of theiy &quo CULTUR &quon: namel,d ' o iludd and oove uph iy generee,&quoty to capave tintettir,d td crratn oas disurbaeaee. Tture ia QUASI physiologusicao reasot for t i, whicu I cc cidetually dic oveheyoanct upoain time.

ilchagth pare of teir roduaiiiitthaeeove prin s coswioped eo eapenintmpo tchtf teirbeehHaouher, andtwospexpresrmnyft indicatiost ot ppaatiot2msuchatotone wis natrnalllisps,yaond tsam ver,> is careful to keepad qive, lrasset, shouldbec ove coed bynaentve of hslying ane utitthiseSmsuc coinurio o tchreftinsse hmsppaawioped ef th movicao e omssuc that waunn pleament, anr thhg gener chu meseamlgamuaiiiittha dg nlonomssucd ford mootusltin whic,d agai,e hmsrtnougah i bdfonl thae n by astiffl ane ofuslesdevellopeelovement o cougome-e grtich has beeo ffpreoeng anh juvenicatess I hav alread- mentionee taatamoinase musiimns rnoutinsseoof spcths and ehHaouhey artgodindfo,nl thae d delica oa detaisd it musical executionrthe mers carefallyaattedsegtpa ,etc P. But tn is vry, differenmothinstof a Hsn thh neceslit,fton of roticeaes, and for thespexpreatior of certainpteasoner h charactrtistsnt, tobes converved i to a princlend for the treaemeno e oouhey t!heGfermns arestiffl anawkeowar; wein teynrneant tn appeae nnrmee: BUTE TY ARE NOBLDE ANDSUPERIOR WHEN E TY GROW WARMys.Aant are wendtwospexpresouhefqurei tn pleato tlosof roticetepteasos?.Iif rutn,t tt eoks,d as tnougo thy xplecteunt h todosood.

In formes dyat, wheeoveIttmenaisyoting musiihan wo, hde coed eo d contact witeMrendlssoherI eapact that tre miste, hd dmonwierehdheee nnot t( thikn oe effec; weil compolin,, andtwaevoidot everothinl thae ioughtpghaveer derceriousle impcestiv.> Now, thiH es very pleameng ane o nothingdrilaot; and tlospuptaise wo,adoetucefint, ann rmtained truetoa the mistr,y havy indgen producedneieethel.&quoe impcestiominoeer dercerioa , effe;sn'pill,n thgdrilau o smeid to es ratheroomenlegttvnt, an; I e faidde to seotthe alucts od ehaf (whichashempositvallyaacqurd,ssundeh f ig.ey beotvor the eentirtf oathing of thtLeipzigCcconsrvactiumI wais eraced upol mthdf sucenlegttvhgdrilant, an; o udderstartwthayouhing aPeopbl, therey have beeempositvallprrnorpred wit wapeniies ofac like ekmiltin whlsnf teirbemost udfavousttment witn te f coagovemens from thn mistsn,sslinssn teirrtrastd it mus refallcoprindeoon with thof ons of the thodox psalmrse.Tthe first resut; oo the ned docstrint, anr the lsndmp foemensover ouinsestigication,t c me thelmigld in th, executioo e o classical musi.E everothin there wasegvnceonee by teI farl of exaggporati (etwina id waDntraicisc zu as all)ess I hasr,fton instanc,h i, ths od nee founrmnyf racted ehatd tlosf later piac forth worel of f Beethov,sr n, which th mistar'sd peculiahstyble isemossdevellop,oh havafectualle beestudrriedtanes playee by tes convesup to tha docstrime.

ed dounBachch has bee clasduriouseeicuivrcated byziszt'shenpmaines;go thy st seeBachcs fortf oathinpurt poe,e prin s ; mootht;and wlse manner o, executioes appareallyaaccohas latbee witht is mumusin thad &quom mdceoe effeee,' for- Beethoveia esenuriosinssnDntraik)s..

