let your hearts rejoice,

The future let me shroud!


Exalted maid!

Thou canst explore my heart, thou readest there

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