and cuffs. His stubby fingers were firmly attached to the push pole. Rainspot tried prying his colleague's fingers free. 'Ow, ow!' Roperig yelled. 'You're tearing my fingers off!'

'Don't be such a crybaby,' said Sighter.

'Cutwood, did you put glue on this end of the pole?' asked Rainspot.

'Absolutely not! By gears, I would never do that without telling him first.' Cutwood's invocation of the sacred word

'gears' proved that he was telling the truth.

'Hmm.' Kitiara drummed her fingers on the cart wheel.

'Maybe it's more of this crazy Lunitari magic.'

'You mean I'll be stuck to this cart forever?'

'Don't be distressed, master. I can saw this pole off,' Fitter said. He patted his boss on the back consolingly.

'Rot,' said Bellcrank. 'If Master Brightblade will lend me his knife, I'll scrape your fingers off in no time.'

Roperig blanched. 'You will not!'

'Then we can saw very carefully around your fingers.'

'No one's going to cut or saw anything,' Kitiara said. 'If this stickiness is related to my strength or Sturm's visions, then you ought to give some thought to how it works before you start hacking away on a fellow's fingers.'

'Quite so,' said Sighter. 'Now, could it be more than coincidence that we acquire abilities connected to our life's work I Rainspot makes rain, Lady Kitiara grows mightier as a warrior — and Roperig, master of cords and knots finds himself bound by his own hands. It's as though some subtle, yet powerful, force were enhancing our natural attributes.'

'Roperig can probably free himself if he wishes to,' said

Kitiara. 'Just as Rainspot can wish for his rain.'

'All I wanted to do was keep my grip when we slipped in the ditch,' Roperig said glumly.

He screwed his eyes tightly shut and wished hard.

'Harder! Concentrate!' urged Sighter. Cutwood whipped out his magnifying glass and peered intently at Roperig's stuck hands. Slowly, with faint sucking sounds, his hands peeled off the cart pole.

'Ow, ow!' Roperig whimpered, waving his hands about.

'That stings!'

The cart was shoved to the top of the gully rim. The gnomes passed a water bottle around. Fitter handed it to

Kitiara, who had a short swig before offering it to Sturm.

He held it a long time, staring at the ground and not drink ing.

'Now what?' she said, taking the bottle back.

'This magic worries me. Couldn't we refuse it somehow, give it back?'

She pushed the plug back into the bottle. 'Why should we? We ought to get used to it, learn to control the effect.'

Kitiara flexed a hand into a fist. She could feel the strength within her, like the warmth of sweet wine in her veins. It was intoxicating, that taste of power. She looked Sturm in the eye. 'If we return to Krynn penniless, weaponless, and armorless, I hope our powers remain.'

'It isn't right,' he said stubbornly.

'Right? This is the only right that matters!' The water bottle exploded when she crushed it in her fingers.

Little Fitter stooped to get the glazed shards. 'You broke the bottle, lady,' he said. 'Did you cut yourself?'

She showed him her undamaged hand. 'A lot of things may get broken around here before I'm through,' she said angrily.

By the hour Krynn had set on the northeast horizon, the explorers were more than halfway back to the Cloudmaster.

There was nothing ahead but flat ground, rocks, and red dust. They trod on, the humans apart and silent, the gnomes once more chattering.

The pilot of the flying ship walked slower and slower, until finally he stopped.

'Move along, lad,' said Sighter, pushing Wingover in the back. 'Don't want to get left behind, do you?'

'It's gone,' announced Wingover.

'What's gone?'

'The ship. The Cloudmaster.'

'You're plain daft. We're a good eight miles away, how could you see from here?'

'I don't know, but I can see the spot clearly,' said

Wingover. He squinted into the distance. 'There's a big rut, some skid marks, and a few broken crates lying around, but the ship is gone.'

Sturm and Kitiara converged on the far-seeing gnome.

'Are you sure, Wingover?' said Sturm.

'It's gone,' the gnome insisted.

Sighter and the other gnomes were loudly skeptical, but

Sturm ordered them to quicken their pace. The miles rolled aside, and still Wingover said the flying ship was missing from its landing place. He described in precise detail the jet sam left at the scene, and his certainty infected the party with apprehension. With barely a mile left to go, Kitiara could stand it no longer. She broke into a run and quickly left the rest behind.

Sturm and the gnomes plodded on. Kitiara came jogging back. 'Wingover's right,' she said. 'The Cloudmaster is gone.' The gnomes immediately surrounded Wingover and started poking his face and pulling at his eyelids. The gnome pilot slapped at the intruding fingers, while his colleagues, completely forgetting the news Kitiara had brought, tried to discover the cause of his remarkable eyesight.

'It's the Lunitari magic,' Wingover said. 'Leave me alone!'

'Could Stutts and company have repaired the ship them selves and flown away?' Sturm asked.

Kitiara loosened her fur collar to let the cool air in. 'There are tracks all over — little circular imprints — I think the ship was carried off.'

'Carried off?' said Fitter in awe.

'Do you know how much that ship weighs?' said Sighter.

She put out her chin and replied, 'I don't care if it's heavi er than Mt. Nevermind. Somebody or something picked it up and carried it away.'

Sturm said, 'Then 'they' are very strong, or very numer ous.'

'Or both,' said Kitiara grimly.

Chapter 13

The Walking Trees

The sun shone over the fiels of stones where the Cloudmaster had first met Lunitari. The exploration party ringed the site, gazing helplessly at the empty furrow in the ground. As Wingover had seen from eight miles away, the flying ship and the three gnomes who remained on it were gone. The landing wheels that had broken off when they struck the moon were the only part of the ship left behind. Aside from the wheels, there were two empty crates, some bean sacks, and the remnants of a campfire.

'Who could have done this?' Bellcrank asked.

Cutwood crawled about with his lens, studying tracks.

Sturm kicked through the pitiful remains of the camp and said, 'At least there's no sign of bloodshed.'

'Sixty,' Cutwood proclaimed. He had dirt on his nose and in his beard. 'At least sixty people were here. They

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