the root of his weapon, before he arrived at the crisis of his enjoyment. This was but the prelude to numberless encounters of a similar description, always more or less ecstatic, both in my brother's study and at the respectable and convenient lodgings, kept by Mrs. Boss. But pleasure cannot last forever, and I had to return to school while Harry had to go back to college. Before we parted however, we renewed vows of mutual affection; he, on his part, declaring his intention of marrying me as soon as he could see his way clear towards anything like a settlement in life, and I faithfully promising that however good my offers might be, received in the meantime, I would wait for him.

'Now, whether anything will come of the matter, I know not,' exclaimed Miss Lovit, in an amusing tone. 'He may fancy somebody else better than me; or circumstances may compel me to marry for money, but at any rate Rosa, to finish my story, I can tell you that I have enjoyed myself very much, and without any harm being done.'

This narrative pleased Miss Fielding very much, the prospects of enjoying the ecstasies described by Miss Harriet without running any risk of becoming big with child, on any favourable or tempting opportunity, was very delightful. Then Mr. Bonham's attachment was a certainty, whether he made her his wife, or kept her as his mistress, he would not have taken the trouble and expense of placing her at Mrs.

Moreen's for no purpose.

Consequently, she was very much pleased upon receiving a letter from Mr. Bonham about a week afterwards, in which he announced his intention of visiting her to see if she was happy and comfortable. He had, he said, informed Mrs. Moreen of his intended visit. That lady, on the day indicated, gravely recommended Rosa to go upstairs and change her dress, and to make herself look as becoming as possible.

The good old lady had not lived sixty years in this world for nothing, and knew that the better Rosa looked, the better her self-made guardian would be pleased, and the more Rosa was indulged, the better account she would give of her situation, and the more likely she would be to stay out the year, or two years, whatever Mr. Bonham designed. Consequently when Rosa was sent for into the drawingroom to see Mr. Bonham, with whom Mrs. Moreen had already had some interesting points of conversation, she was looking so very blooming and handsome that the older lady evidently considered her a credit to herself and her school. And then she withdrew politely, considering that the guardian and his ward might have some interesting family matters to talk over. And Rosa did commence the conversation, by enquiring as in duty bound, how her father and mother were. This question being answered satisfactorily, her worthy guardian proceeded to take her upon his knee, which proceeding Rosa rewarded by giving him an affectionate kiss. Thanks to the conversation and fingerings of Miss Lovit, and one or two other young ladies, our heroine was not nearly so bashful as she had been during the incidents in the carriage, and thought that if Mr. Bonham was a little encouraged, she would be mistress of an establishment of her own, and no longer a schoolgirl all the sooner. So when Mr. Bonham began gently to raise her clothes, instead of remonstrating with him, or offering to prevent him doing so, she said in a coaxing tone: 'I hope my dear guardian, you are pleased with my appearance, Mrs.

Moreen told me to dress myself as well as possible and to make myself look nice, and I hope-oh, if you want to inspect my silk stockings and under linen, you are quite welcome. You ought to, for it is due to your great kindness that I look so well. Had you not better bolt the door?'

This last speech was produced by her respectable lover beginning to show signs of virility. He had got the forefinger of his right hand in his protegee's cunt, while with his left hand he was trying to free his manly weapon from its imprisonment, but he was in too great a hurry to have taken any such precautions as bolting the door. If he thought at all on the subject, he no doubt considered that Mrs. Moreen knew better than to come into the drawing- room again. If so he was right.

But whatever he considered, it is quite certain what he did, that was to shove Rosa backwards upon the sofa, requesting her to pull her clothes up and stretch her legs wide, while he let his trousers slip down to his knees and tucked up his shirt. As he carefully inserted the purple end of his respectable tool into the young girl's little quim, she said in whispering tones: 'Oh, my dear Mr. Bonham, recollect that I am still a maid, no one but you has so much as even attempted my virginity, and if to give you this pleasure, I suffer pain at present and loss of reputation in future, you will keep your promise, won't you, and make me your wife?'

