she moved the trimmer down between her legs, and taking a deep breath, ran it slowly into the thick hair of her cunt bush.

Tufts of hair fell to the floor as she moved the blades through her bush, stopping at the top of her pussy slit. She repeated the process several more times, then stepped back to observe her handiwork.

Not bad, she thought. But not sexy.

She adjusted the trimmer again, moving the guide to its lowest setting, She laid two fingers in the middle of her bush, and ran the trimmer down either side of them, so when she was finished, she now had a cute little landing strip bordered by two patches of stubble.

Now that’s sexy, she thought as she posed in from of the mirror. A little clean up with a razor, and she’d be done. Lifting one leg, she rested her foot on the counter and leaned down, getting her face as close to her pussy mound as possible.

This is gonna be tougher, she mused.

She considered asking Kyle to help her trim around her pussylips, but she wanted to surprise him when she showed him her new look. Then, taking another steadying breath, she got to work.

Taking one puffy pussylip between her fingers, she pulled it toward her other leg, and eased the trimmer down slowly between her pussy and her inner thigh. She repeated the process on the other side, then grabbed her hand mirror off the counter and held it between her legs. She was pleased with the result, and glad that she hadn’t nicked herself. She hoped she had as good a luck with the razor.

She turned off the trimmer, then leaned over and turned off the water in the tub. Kicking at the tufts of hair on the floor, she worked them into a pile, then crouched down and scooped them up, dropping them into the trashcan next to the toilet. She got a new razor out of the pack, and sat it with a bottle of lotion on the rim of the tub.

The water felt a little hotter than she liked as she stepped into the tub and eased herself down into it. Stretching out, she sank down till just her head was poking out of the water, and closed her eyes with a happy sigh. She lay in the warm water for long minutes, letting the heat soothe her aching muscles. It had been more than two years since she’d been fucked, and she was sore all over from the unfamiliar exertion.

Her hand slid down between her legs, and she liked the way her pussylips felt without all that hair around them. She wondered idly why she had let herself go like that. She remembered when she used to shave her pussy two or three times a week. But she knew why, she hadn’t had a man in her life, and now she did. It was time to get her act together.

Sliding up out of the water, she sat on the wide edge in the corner of the tub, and spread her legs apart. She picked up the lotion, squeezed a dollop out into her hand, and massaged it into the hairs left on her pussy mound. Her fingers felt good sliding all over her pussy, and she leaned back against the wall and just rubbed her cunt gently, not playing, but just massaging her cunt mound softly.

She squirted another dollop of lotion onto her fingers, and worked it into the hairs covering her pussylips. Picking up the razor, she cocked one leg up, and ran the razor slowly up the outer edge of her pussylip. She repeated the process several times, making sure not to press too hard, trying not to cut herself in such a tender spot.

She tapped the hair out of the razor against the side of the tub, then ran it over her soft skin a couple of more times to catch anything she might have missed. The skin felt soft and silky as she ran her fingers over it, and a shiver ran through her as she caressed her bare skin.

Lifting her other leg, she shaved the other side quickly. Stretching both legs back into the tub, she leaned back against the wall, and started working on the stubble on either side of the small patch she was going to leave. It only took a dozen strokes to clean up both sides, and when she was done, she had a two inch long, one inch wide patch of hair perched right above her cunt slit.

She picked up the bottle of soap from the shelf next to her, and squirted it onto her pussy mound, and worked it in slowly. She splashed some water up out of the tub, and worked up a rich lather, massaging it into the soft, smooth skin of her pussy mound. A soft sigh escaped her lips as her fingers slipped between her cunt folds and brushed over her clit. Eyes closed, her breath starting to come in soft pants, she stroked with her clit lazily with her soapy fingers as she fantasized about her first fuck session with her son.

She knew it was wrong, that if anyone found out, they would be stigmatized for the way they were showing their love for each other. But she didn’t really care about that at the moment. Kyle was over eighteen, so there wouldn’t be any legal ramifications. She smiled at that. She could do whatever she wanted with him, and no one could do a damned thing about it.

Opening her eyes, she eased herself back down into the water and rinsed the soap from her cunt mound. Then she snagged the chain attached to the drain plug with her toes, and pulled on it, letting the water start draining from the tub. She stood up and stepped out of the tub, and walked over to the shower. Reaching in, she turned on the taps, holding her hand under the stream till she felt it getting warmer.

Closing the door, she stood under the spray and wet her hair, then went through her daily hair care ritual. Shampoo, rinse, shampoo, rinse, rinse, conditioner, rinse. When she was done, she ran her hands back over her head, wrapping them around her hair as she reached the back, and squeezed the water out as she worked her hands down to the ends. Shaking her head, she let her hair fling out in a cloud around her head, then fall loosely around her neck and shoulders.

A smile creased her lips as she reached up and took the hand shower off its mount. Setting the spray to pulse, she spread her legs, opening her pussylips with her other hand. She pressed the nozzle tight up against her cunt hole. Jets of warm water shot up into her cunt channel, making her shiver. She loved the way the liquid heat caressed her inner pussy walls, and she pressed the nozzle tighter against her pussy opening, bending her knees and squatting onto it. She let the water squirt up inside her for a minute, rinsing Kyle’s cum from her body.

Now the fun part, she thought to herself as she leaned back against the wall. She moved the nozzle up and directed the spray at her clit.

“Oh shit! That’s what Tracy loves.” she panted. “Mmmmmmm, you always know how to get my motor running!”

She held the nozzle right over her clit, tilting it from side to side so the pulsing spray hit her clit from several directions. She felt her pussy creaming as the warm water beat at her stiff little nubbin, and felt her legs getting rubbery as the delightful sensations surged through her.

She slid down the wall slowly, letting her ass come to rest on the seat in the corner. Lifting one leg, she pressed it firmly against one wall, letting the other leg fall out to the side. Keeping the spray pointed at her clit, she moved it in and out, bringing the pulsing jets right against her throbbing clit bud, then pulling it away to tease herself.

It only took a couple of minutes for her to reach her peak, and she sat writhing happily on the seat as the warm water beat a staccato tattoo on her pussy. Finally, she had to move the spray away from her clit, she was starting to get too sensitive. And besides, it was time for more fun with her son, and his big beautiful cock.

Drying off quickly, she went into her bedroom and rummaged around in her dresser, looking through her lingerie, then decided that it would be better if she just wore her robe when she went out to show off her new look to her son. She grabbed it off the back of door as she went out, and slipped it on as she walked down the hall. She was tying the belt loosely as she stepped into the living room.

Kyle was sitting on the couch watching television when she came in, and she smiled when she saw that he had showered too, but had only pulled on a pair of baggy shorts. She stopped and just looked at him, thanking her lucky stars that nature had blessed him with such a beautiful body.

“Did you get anything to eat yet, Kyle?” she asked him as she stepped around the end of the couch.

“Nah, I thought I wait for you.” he grinned as he turned to look at her.

“Mmmmmmm, I’m glad you did,” she purred as she opened her robe and let it slip from her shoulders. “I warmed up a little snack for you while I was in the shower.”

She stepped up onto the couch, planting her feet on the cushions on either side of his legs. Bending her knees, she let them rest against the back of the couch. Her pussy was inches from his face, and she shivered as she felt his warm breath wash over her freshly shaved flesh.

“Jesus, Mom!” he grunted, his eyes going wide. “That’s incredible! I really like that little landing strip you left!”

“I’m glad you like it, sweetie. I did it for you. But why don’t you see if its any easier to eat without all that hair in the way!”

Вы читаете Tales of Lustville Book One
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