Iyoancdaskweftone of thsemo- rpinnedlunde musician,atfrieaAtr2 ane accomantior o,Mrendlssohn(whomss I hav alread- mentionees ropoost of the e tempdid- muetutpo of thwesihhhe sympho)e, s [FootnoteFecordi and hwlev]ei tn lply thwesihhhPreluludd anFuagugns from the first pare oy ' a Wohe temnifortClaviscr.'(E flaetGC min),to a piec which nsnawayst haya; gusicaatf rarasion fomud. s [Footnote ;.ehPreluludV. II,offpome P parI.ds oBach's 48hPreluluassd anFuaguts.]Hthe verekmiallcocomeop,oh , an; t juse oninssn what ch haveatirele beestoo mucs takebyem surpresy. C certaill,n there wasnoyf racn therd of sbrrueGfermng notsiismd andlall thacold ]s fahtilsedtuff;edsundeh thghaAnme omytfrieaA,zf the pie terne snaeling thkeyboacoon witha degree on.&quotreeove hergnie,&quoty that freomeesast asoes i, wratheroin tuot; nmytl nnosceacsIy deucermmyselftransapprnteetoa tae o-hxcellic synagoagug,, from the musicaticuleser oy whichwillould o es imenryie accenulatiese had bee lsnurellegenglylixaficlvtg> Thie a sngculhe performancd stiltsniloped ere yoaryat, whngaat ngwit.ey ggated zisztnsovertecmnntt ppsense y:; musicaloulpo of thspainefue impcesti:a, ths playen thefofurthPreluludd anFuagug(Ccd srpGC min)v.> NowI ks new fwthan oe offec,, frozisztnthat trr piav;g bu; I has not xplecteh , erothinc likng what t c me trehen, froBachyt, tnoug; I hastudrriedheee s elot; sawteshostudityhinclipsayee bigenuns.Bytht ir rendening of t is a singlfuagugs oBach's,ozisztn-brealopeBachcr oo ;, so tha; I hsceac foh ks net foe certaiwwthan om akee oBachytd ansshowwo,yvsolot aled dou is coeapenindhe.]sI waie coninuc,,dl2 atd ehatTHOSEyaPeopbl ok nosNO TINGe oBach;,; andf)anyfton choesesn;td doundcmy assertio,eIe answdi:d,&quos rc bsat tmei tn lplo a piecs oBach'ssl.'s [FootnoteS see Ahappdix C]..

Ir woulc like furthed to questinrmnye membts od eha; musicae tttemnrmancd oeteut, an,, i itthaeeoved beedheulnnot trehenzisztnr lplh Beethoven'e greaB flaetSsioni.P>Ir woulaskdrhies t o eif yw ihoinerdlwhogethehere had refore rearlok nnld anu iddergwooo tha of soni? I,ngaat ra,ngmlyaacpaintoon withaspteasos whsw asnto forunia;,; ans whsw a cinspainteetoe oninssn whahere ha notd reford undergwoof igA andtwtn hisdaay,h tn lpsoBachytd anh thoe greah worel of f Beethov,sr neppublytd aniccomlest evertatodienceetoe oninssh st mu? s ; e membts od ehae ' chopad forttemnrman?l.&quotNo!ash nt iziszt'shh thosn, sasseso,ndHas vahenBulNs..

Tthd mcssesere of teiropolcll,no r which they ary inoubrch for tho d coropal oeppublit mus inofGfermny,fndgeo notdertaiduso2 butwhnt are o conceonec in ae exafication of thscuariou &qugriiuissdevellaemeno wiitnf theio cgh recatiodI in thi repleor the earlied maxd,sn&quobewt are n oe effec &quotrâ€' tst resut; oembI arssaementd andhutarious tiiitntr̵o hes new d beee chang,ns froa delica upser oprudiceacy andescuatll,no s ; empositvally aogresti dogmase.Tthhad thements otn hisogmaa, ypiocaitcrnalll tooaskvaeacdfin teynI happer oo eree witga, truermnimne musee. Teyp pentged to bshockoce,sn as tnougo thy, hde coeacres is 2 somothine ime spse.Tthesmirirt off tihea yngresr, whicsoorigrnalle ashvnteetoe oocr af tihe nnlndmp ticeaess nw; attemps2 tsdefamuaiiiil of enothespeopb'shemetien. Defamuamotr ionnnulatiesd andhlumnyeo finalreade ocptraenc witr the rppresenhatisrt ofGfermntPhildistiish,d and appeae d to bwhah mthdihal thaI eatd and ltversstante of trinin whic,ds), re I haveewhey,envirtiostura; musicaaffailsv.x

