during her ordeal.

“Tsk, pet,” the voice continued, “you’ve certainly managed to get yourself messy this evening.” A hand slid up the inside of her leg, and her muscles twitched in response to his touch. “I’m afraid that just will not do.” The hand curved around her buttock, then pulled away and fell with a reverberating ‘slap!’ across her flank. “You will maintain your personal hygiene, pet.”

The washcloth invaded her labia and felt as if it scrubbed her raw. Her whimpers turned to sobs.

“Here is what I expect of you.” His voice faded as he turned away, and she heard the tink of metal tapping metal and a splash of water.

“I expect you to be clean and presentable at all times. Starting with this.” The hiss of aerosol filled Mariah’s ears, and something cool and wet hit her skin. He smoothed it across her mons and down, following the curves of her sex. She felt the scrape of what had to be a razor, and the vagueness of her shock gave way and she cried out for mercy.

“Nnnnugh! Feezzz! Schah!”

“What was that, pet?” His bemused tone conveyed that he knew exactly what she was saying.

“Mmmmph!” She strained again, but the only direction she could move brought her closer to his hands. Her treacherous body reacted to the heat.

“Oh, you want me to stop? You’d rather I didn’t shave you, is that it?” The razor clattered onto metal, and Mariah’s nerves sprang to electrified attention trying to sense his next move.

Creaks and groans of pulleys and ropes echoed through the room, and the frame to which she was lashed reclined a bit further. Her mind was a flurry of desperate thoughts. As a fantasy, as something to talk about and even yearn for, it had all been perfectly acceptable. But this? The real thing?

She felt him looming over her midsection, and a warmed washcloth dabbed away a small section of lather from her pubes. She jumped when a tuft of the short, curly hairs ripped from her skin. Fresh tears sprang to her eyes and she tried in vain to move herself away.

“Hhhmmmmmph! Hmmmmm…hmmmm…hmmm!” She screamed against the gag, taking deep gasps of air through her nostrils.

“Oh, does that hurt, pet?” His voice became hard and cold. “Lesson one, pet. My way is best. Yes?”

Mariah panted, but refused to respond.

“Yes!” He pinched flesh with cool metal and twisted until she cried out and nodded her head. “Good pet. That’s a good girl.”

He released the skin, smoothed it over with the washcloth, and continued his ministrations. He shaved across, then down between her folds of skin, tightening her nether lips between thumb and forefinger when the blade crossed the tender flesh.

“Now, pet, you will keep this clean and smooth, yes?” Mariah nodded her head slightly. “Good, pet. You learn quickly, my sweet. And things will be all the better for it.” His breath was hot in her ear. Fingers smoothed down her clean-shaven mons, slid easily between her outer lips and circled her clitoris. He tunneled two fingers inside, shoving them as far as they would go, and her wall of fear melted against his palm.

“Wet,” he murmured. “Slick with it, pet. Is it anything like you’d imagined? Is this what you wanted?” He jerked his fingers into her G spot, pulled them away, swirled the fingers of the other hand around her pulsing clit.

She moaned and pushed against the fingers, not sure if that was the correct response, not sure she cared. This was what she’d said she wanted, wasn’t it? All those hypothetical discussions, masturbating over the phone, listening to what he’d do to her if he had her in his snare.

He removed her gag, but held his fingers to her lips to keep her from speaking.

“Is that good, pet? Enjoying your reward?” Mariah whimpered in response and pushed harder. She felt his body descend, then jumped as his mouth, wet and hot, replaced the fingers on her lips. He sucked deeply, drew her tongue out into his mouth.

He retreated again, and Mariah heard the whispers of fabric and a zipper coming down.

Her nerves on point, she tried to prepare for what was to come.

To her surprise, the creaking of pulleys and gears filled her ears, and her rack rotated slowly, coming to a stop when she was fully inverted. She opened her mouth to form a question, but fingers gripped her chin and held her jaws agape. He slammed himself down her throat, flattening her nose against his testicles, and leaned in with his full weight before pulling back to ease into a steady rhythm.

Mariah could only catch gasps of air through her flared nostrils on the occasional back stroke that pulled him out far enough to clear her airway. He cooed and groaned, and leaned in to place his mouth upon her, this time on her sex. Pulses of sensation launched through her entire body.

Other noises that she was unable to identify filtered into her awareness. His finger circled her anus, tickled and probed, coaxed her sphincter to twitch and contract.

“Virgin territory, pet?”

He chuckled, burrowed his finger inside, hooked into her painfully, forcing the ring of muscles wide for something he shoved into place. Her anus snapped shut on the intrusion, and she suffered the sensation of a cool base sitting snuggly against her soft, puckered skin.

Through a red haze, and the constant rhythm of his thrusts into her mouth, Mariah heard a vibrator switch on. The initial low thrum became a high whine, and the walls of her vagina gaped in anticipation. The phallus slid inside, and he fastened it into place, wrapping what felt like laces around her thighs. The steady humming throbbed inside her innermost regions, and she was reduced to tremors and sweat.

Again his mouth lowered to devour her, and his head thrashed between her legs. His hands snaked between their bodies. With a vice-like grip, he seized her nipples and twisted them in opposite directions. His thrusts came faster, harder, more intense, and Mariah was overwhelmed with it all, feeling an intense orgasm gathering itself to erupt, overshadowing her fight for air.

“That’s it, pet!” He gasped as he thrust. “Come for me! Give it to me! Now!” He roared and jerked into her mouth. Pulses of semen choked her until she remembered to swallow. A massive release washed over her body, rocking through her again and again, and her strangled cries joined his breathless praise.

“Yes, pet. Come for me! Good girl! That’s my good pet!” He sucked her clit and lapped at the edge of the vibrator as he spent his last into her throat.

“Clean me, pet. Suck me dry, my little cum slut. That’s a good girl. And not a drop spilled. Extra points for good behavior your first time, little one. Indeed.” He groaned once more and jerked into her, grasping her ankles and holding tight. “Oh, pet! You are ripe! You are so fresh. So good. Such a good little pet.” He sagged against her and rested his forehead on her thigh.

He stepped back, and his flaccid penis slipped from her mouth. He spun her upright once again. He kissed her deeply then, and afterward replaced the gag, strapping it securely into place.

“Only a taste, pet.”

Mariah's head sagged against her shoulder.


Mariah spent quiet hours in a cage after their first session, huddled against the cold cement floor, shivering within leather straps that crisscrossed her body. Her knees were held to her chest. A cruel steel bar spread her thighs. And in her mouth, a phallus, secured tightly by a wide leather band that ran around her jaw and buckled at the base of her skull.

To this buckle were fastened several more straps, securing a leather sheath that encased her arms from just above the elbows, all the way to her fingertips. She lay awkwardly on her side, and had only managed to sleep sporadically for unmeasured amounts of time. Thoughts of her ‘other life’-her real life-began to fade.

The next day he had a new lesson for her. As he pulled her from her cage and strapped her to the rack, he warned her of the importance of compliance. He required certain actions, like the tumblers in a lock, before he released her to ecstasy.

He began slowly, teasing, taunting, edging her closer and closer, but never quite taking her all the way to completion. Each time she was close to coming without permission, he would stop and strike her with a rod until hot welts rose on her flesh.

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