By this time the worthy gentleman had got well into her, and she was so deliciously tight, so sweet in all her private parts, and her face was so blushing and beautiful-that if she had asked him to make her Empress of China, he would have sworn to use his best endeavours in that direction. As it was, he stuttered out as well as he could, for he was ramming through her virgin barrier, that she should be his wife in twelve months, if he could wait so long for the full enjoyment of her lovely person. It must not be supposed that he made this honestly intended purpose coherently, for it was much interrupted by his gallant efforts to penetrate into his ward's sweet sanctuary, and also by soothing her, and stopping her mouth with kisses to prevent the halfuttered exclamations which Rosa could not entirely repress. At last, he managed to get in, up to his balls; and in two or three more shoves experienced the delight and relief of spunking into a virgin womb. He sighed with satisfied pleasure, as he sank with his whole inert weight upon Rosa's belly and breasts, telling her that she had charmed him beyond anything that he had imagined possible, and that he would come to see her again as soon as prudence for her sake would possibly permit. All this was very pleasant for Rosa to hear and made up in some degree for the smart caused by her burst maidenhead. This however her experienced protector assured her could easily be alleviated by the use of a little lukewarm milk and water. And so making her a present of a pretty purse containing a sum for pocket money, and complimenting Mrs. Moreen upon the improved manners and appearance of his ward, he took his departure.

That very afternoon, however, as he was strolling towards his club in Pall Mall, somewhat to his surprise, he met with Captain Alfred Torrant, of the 51st Dragoons. That young swell attributed his presence in London to having some business at his army agents; and as this was natural enough after the conversation he had had with his uncle, the pretext passed without challenge; the facts of the case, however, being that Captain Torrant had treacherous designs against his worthy uncle, intending if possible to find through this means, some opportunity of introducing himself to Rosa, and also not adverse, upon a suitable occasion, to offering to lead his relative's elderly boyhood into snares.

This trap the good Mr. Bonham did not fall into at once, as he announced that he was going to dine at his club, so Alfred declared, prompted by a bright invention, that he and a brother officer were going to dine at Greenwich, and proposed that they should call for him at the Fag and Famish Club, and go down the river and dine together.

This suggestion was at once adopted by Mr. Bonham, as being a very good one, and the three carried out their project. Mr. Bonham brought with him a country appetite, and perhaps felt the want of a stimulus to supply the natural exhaustion caused by his exertions that morning.

He ate heartily and drank deeply, more deeply indeed than he was aware of.

Such stuff as champagne and Moselle and claret, could not take effect on such a port-wine drinker as he was, he thought.

Couldn't they though? More especially when consumed upon top of cold punch, pale ale, Madeira, all of which beverages he had partaken since dinner began. So that when a return to London was proposed, the worthy gentleman felt quite regenerated, physically speaking, and 'up to' any species of amusement proposed by the young officers.

After a little consultation with his friend, Captain Torrant confidentially informed Mr. Bonham, that if he would promise not to tell Eliza, he would show him a scene or two of London life known only to a few of the initiated.

'All right, Alfred my boy, I'm game for anything,' was the reply.

So upon arriving at London Bridge, two hansom cabs were chartered for the friendly trio. One four-wheeler would have held them all-but catch Captain Torrant riding in a four-wheeler except with a pretty girl inside, and even then with the blinds down, so his fashionable friends could not witness his degradation.

We did not hear the direction given to the drivers, and so cannot specify the exact locality of the establishment to which their course was directed; suffice it to say that at the end of about a half hour, Mr.

Bonham found himself at the door of a respectable looking but rather dingy house, in a quite out of the way street.

On the young officers presenting their cards, the party was instantly, and most graciously received by a stout, smiling and gorgeously dressed lady, who did the honours of a gorgeously and handsomely furnished room, provided with what Mr. Bonham considered a superabundance of luxurious sofas.

More champagne was immediately the order of the evening, and Mr. B having been introduced to the hostess

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