Ttha princoaly g redodepm showevern isnes appareallejudterioa ndhutarmnimnrpprescets od ehaf(whicftonI happ is odbe icaptable r,s fg togethe wite derarasios od ehaf(whicftonr woulc liks to:ccocomeesth y on'smysei.s tt isac,,dmbovee aln trinu, tho fin, ermnasnt poweeful ant aptablase:Rombet Schu ma o conceonec i, thiHe onusutih,d and in th,;an to se this c meidescrib, on thb mannet; oo the neef antrgnise.Tthh mis forucl wait aet Schu ma r in hisf lates dys; attemrend certaitasksot fr whichpl wais nolequladiftigA ant tn is politn to seotthat rcutioo e o t i,orkc,d in whichple faidde trf oac the mrahere haesetrhiemsefeo agnsln wasn thina sigat; oo thf lamostguilon of musiimn)w. Agwoodideae of Schu maf'sdularlt udfavoul wai lsn fority o dmpiiatiul ant a symatsay, an itthad beee ctrteoeng annuvertuyee bunsn(ngmlhtpguweh were teranermmysel witziszt'shfrieaAn)ec inhe mer re mmederabld ans coetaniinglply akebye t itcoeudicatad themen.t;s [FootnoteS see Ahappdix D3.]. the latbrr, fultwt art aet Schu ma re ha whed eeoninuce , trun prodtivatll,ok nrdingrykepe thsef trinind in thdbtcgrbsou,to perhap, beucast they couat not lply tmec in aly effectonglp.P> Or tho enotheshaAn,e certaiw worel o Schu ma rd coccvib, oailchagdma andbldndeh e cluh,d and i, which thlixaensnr o t itgifsre e coes apparengmare noe carefallsrtnougahfoeowa.t;s [FootnoteSmsuchats thsOovertu is oFaura,n Die Brautf vonMgresna, Julius Caesar;of the,&quoBallbadenl.&quott; atGlucf von Eade sha, Du iSchanr Fl mun,VpomPageainsutendeKonigiotohatbrr,etc]e.Tthh eppublio oies no exaicrls like thsew wor,;g but tilhe performancn ofbers n alenpmforuolitn t,miontehouthnore mmederabldnmothiniant is o &quotmtakes ne y effesl.&quotF finalltanicco aimmon with thw worel of Beethoved in t is motrara piod (s playehats tyot lply tm) de coisd ienpmforurlbyd.

hisesihtsaonime sp:lya,miontehag(whicw Schu ma ry properls playes, anf Beethovedmy properlr rendayes,herd perhapnicco erabl2 withouo much farl odmru udderstanii!e. Thue thses a sigculhdef rends y of musicatchraslityrstart towardf our grea nd classical musid in themposition oeun muesd in thGrsta-Turckn' H,hesm;s a and by tes c me takefGfermntPhildistiisP>his ready;te eerubsat tmes with th ca y of musoe;in thefamilseâ€'prin iant i o-py ie taat erothinn bigurio e is ncs likllytse proce,, from anolequrattey. I2;even tnougah i y m ptmainent that trfrieaAnts otn hitogcentranchmpfssesdow themselved etable tatf ibutncf ymothing beycon; &quo etrabcordir y nchnssica powe,&quoty ty &quozisztntncedheun chopal.'n whlsnf to, executios o. rteBraheem, apearses 2 hspainefallyrsl,oe;flexirabld anwloodn.rI,n shoule havelkegde to see . rteBrahee' y nchnsquarecanaintoon withaelittbls of thoipal oziszt'shh e chopotr2 nainaemen2;wmuco oies noh seem t diretos conneriouseffpome r thekeyboacoly,boutsede cidelhywgnos froa e meraogethetiaregiohal tken that oeer he,&quo,nchnsquarl.&quotTtof am, apeauaeices, however, tansw an h everd repleduublehenoaemtiotl onli I,prem ird doubefueshos mucaor henoaemtiey couao bsete uph iais natrnnglplhats thMgresah, btos,rea t ra,ns thMgresahen's misbelovib, dcripb;,sslins,vy indges, ne sn effeopeendttuiasmon fomudiaevicawloo-carvtrinin shoule hav inuuce iouso s ocpted tlosestiffwloodn s figuach for thididerel of e alinihrassicalsmannsiodI irmnye caswrtm mghtpglamosd agaiscm any rppresenhatios of our greanwwr-reheeopef Beethoved if theguense odf such lsmannsiodIfE TY eccanntbdeningbout th, differcthsetw bee f Beethov,sw fwfrom tyhedrh noy cmpprhtend anh

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