Bleary-eyed, he looked around the room.

A series of marble busts perched like birds of prey atop the large chimneypiece that dominated one wall, while portraits of still more scholars jostled for space along the others. Everywhere he turned, resentful faces peered out at him form dark canvases, as if envious of the living. He turned away, unable to hold their stares.

His mother was clearly in her element. She was chatting easily with the other professors, a confident smile on her face. 'Mingling,' his father had called it on the phone earlier that evening, although his mother preferred a more powerful word:  'networking.'

Duck, too, was making the most of the occasion. She was standing in front of a small semicircle of people, all of whom seemed to be marveling at the things she said. One gooselike lady, wearing a chintzy dress and reeking of gardenias, kept clucking her amazement. 'Yes, yes, oh very clever, yes,' she said, pulling at a pearl necklace. Later he overheard her telling his mother that Duck was 'an astonishing girl, so bright for her age — except for that coat. Most peculiar. And you have a son, you say?'

He dodged through the crowd to avoid detection.

He ended up by a large window and pulled back an edge of curtain to peer outside. It would be the perfect opportunity to escape. There were so many people in the room; no one would notice the disappearance of a small boy.

Just then, he became aware of a woman with silver hair standing beside him. In a sensuous voice that made his skin shiver, she said, 'You must be Blake. I am Diana, Sir Giles Bentley's wife.'

The sound seemed to settle like snow on the back of his neck and he looked up, mesmerized by the feel of it. She wasn't wearing a gown like the other members of the college, but had draped a cream-colored shawl across her shoulders instead. It was fastened together with a mall silver clasp, fashioned into the shape of a delicate butterfly. Blake studied it admiringly. Its papery wings seemed so lifelike; they appeared to move.

She indicated a man in a special robe with gold embroidery on its sleeves, who was standing in the center of the room, surrounded by a large number of people. Blake gulped. Sir Giles Bentley:  he had a shock of white hair, glowering dark eyebrows and eyes as hard as gemstones. Arms folded across his chest, he was huffing and puffing in response to some other man — a cringing scholar in an ill-fitting, toad-colored suit. Paula Richards, the librarian, stood between them, trying to keep them apart.

'They're disagreeing about editions of Goblin Market,' said Diana Bentley with a lisp that again seemed to tickle the back of Blake's neck.

'What market?' he asked, not understanding what she meant.

'Goblin Market,' she repeated. 'It's one of my favorite poems, written by Christina Rossetti in 1862. It's about two sisters who are tempted to eat exotic fruit offered them by little goblin greengrocers. 'Come buy, come buy,' they sing to the girls, one of whom succumbs and the languishes from hunger. The language is wonderful. Lurid and alluring. Of course, it can be read on different levels.'

Blake understood even less of what she was saying and felt his attention begin to wander. While his ears listened faintly to what she told him, his eyes roamed the room.

Yet more members of the Ex Libris Society had arrived. All around him were murmurs about the future of books, which seemed to be threatened because of a new plan to digitalize the Bodleian Library's collection. As Blake watched, Prosper Marchand, one of the leaders of the digitalization project, made a beeline for his mother, with two glasses of wine in his outstretched hands.

Suddenly Sir Giles roared with rage. 'Puce, I tell you!  Christina's copy was puce!  You, sir, are an ignoramus!'

Sputters of confusion circled the room. A short middle-aged woman with lank, brown hair, who appeared to have just stepped off her broom, jumped slightly and remarked to her companion in a voice like a squeaky balloon, 'I wish he wouldn't do that. He frightens me to death!'

Diana, however, seemed unfazed  by the outbreak.

'Giles,' she continued softly, taking Blake's arm, 'believes that the first edition of Goblin Market is the only one scholars should refer to; but I prefer a later version, because the illustrations make the goblins appear more sinister, more beguiling, and therefore more dangerous.'  She smiled and he nodded, thinking this was somehow an appropriate reaction.

Without his noticing, she had led him away from the window towards a large table spread with food. A butler was busily removing lids from plates crammed with lobster, monkfish and orange-glazed duck, accompanied by mountains of steaming vegetables.

What fascinated Blake even more, however, was the selection of fruit. Apart from the usual pineapples, plums and peaches were things he had never seen before:  fruit shaped like stars and others like spiky sponges. There were also orange berries partially hidden inside leafy cages that looked like paper lanterns. He like the look of these especially. It was just like the goblin market Diana Bentley had been describing.

As if confirming his thoughts, the woman hummed 'Come buy, come buy' while her eyes traveled up and down the table. 'It's a splendid feast,' she said to him, and then rejoined her husband near a tureen of pumpkin and coriander soup.

Blake piled his plate high with food and started to eat.

'I'm surprised she didn't offer you Turkish delight,' muttered Duck as soon as she joined him. 'I don't like her. She seems icy.'

Blake shrugged. 'You're just jealous because she didn't pay you any attention.'

'Yeah, right.'

'What is Turkish delight, anyway?' he asked with his mouth full, to change the topic.

'That stuff,' said Duck, pointing to a plate covered with squares of orange and purplish jelly coated in icing sugar. 'Only evil characters in books like it.'

'Oh yeah?' he said, grinning. Unable to resist the temptation, he reached for a piece and shoveled the large shivery portion into his mouth.

'Don't!' squealed Duck.

Immediately, he wished he hadn't. It tasted awful!  The spicy sweetness of the jelly made his teeth twinge. He went to search for a glass of water to rinse his mouth. When he returned, he found Paula Richards deep in conversation with Duck, who was still keeping an eye on the Turkish delight.

To avoid them, he moved over to the selection of fruit. Even though the star-shaped fruit looked tempting, he took one of the lantern-like berries instead, wondering what it would taste like. He hesitated, then plopped it into his mouth.

An elderly gentleman behind him gasped.

Blake turned round, with the orange berry stuck like a gobstopper between his teeth. The man was holding his cheek as if he had a toothache. He looked at Blake and winked. 'I defy you to bite that,' he said. 'It tastes just like shampoo!'

Blake bit down and grimaced. The berry burst in a bubble of flesh that tasted at first sweet, then sour, then slightly sweet again, before finally leaving a bitter residue in his mouth. Shampoo was a good word for it. He loved the sensation and immediately took another.

'They're known as winter cherries,' the man explained in a deep, benevolent voice. 'The appellation makes them sound sweet and appetizing, I find, but nothing prepares you for that ghastly taste! Never trust a euphemistically named fruit, that's what I say.'

'I like them,' said Blake dumbly, even though one side of his mouth felt curiously numb.

'You must be Juliet's son,' said the man, as though the contradictory remark had proved the point. 'My name is Jolyon. I used to teach your mother.'

He extended a hand so large and strong it seemed to engulf the boy's. Blake could feel the bones in his hand compressing like the quills of a fan and only barely managed to wriggle free. Without another word, the professor moved to a plump leather armchair in the center of the room, away from the assembled members of the Ex Libris Society. Blake trailed after him, as if pulled by a gravitational force. He sat down next to him and gave the man a closer look.

Jolyon's gown was shabby and frayed, with long threads dangling from the armpits like untidy spiderwebs. Beneath this, he wore a tweed jacket with a checked shirt and stained tie. Apart from his coarse white hair, which stood up in crests and waves like an unruly sea, he looked just like an overgrown boy who had dressed up in layers of oversized clothing. Blake liked him.

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