Abruptly, she felt something spill out of her. In a panic, she clamped her legs together and pushed at him.

'What, baby?'

Blushing fiercely, she muttered, 'I feel something… different…'

'Where? Down here?' He stroked her inner thigh.

As she nodded, his smile was slow, sexy. 'Oh, really?' He kissed her, lingering with their mouths together. 'Want to tell me what it is?' As she flushed even more, his hand kept up the caressing. 'What kind of different?'

'I'm…' She couldn't say it.

His mouth shifted so it was next to her ear. 'Are you wet?' When she nodded, he growled deep in his throat. 'Wet is good… wet's right where I want you to be.'

'It is? Why—'

With a smooth, quick move, he touched her panties between her legs, and they both jumped at the contact.

'Oh… God,' he groaned, his head dropping on her shoulder. 'You're so with me right now. You're so right here with me.'

Butch's erection pounded as he kept his hand on the warm, damp satin over Marissa's core. He knew if he pushed the panties aside, he was going to dive into a whole lot of honey, but he didn't want to shock her out of the moment.

Curling his fingers around her, he rubbed the heel of his palm against the top of her slit, right where it would feel best. As she gasped, her hips pushed forward, then followed his slow rhythm. Which naturally put him through the roof. To maintain control, he rolled his hips so his stomach was sitting on that arousal of his, trapping it against the mattress.

'Butch, I need… something… I…'

'Baby, have you ever—' Ah, hell, no way she'd ever pleasured herself. She'd been surprised at what her nipple felt like.


'Never mind.' He eased off her core and stroked her panties, just running his fingertips over her. 'I'm going to take care of you. Trust me, Marissa.'

He kissed her mouth, sucking at her lips, getting her lost. Then he slipped his hand under the lip of satin at her core—

'Oh... fuck,' he breathed, hoping she was too dazed to hear the curse.

She tried to pull back. 'What's wrong with me?'

'Easy, easy.' He held her in place by putting his thigh over her legs. And then worried that he might have orgasmed… given the rocket launch sensation that had just ridden up his shaft. 'Baby, there's nothing wrong. It's just you're… oh, God, you're bare here.' He moved his hand, his fingers sliding into her folds… holy heaven, she was so smooth. So honeyed. So hot.

He was getting lost in all that slick flesh when her confusion registered through the haze. 'You have no hair,' he said.

'Is that bad?'

He laughed. 'It's beautiful. It's exciting to me.'

Exciting? Try explosive. All he wanted to do was crawl up under her skirt and lick at her and swallow and suck her off, but all that was definitely too far.

And shit, he was such a Neanderthal, but the idea he was the only one who'd put his hand where it was was erotic as hell.

'How's this feel?' he asked, tuning things up a little.

'God… Butch.' She arched wildly on the bed, her head kicking back so that her neck bent in a lovely upward curve.

His eyes latched on to her throat, and the strangest instinct went through him: He wanted to bite her. And his mouth opened like he was prepared to do just that.

Cursing, he shrugged off the bizarre impulse.

'Butch… I ache.'

'I know, baby. I'm going to take care of that.' He latched on to her breast with his mouth and started to touch her seriously, finding a rhythm with the stroking, being careful to stay on the outside so she didn't get thrown.

Turned out he was the one who got tossed. The friction and the feel of her and the scent of it all snowballed on him until he realized he was shadow-pumping her, pushing his hips into the mattress in tempo with his hand. As his head fell between her breasts because he couldn't hold it up anymore, he knew he had to stop the cock massage he was giving himself. He needed to pay attention to her.

He looked up. Her eyes were wide and a little frightened. She was just on the verge and she was getting rattled.

'All right, baby, it's okay.' He didn't stop working between her legs.

'What's happening to me?'

He put his mouth to her ear. 'You're about to come. Just let yourself feel it. I'm right here, I've got you. Hold on to me.'

Her hands bit into his arms and as her nails drew blood, he smiled, thinking that was so perfect.

Her hips tilted up sharply. 'Butch…'

'That's it. Come for me.'

'I can't… I can't…' She shook her head back and forth, getting trapped between what her body wanted and what her mind was having trouble assimilating. She was going to lose the momentum unless he did something fast.

Without even thinking or knowing why it would help, he buried his face in her throat and bit her, right over her jugular. That was what did it. She cried out his name and started convulsing, her hips jerking, her body flexing all along her spine. With profound joy, he helped her ride the orgasm's pulses and he talked to her the whole time —although God only knew what he was saying.

When she'd come down, he lifted his head from her neck. Between her lips, he saw the tips of her fangs and was struck by a compulsion he couldn't fight. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and licked at the sharp points, feeling them rasp over his flesh. He wanted them in his skin… he wanted her to suck at him, fill her belly, live off of him.

He forced himself to stop and the retreat was so damn hollow. He strained from unmet needs and they weren't all sexual. He needed… things from her, things he didn't understand.

Her eyes opened. 'I didn't know… it would be like that.'

'Did you like it?'

Her smile was enough to make him forget his own name. 'Oh, yes.'

He kissed her gently, then rearranged her skirts and did up the buttons of her bodice, rewrapping the gift of her body. Easing her into the crook of his arm, he got good and comfortable. She was fading into sleep already and he was so damned content to watch her slide. It just seemed like the perfect thing to do, to stay awake while she rested, to watch over her.

Although for some reason, he wished he had a weapon.

'I can't keep my eyes open,' she said.

'Don't even try.'

He stroked some of her hair and thought, in spite of the fact that in about ten minutes he was going to have the worst case of blue balls known to mankind, that everything was right in his world.

Butch O'Neal, he thought, you have found your woman.

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