Emma voiced the truth her twelve-year-old self had had such trouble stomaching. “You really loved Sarah, didn’t you?”
Kort’s face was bleak. “More than I ever want to love anyone again.”
“And I’m safe.” She didn’t need the sudden tightening of his lips to know she had hit it, the real reason for Kort’s proposal. “You know exactly what you’re getting with me. You won’t ever have to feel about me the way you did about her. I’m the perfect compromise option.”
Kort’s shoulders sagged. “It’s not as cold as you make it sound. We understand each other. We’re comfortable with each other.”
No, he was comfortable with the memory of her. It was a very different thing. And even if it weren’t, there was one major flaw to the plan.
“I think,” Emma said slowly, “that I want something more than comfort. We both should.”
Kort did his best to rise to the occasion. “I do love you, you know.” He sounded like a man offering bonbons when he knew he ought to have brought rubies.
Once, that might have been enough for her. Not anymore.
“And I love you. But not in the right way.” Emma released her pent-up breath in a long, gusty sigh that ruffled the folds of her cousin’s cravat. “No, Kort. It wouldn’t work, for either of us. Trust me.”
For a moment, she thought he was going to argue. But whatever it was he saw in her face, it made her argument for her better than any number of words could.
Kort let out his own breath. “All right,” he said, sounding easier and more natural than he had since the conversation began. Reaching out a hand, he ruffled her hair as he used to long, long ago. “Come back anyway. I promise not to importune you with proposals.”
Emma hastily readjusted her hair ornaments. “Why are you so keen to get me out of Paris?”
“Not just Paris,” Kort said. “France.”
Emma narrowed her eyes at him.
Kort locked his hands behind his back. “Uncle Robert thinks that once Bonaparte gets the crown on his head, he’s going to put aside his old wife and take a more nubile one. I know you’re friends with the old one. If your safety here rests on that friendship…”
He didn’t need to fill in the rest. With cousin Robert gone back to America, what official clout she had had as the cousin of the American envoy would be gone. If she lost her voice at court or, even worse, was actively associated with a discarded and disgraced faction, her place in Paris could become very precarious.
Precarious and possibly even dangerous.
Emma glanced back at the canopy. Bonaparte sprawled in his chair, clearly bored. His wife leaned towards him, her hand on his arm, her body fluid and pliant, her smile designed to charm. In her white dress and gilt diadem, she made a charming picture still, the shadow of the canopy protecting her from the too-honest light of the sun.
Bonaparte might have his mistresses, but it was always his wife he came back to. She knew how to coax him out of his sulks, how to soften the rough edges of his life. The idea of his being married to someone else was unthinkable.
“No,” said Emma decisively. “He wouldn’t. Whatever his other shortcomings, he adores her. He
She sounded like a child and she knew it.
Kort looked at her with infuriating patience. “That has nothing to do with it. If it’s politically expedient…”
“Like your proposal to me?”
All right, that hadn’t been fair. But if he was going to go all know-it-all at her…What did he know, in Paris for all of two months? She had been here far longer than he. He knew nothing about the French court and the political games they played.
Even if he might be right.
The thought sent a chill down Emma’s spine. No, it couldn’t be. “Excuse me,” she said abruptly. “I shouldn’t be monopolizing you.”
“Don’t storm off.”
“I’m not storming.” If she were storming, he would know it. She did a good line in flounce and stomp when the occasion called for it. Emma mustered a strained smile. “I’m not doing my duty as guest. We’re meant to mingle and be charming.”
Looking down at her, Kort’s expression softened. “You don’t have to be charming with me. You only have to be yourself.”
Emma recognized it for the olive branch it was. She touched her fingers lightly to Kort’s arm. “I’ll take that as it was intended,” she said, and slipped away before he could respond.
It was always best to have the last word, especially when there were discussions one wanted to avoid.
It was absurd, of course. The Emperor would never put Mme. Bonaparte aside. If he were, why would she be collecting ladies-in-waiting? Unless, of course, she, too, was avoiding unpleasant truths.
Emma thought of the open disdain with which Caroline had greeted Mme. Bonaparte last night. It didn’t mean anything. Caroline had always treated Mme. Bonaparte like that. But it did mean that she felt safe in doing so.
Caroline and all the rest of the Bonapartes would be lobbying for Mme. Bonaparte’s replacement.
Emma smiled and nodded as she went. She hadn’t thought she was going anywhere in particular, but she found her steps slowing as she approached a familiar bend in the river, where a young woman sat with a child in her lap, watching the steamship begin its progress down the river.
Hortense raised a hand in warning, jerking her head towards the sleeping child in her lap.
Emma nodded to show that she understood, and lowered herself awkwardly onto the blanket, taking care not to bump Louis-Charles. Hortense’s husband was on the other side of the clearing, pointedly ignoring his wife and child.
Emma folded her legs beneath her, wondering how to ask what she needed to ask.
Before she could, Hortense said quietly, “Remember our old games of prisoner’s base?”
She was looking out across the river at the undulating vista of green grass and artfully artless trees, the scene of their old revels and games. “Yes. You always won.”
“My legs are longer than yours.” Hortense had always been generous in victory.
Emma couldn’t take it anymore. “Is it true?” she blurted out. “Is the Emperor planning to divorce your mother?”
Emma expected shock, outrage, denial. There wasn’t any. Hortense didn’t seem the least bit surprised. Bending her head over her sleeping child, she said carefully, “It is possible.”
Emma felt as though she had had the wind knocked out of her. “But—why?”
Hortense glanced over her shoulder to the canopy where the Emperor sat. Caroline stood by his side. He was dandling Caroline’s son, Achille, on his knee. The three-year-old squirmed, wriggling to be let down. Mme. Bonaparte looked on, a strained, fixed smile on her face.
Behind them, among the rest of the hangers-on, she could see Augustus in conversation with Horace de Lilly. He didn’t seem happy about whatever it was. In fact, he didn’t seem happy. Emma wondered, unhappily, if he were still brooding over Jane.
They hadn’t spoken since last night, not since the incident with Marston.
“They want him to put Maman aside,” Hortense said quietly.
“What?” Emma guiltily turned her attention back to her friend. Now wasn’t the time to dither over Augustus, not when the whole world was falling to pieces around her.
“They want him to divorce her,” said Hortense. “Before the coronation. Theirs was only a civil marriage, you know.”
“Who wants it? The Bonapartes?” The Bonapartes had hated Hortense’s mother from the very beginning, holding against her her age, her past, her effortless elegance.
Hortense shook her head. “Not just the Bonapartes. His advisors, too. They say the succession is unsure. They want him to make a dynastic marriage.”
“A dynastic marriage?” Dynastic marriages were for kings and dukes and the scion of ancient houses, not jumped-up generals turned rulers. Hadn’t they fought a revolution to be done with dynasties? The very idea was ludicrous. “He’s not exactly King George.”