That, Master Stauffacher, was my grandfather.

MELCH. (pointing to two peasants).

These two are men who till the cloister lands

Of Engelberg, and live behind the forest.

You'll not think ill of them, because they're serfs,

And sit not free upon the soil, like us.

They love the land, and bear a good repute.

STAUFF. (to them).

Give me your hands. He has good cause for thanks,

That to no man his body's service owes.

But worth is worth, no matter where 'tis found.


That is Herr Reding, sir, our old Landamman.


I know him well. I am at law with him

About a piece of ancient heritage.

Herr Reding, we are enemies in court,

Here we are one.

[Shakes his hand.]


That's well and bravely said.


Listen! They come. The horn of Uri! Hark!

[On the right and left armed men are seen descending the rocks with



Look, is not that the holy man of God?

A worthy priest! The terrors of the night,

And the way's pains and perils scare not him,

A faithful shepherd caring for his flock.


The Sacrist follows him, and Walter Furst.

But where is Tell? I do not see him there.

[Walter Furst, Rosselmann the Pastor, Petermann the Sacrist, Kuoni the

Shepherd, Werni the Huntsman, Ruodi the Fisherman, and five other

countrymen, thirty-three in all, advance and take their places round

the fire.]


Thus must we, on the soil our fathers left us,

Creep forth by stealth to meet like murderers,

And in the night, that should her mantle lend

Only to crime and black conspiracy,

Assert our own good rights, which yet are clear

As is the radiance of the noonday sun.


So be it. What is hatch'd in gloom of night

Shall free and boldly meet the morning light.


Confederates! Listen to the words which God

Inspires my heart withal. Here we are met,

To represent the general weal. In us

Are all the people of the land convened.

Then let us hold the Diet, as of old,

And as we're wont in peaceful times to do.

The time's necessity be our excuse,

If there be aught informal in this meeting.

Still, wheresoe'er men strike for justice, there

Is God, and now beneath His heav'n we stand.


'Tis well advised.-Let us, then, hold the Diet,

According to our ancient usages.-

Though it be night, there's sunshine in our cause.


Few though our numbers be, the hearts are here

Of the whole people; here the BEST are met.


The ancient books may not be near at hand,

Yet are they graven in our inmost hearts.


'Tis well. And now, then, let a ring be formed,

And plant the swords of power within the ground.[*]

[*] It was the custom at the Meetings of the Landes Gemeinde, or Diet,

to set swords upright in the ground as emblems of authority.


Let the Landamman step into his place,

And by his side his secretaries stand.

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