'Why should I?' She hitched her sword belt into its proper angle and set off, trailing her horse behind her. Tirolan and Sturm reluctantly followed. She chose, for no obvious reason, a tavern called The Severed Head. Kitiara tied her horse outside, kicked the door open, and stood there, surveying the room. Figures stirred in the dim recesses. An odd, fetid odor wafted out the door.

'Faw!' said Tirolan. 'That smell is not human.'

'Come, Kit, this is no place for us.' Sturm tried to take her by the elbow and steer her away. But Kitiara would have none of it. She jerked her arm free and stepped in.

'I'm tired of barren roads and snug ships,' she said. 'This looks like an interesting place.'

'Be on your guard,' Sturm muttered in Tirolan's pointed ear. 'Kit's a good friend, but long months of the quiet life in Solace have made her reckless.' Tirolan winked and followed Kitiara inside. There wasn't an actual bar in The Severed Head, just a scattering of tables and benches.

Kitiara swaggered to a table near the center of the room and threw one leg over the back of a chair.

'Barkeep!' she shouted. In the darkness, heads swiveled toward her.

Sturm saw more than one pair of eyes glowing in the shadows. They were red, like the coals in a farrier's furnace. Sturm and Tirolan sat down warily. A squat, lumpish creature appeared by Kitiara's elbow. It puffed like a leaky bellows, and each breath brought a fresh wave of foulness.

'Uhh?' said the lumpish creature.

'Ale,' she snapped.


'Ale!' she said a little louder. The creature shook its upper body in negative fashion. Kitiara slapped the tabletop.

'Bring the specialty of the house,' she said. This elicited an affirmative grunt. The servant trundled around.

'Double-quick!' Kit screeched, and the creature ambled off. Something rose out of the tavern's shadows. It stood a good half-head taller than Sturm and was at least twice as wide. The shambling hulk approached their table.

'This is not a place for you,' said the hulk. Its voice was deep and hollow.

'I don't know,' Kitiara said airily, 'I've been in worse.'

'This is not a place for you,' it repeated.

'Maybe we should go,' said Tirolan quickly. 'There are many taverns.'

He eyed the door, gauging the distance to it.

'I already ordered. Sit down.'

The hulk leaned over and rested a hand, as big as a dinner plate and with four fingers, on the table. The hand was dry and scaly.

'You go, or I send you out!' said the hulk.

Tirolan sprang up. 'There's no need for trouble — '

The creature's other arm shot out, catching the elf in the chest. Tirolan staggered back. His hood fell off his head, revealing his elven features. There was a general intake of breath in the room. The hiss was enough to make the hair on Sturm's neck bristle. 'Kurtrah!' said the menacing creature.

Sturm and Kitiara stood smoothly but quickly. Swords flicked out of sheaths. Tirolan produced an elvish short sword, and the three closed together, back to back.

'What have you gotten us into?' Sturm asked, keeping his blade on guard.

'I just wanted a little fun,' Kitiara replied. 'What's the matter, Sturm? Do you want to live forever?'

A three-legged stool hurtled out of the dark. Sturm knocked it aside with his blade. 'Not forever, but a few more years would be nice!'

Somewhere in the gloom, steel glinted.

'Move for the door,' Tirolan said. 'There are too many of these things in here to fight.'

A clay mug shattered on an overhead beam, showering them with shards. 'And I can barely see them!'

'It would be nice to have a candle or two,' admitted Kitiara. One huge figure moved out of the shadows toward her. It wielded a blade as wide as her palm, but she parried, disengaged, and thrust into the darkness. Kitiara felt her sword point strike flesh, and her attacker howled.

'Candle? I can do better than that!' Tirolan said. He whirled and jammed his sword into the center of their table. He began to sing in Elvish, hastily and shakily. The blade of his weapon glowed red. Two creatures closed on Sturm. He beat against their heavier weapons, making a lot of noise but accomplishing nothing.

'Tirolan, we need you!' he barked. The elf sang on. The short sword was nearly white now. Smoke curled up from the tabletop. An instant later, the table burst into flame. The enemy stood out in the first flash of fire. There were eight of them, great, brawny lizardlike creatures in thickly quilted cloaks. The light dazzled them, and they retreated a few steps. Kitiara gave a battle cry and attacked. She avoided a cut by her towering opponent and brought the keen edge of her sword down on the creature's arm. The big sword clattered to the floor. Kitiara took her weapon in both hands and thrust it deep into her foe's chest. The creature bellowed in rage and pain, and tried to get her with its clawed hand. She recovered and thrust again. The creature groaned once and fell on its face. Sturm traded cuts with two creatures. The burning table filled the room with smoke, and the creatures backed away, gasping. Tirolan, on Sturm's right, was not doing well. He'd recovered his now-cool sword, but the short weapon was doubly outclassed. Only his superior nimbleness was saving him from being cut down. With a bang, the creatures stormed the tavern door and smashed it aside. Flames had spread down the table's legs to the tinder-dry floor.

'Out, out!' Sturm cried. Kitiara was still dueling, so Sturm grabbed her by the back of the collar and pulled her away.

'Let go! Leave me alone!' She threw an elbow at Sturm. He blocked the blow and shook Kitiara.

'Listen to me! The place is burning down around your ears! Get out!' he cried. Reluctantly, she complied. The smoke billowing from the upper-story windows had drawn a crowd of curious Caergothians. Tirolan, Sturm, and Kitiara erupted into the street ahead of the flames. Sturm scanned the watching crowd, but the strange lizard creatures were gone. The three of them leaned on each other and coughed the rancid smoke from their lungs. Gradually, Sturm became aware of the silence of the crowd around them. He lifted his head and saw that they all were staring at Tirolan.

'Elf,' someone said, making the word sound like a curse.

'Trying to burn down our town,' said another.

'Always causing trouble,' added a third.

'Back to the boat,' Sturm murmured to Tirolan. 'And watch your back.'

Kitiara offered Tirolan's fee, but he took only half. The elvish sailor started off as Sturm and Kitiara mounted their horses. He stopped, though, turned, and tossed a shiny purple carved gem to Kit. A wink of his eye made her smile.

'A gift,' was all he said. The three of them then parted.

Chapter 4

A Hint of Purple

Kitiara and Sturm rode up a winding trail to the sand cliffs overlooking the bay. The High Crest had shrunk to toy size in the distance. After a last look at the elf ship, they turned their horses inland. They soon reached the road outside the walls of Caergoth. From the sutlers and traders who lined the road they bought bread and meat, dried fruit and cheese. The road ran as straight as an arrow east. Domed and cobbled, it was one of the few public works remaining from pre-Cataclysmic times. Kitiara and Sturm rode side by side down the center of the road. Its shoulders were fairly thick with travelers on foot, at least for the first ten miles or so from the city. By mid- afternoon, they were alone. They said little.

Kitiara finally broke the silence saying, 'I wonder why there are no travelers on the way to Caergoth.'

'I was puzzled by that myself,' said Sturm. 'A bare road is a bad sign.'

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