she! A crop of short, spiky hair ruffled out of the black cowl and stood straight up on her head. Her skin was pale ivory, and her eyes enormous and black. Her pointed ears stood out from her close-cut hair. Riverwind had never seen an elf before, but he'd heard enough about them to know he was
looking at a girl of elvish blood.
At that precise moment, Catchflea appeared, a knout of
wood in his hand. He'd heard Riverwind's war cry and was rallying to help. “I'm with you, tall man!” he shouted gamely.
Unfortunately for Catchflea, the four timid soldiers were between him and Riverwind. They obviously decided the daft-looking old man couldn't be very dangerous, so they swarmed him. The firewood was struck from his hand, and down he went.
Riverwind had stared too long at the elf girl. The soldiers' leader struck him from behind with the baton. Riverwind fell against a stack of clay pots and sent them clattering to
the stone floor. Before he could regain his feet in the pot
sherds, the leader advanced and struck the plainsman again on the head. The burning lantern flared wildly in Riverwind's eyes, then all was dark.
Chapter Four
The soldiers dragged Catchflea and Riverwind out of the chamber, to a wide corridor, and dumped them against the wall. The black-eyed elf girl knelt by Riverwind and put the neck of a copper bottle to his lips. He coughed and opened his eyes.
“By the gods!” he sputtered. “Is that water or brine?” The girl kept the bottle at his mouth even when he tried to turn his face away. His hands were chained tightly to his sides.
“Enough!” he said and shoved the bottle with his head. The girl took the bottle away. She tugged Catchflea to a sitting position and gave him some salty water, too. The old soothsayer choked and shook his head.
“Are you trying to poison me?” he said groggily.
“It's all right, Catchflea,” Riverwind said. “She means to be kind.”
“Oh, my head. What happened?”
“We were bested by these underground elves.”
“Elves!” exclaimed Catchflea.
“So it would seem. Did you not notice the girl's features?”
Catchflea squinted at the spiky-haired creature, now withdrawn to the opposite side of the tunnel. “Branchala bless me,” he said. “You're right, tall man.”
The gruff leader appeared. He flipped the leering visor up. His countenance was like the girl's-pale skin, prominent eyes, sharp chin, and long, thin nose. When the girl piped a few words at him, he raised his baton as if to hit her.
“You're a brute,” Riverwind said matter-of-factly. “A blustering bully who beats on defenseless children.” The leader, distracted, rattled off a long interrogative sentence at him. Riverwind shook his head. “I don't understand.” The useless exchange went on until the leader quit in disgust.
The soldiers, bolder now that the tall plainsman was chained, prodded him and Catchflea to their feet. The tunnel ceiling here was even lower than the one before. River-wind's head bumped the black stone. He had a momentary rush of claustrophobia, but it receded quickly. He didn't want to show any weakness in front of his captors.
The girl and the leader led them down the passage. Riverwind stumbled along, back bent and arms tied. Catchflea was likewise chained. Blue globes lit the way, but there were as many that did not shine. Riverwind wondered what fueled the strange spheres, and why so many were dark.
“Where do you think they're taking us?” asked the old man.
“To the surface, I hope,” Riverwind replied.
“In Silvanesti, yes?”
“That I can't even guess at.”
One of the soldiers trailing Catchflea decided to trip him. The old soothsayer sprawled hard on the floor, bashing his nose. Blood flowed from one nostril to his tangled beard.
Riverwind turned around. The four elves had their visors open, and one had a smirk on his face. Riverwind lashed out with one long leg and caught the smirker in the chest. Propelled by the powerful kick, the elf sailed back into the darkness and landed with a jingle of falling metal. His comrades laughed, and even the leader smiled.
“At least they've some idea of fair play,” Riverwind said. Catchflea got to his feet shakily.
“And a rough sense of humor, yes,” he said sourly.
The girl dropped back from the leader's heels and walked slightly ahead of Riverwind. He said, “I wonder why a child like this is off prowling dark tunnels?”
“She may not be a child. Elves are longer lived than us.”
Catchflea coughed. “This child might be a hundred or more years old,” he said.
As the two men spoke, the girl studied them both un-blinkingly. Most of her attention was for Riverwind. He kept his voice as calm and unthreatening as he could.
“Thank you for the water,” he said. “If water it was. It wasn't as bad as Arrowthorn's nepta berries, at any rate.”
The girl rubbed the tip of her nose. He wished she hadn't; it made his itch, and he couldn't scratch.
“What's your name?” asked Riverwind. “I am Riverwind, son of Wanderer. This is Catchstar-”
“Catchflea,” corrected the old man.
“We are Que-Shu. Who are you?” finished Riverwind.
She yawned, displaying small white teeth and a carrot-colored tongue.
“I'm wasting my breath, aren't I?”
“You are, yes,” Catchflea said.
“At least my head's still on my shoulders.” Riverwind gave the girl a slight smile. “And yours too.”
The tunnel zigged and zagged through the bowels of Krynn. So far did they travel that Riverwind had a fleeting thought that he might end up returning to Que-Shu, only miles underground. Of course, he had no idea which direction they were traveling, or how far underground they actually were, or where Que-Shu was, for that matter.
The trail was so narrow in some parts that the party had to go single file. This was awkward for Catchflea, but awkward in the extreme for Riverwind, being as tall as he was and not having the use of his arms. Both men bumped their heads and barked their knees on sharp outcroppings. The girl doubled back at one point and took hold of Riverwind's chain. She steered him gently through the obstacles, never saying a word. When the tunnel finally broadened again, she left Riverwind with the leader and went back to bring Catchflea along. She was not so careful with him, and he protested loudly.
“We see who her favorite is, yes?” the old man said grumpily. His nose had stopped bleeding, but he had fresh gouges on his shins.
“Maybe it's your beard,” Riverwind said. “These elves don't seem to favor facial hair.”
“Barbarians,” the old man muttered.
The dead air of the corridor freshened. A definite breeze, warm and scented with a smoky tang, washed Riverwind's face. The blue globes were more numerous, and the men could see that they had descended below the strata of basalt into a more mixed realm. Crystals glinted in the walls, and streaks of red and purple stone showed in the worn floor. There were signs of water, too; ruts eroded along the right side of the passage emitted a moldy odor.
After one more sharp turn to the right, the tunnel ended. The gloom of the close passage gave way to brighter air. Riverwind straightened his back and stopped walking. The girl tugged vainly on his chain. He would not