your sword? Rapaldo has mine!'

'On the floor in front of Sighter,' she said.

Sturm scrambled forward on his belly as Rapaldo flitted through the tops of the tree-men. Kitiara called to Sturm, explaining the crazed king's ability to levitate.

'He's dropped part of his weights,' Sighter added. 'He's floating about six feet off the ground.'

Sturm's hand closed over Kitiara's sword handle and was up in a flash. Her blade was light and keen, and seemed to slice the air with a will of its own'.' Sturm saw Rapaldo's tat tered pants' legs and rope sandals stepping on the heads of the tree-men. Sturm slashed at him, but only succeeded in chipping off bits of the Lunitarian that Rapaldo was stand ing on. The king of Lunitari bounded away, giggling.

'I can't see him!' Sturm complained. 'Wingover, where is he?'

'On your left — behind — ' Sturm ducked the axe blow and cut at Rapaldo. He felt the tip of Kitiara's sword snag cloth and heard the cloth tear.

'Close, very close, Sir Sturmbright, but you're too heavy on your feet,' Rapaldo said, chortling.

'Kit, I'd welcome any tactical suggestions you might want to make,' Sturm said, his chest heaving in the chill night air.

'What you need is a crossbow,' Kitiara hissed. She strained against the enfolded limbs of solid wood that held her. Because her arms were pinned at her sides, she could not get any leverage. Kitiara tried to twist her shoulders from side to side. The tree-man's arms groaned and cracked, but held firm.

Sturm shifted the dagger to his right hand and put the sword in his left. The hall was very quiet. The gnomes, who had been crying for their fallen colleague, ceased all noise.

Sturm crouched low and moved to the ramshackle throne.

He climbed up on the chair and stood erect. 'Rapaldo!

Rapaldo, I'm on your throne. I spit on it, Rapaldo! You're a petty, lunatic carpenter who dreams he is a king.'

The clink of chain warned him — a split second later the axe bit deeply into the back of the chair and stuck there, wedged tightly by the tough oak of Krynn. Rapaldo tried frantically to free the axe, but his spindly arms and lack of leverage prevented him.

'Surrender!' Sturm demanded, presenting the point of the dagger to Rapaldo's throat.

'Ta-ra-ra!' cried the king, planting his feet on the back of the throne. He heaved the tall chair over backward, sending him, Sturm, bare sword, axe, and dagger down together in a heap. There was a mighty crash, a scream, and silence.

'Sturm!' called Kitiara.

He shook himself free of the shattered chair and stood. A gash in his cheek bled, but Sturm was otherwise unhurt.

Rapaldo was pinned to the floor, the dagger through his heart. His legs and arms floated above aimlessly. Drops of blood flowed up the dagger's hilt and detached, drifting up into the air.

Sturm found the axe in the debris. Stolidly ignoring the fact that the trees would be living beings again by morning, he chopped Kitiara and Sighter free. The other gnomes descended from the wall and helped get Bellcrank out of the wooden bonds. They laid the stout gnome gently on the floor and covered his face with their kerchiefs. Fitter began to sob.

'What shall we do?' asked Wingover tearfully.

Kitiara said, 'Bellcrank is avenged. What more is there to do?'

'Oughtn't we to bury him?' said Roperig heavily.

'Yes, of course,' said Sturm. He gathered Bellcrank in his arms and led the sorrowing band outside.

The gnomes stood together. The only sounds were sniffles and the scuffing of small shoes. Sighter brushed the wood chips from his clothes and strode off. The others fell in behind him. He went to the middle of the mushroom garden and stopped. Pointing to the red fluff, he declared that this was the spot.

The gnomes began to dig. Kitiara offered to help, but

Cutwood politely declined. The gnomes knelt in a circle and dug the grave with their hands. When they were satisfied,

Sturm stepped in and, with great feeling, laid the heroic

Bellcrank in his final resting place.

Sighter spoke first. 'Bellcrank was a fine technician and a good chemist. Now he is dead. The engine has ceased to run, the gears have seized and stopped.' Sighter tossed a handful of pale crimson soil over his friend. 'Farewell, fare well.'

Wingover said, 'He was a skilled metallurgist,' and added another handful of dirt.

'An excellent arguer,' noted Cutwood, choking back emotion.

'A dedicated experimenter,' Rainspot said, sprinkling his portion.

'The finest of gear makers,' said Roperig sorrowfully.

When Fitter's turn came, he was too upset to think of any thing to say. 'He-he was a hearty eater,' the littlest gnome murmured at last. Roperig managed a fond smile and patted his apprentice on the back.

They mounded the dirt over their fallen friend. Wingover went back into the keep and returned with a piece of iron work from Rapaldo's wrecked ship. It was a gear, part of the

Tarvolina's capstan. The gnomes set this on the grave, as a monument to their colleague.

Kitiara turned her back and headed for the keep. After a moment of respectful silence, Sturm hurried after her. 'You might have found something to say to the gnomes,' he chid ed.

'We have much to do before the sun rises again. We've got to gather our belongings and get as far from here as the night will let us,' she said.

'Why the haste? Rapaldo is dead.'

Kitiara swept an arm around. 'His subjects are very much alive! How do you think they'll feel when they awaken and find their god-king dead?'

Sturm pondered this a moment, then said, 'We can hide the body.'

'No good,' she said, crossing the outer wall. 'The tree men will assume the worst if we're gone and Rapaldo's miss ing.' Kitiara paused at the door to the throne room. 'All the more reason to get out of here and find the Cloudmaster.'

She was right. Sturm found his dented helmet and put it on. Kitiara replaced her sword and wrenched the dagger out of the dead man's chest. Seeing Rapaldo bobbing like a cork gave her a macabre idea. She knelt on one knee and unwound the remaining chain from Rapaldo's waist. They could use it when they found the flying ship.

Kitiara gripped Rapaldo's bloody shirt and guided the body toward Sturm. 'Here's my idea of a quick and easy funeral,' she said, letting go. The lifeless body of Rapaldo the First rose slowly, turning slightly as it went. Within min utes, it was lost from sight in the violet vault of the sky.

Sturm was aghast.

'It could just as easily have been me he killed, you know,' she said flatly. 'My only regret is that you got to him instead of me.'

'He was a demented wretch. There was no honor in slay ing such a person.'

'Honor! One day you'll face a foe without your concept of honor, and that will be the end of Sturm Brightblade.'

They went back to the mushroom garden. The gnomes were waiting. Their tall expedition packs were weighed down even further with bits of metal salvaged from

Rapaldo's cache. Kitiara announced her intention to follow the path that the Micones had been on before their tracks were lost in the rocks. Sighter looked to Sturm.

'What do you say, Master Brightblade?'

'I have no better plan,' he replied simply. A chill was growing in his heart. The woman who dealt so harshly with a dead foe was more and more like a stranger to him.

This was their darkest hour since leaving Krynn. One of their own was dead, buried in the cold moon soil, and a poor, insane king spiraled ever upward, a weightless corpse with no place to land. It would be a long, unhappy night.

And yet, when the sun next shone over Rapaldo's garden, a giant mushroom grew out of the grave of

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