— punish him — punish the wretch; after promising to marry you, the very first thing he does is fuck your mother! — did anyone ever see the like?'

She hastily tied up the twigs, put them into Mary's hand and pushed her toward Dick's naked bum, which presented itself in the most suggestive manner as he heaved gently up and down.

He looked smilingly at her, and said, 'Do it, Mary, I deserve a whipping.' But Mary had evidently no heart for the office, and she applied the twigs in the softest way to the buttocks of her lover.

Observing which, Madge pulled the bundle of twigs impatiently out of her hand saying: 'You are no good; give it to me, I'll punish him,' and she laid on Dick's arse with such a will that she made him jump again, to Mrs Bond's manifest delight.

Dick fucked as he had never fucked before. 'Oh! Madge, have you no mercy? Stop you vixen!' and he discharged wit fury into Mrs Bonds fully gratified receiver.

After a few minutes of rest, during which they all arranged their tumbled dress, Mrs Bond said, 'Now, my children, we must separate for the present; but as Madge has promised to remain for the day, we hope that you, Dick, will join our party this evening.'

'thanks, Mrs Bond, I will be most happy,' replied Dick; while Madge added: 'And then, Mrs Bond, you will favour us with the continuation of your interesting story.'


Mrs Bond's story

On his way to the hospital after accepting Mrs Bond's invitation for the evening, Dick bethought him — to use his own words — how strangely Fortune in her blindness totes her gifts to us mortals! While she ignores some, she heaps on others more than they know what to do with. Many a poor evil goes moping about looking for someone to take pity on his loneliness, and cheer him up with a bit of cunt; while I, perhaps not half so worthy, feel overborne by l'embarras des richesses! Now there is Polly, who must not be forgotten; merry little Jim, she will not be overlooked; Mary, my sweet fiancee, ever ready and exacting too; and now the circle is enlarged not only by Madge but by Mrs Bond, the weightiest of them all. I am nearly used up as it is, and if I encounter these three tonight on my own, I guess that by tomorrow morning, I shall be like what Polly calls a ha'p'orth of soap after a week's washing.

I must get someone to share the burden with me. The friend who sprang to mind was Jack Price, who, he had just learned, was engaged to marry Madge Stevens. We have had many a spree together, he went on to himself, and it was only the other day that, in a fit of great cordiality, we promised one another that if ever we married we would sometimes swap wives for the sake of a little variety; and if wives, why not sweethearts?

So he looked up Jack, and soon found that, so far as he was concerned, there would be no objection; it was, in fact, just the thing to please him, and he was all expectation and desire.

It only remained to win over Mrs Bond — which might involve some difficulty as she was so very particular about her reputation.

At first when Dick broached the subject to her, she did not at all relish the idea of entrusting the secrets their private sports to one who was a comparative stranger; but when Dick undertook to answer for his fidelity, and said he had already sworn him to secrecy, and especially when he dilated on his manly capacity and virile powers, she readily gave her consent.

It was arranged by Mrs Bond, who wanted to pay off the girls for their treatment of herself, that Jack was to lie in hiding until they were in full swing then to be called forth by herself.

Mrs Bond had a private sitting-room, which she called her 'sanctum' and in which scene of their orgies that night, and she said he could conceal himself there if she could smuggle him into the house without the knowledge of the girls.

Dick suggested leaving the hall door open at tea-time, when Jack could slip into his rooms unobserved, then by watching his opportunity he might himself conduct him to the sanctum.

So it was finally settled; Polly was allowed out for the evening, and Jim, as usual, went early to bed.

Jack succeeded in getting in without notice, and was soon concealed under a sofa, while the girls were upstairs dressing, or rather undressing, themselves — for the very lightest costume was to be the order of the night.

Passing over the merry jokes and light freedoms that diversified the supper, and the plentiful libations that followed (the hidden one not being neglected), we come to the real business of the night.

When they had betaken themselves to the sanctum, they found the rooms so warm that with one consent they threw off all remaining cover. Then Mrs Bond, with one girl on either side of her, reclined on the old-fashioned sofa (under which Jack lay concealed) and invited Dick to lie across on their bare thighs. Dick approved of the plan, for he could thus lay his face close to Madge's fragrant slit, and by turning his foot, could nestle his toes between the soft lips of Mary's sweet recesses, while his bottom rested in Mrs Bond's luxurious lap, and her experienced fingers played with their accustomed skill around his prick and balls.

Dick told me that no one ever touched him so pleasantly as she did; she was perfect mistress of the art. She knew, what all women seem to know, that the virile organism is a highly sensitive apparatus and needs delicate handling. She did not rub or frig, but she applied such soft and ever shifting touches that for a lengthened period she sustained the prick in the highest stage of exaltation, without extracting one drop of its brimming seed.

'Now for the story,' cried Madge, as she spread her legs to enjoy more of Dick's gratifying titillation; 'we are all longing to hear how you and Dindee got on together.'

'Well, my dears, I can't ell you how fond I grew of Dindee's black prick.

I used to pet it and frig it and kiss it at every opportunity. He sometimes climbed up to my window and entered my bedroom at night. And then we would both strip naked and play all sorts of antics.

His favourite way of fucking was from behind; he said he liked to rub his belly on my bottom the way dogs and horses did. I did not dislike it either, so to please him, I generally went on my hands and knees, and he held me around the hips, and tickled my clitoris while he fucked.

However when I found out how he acquired the taste, I turned from him in disgust and never let him come near me again.

'It happened this way. One evening when I was alone, I went out to the stable to look for Dindee. Intending to surprise him, I softly approached the open door, and looked in. I saw Dindee in the far corner, as I thought grooming the donkey, and I was just going to call him, when something in his manner stopped me and caused me to look with more attention. And oh! Girls, what do you think he was doing?

He was fucking my donkey; and she seemed used to it, for she stood perfectly still, and stooped her haunches with her hind legs spread apart and her tail twisted to one side, and his long black prick rushed in and out of the slit at her bottom.

'I turned and went away in disgust, and soon afterward got my father to part with him, for I abhorred the noting of being a co-partner with a beast.

'But though I gave Dindee up I had no intention of giving up my favourite pastime. Indeed I could not if I would; for my cunt had grown quite imperious in its demands; it was always craving for a prick. I tried in every way to appease it; I bathed it; I injected hot water; I used candles and various substitutes. I certainly had nothing half so good as this dildo, but if I had, it would not have satisfied me; nothing but the living, bounding prick would do for my longing, hungry cunt.

'So I cast about for someone to fill his place. At last, I bethought me of our family physician. He was married, it was true, but that did not stop me; in fact, it added zest to the enterprise.

'He had shown me in many little ways that he was quite ready to make free with me, and you know how quick a girl is in such matters, so I felt certain there would be no hesitation on his part to go as far as I would allow him.

'I therefore called boldly at his house, and told his servant that I wanted to consult her master. I was shown

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