importance of his recognition.

Cardinals, the, choice of the Pope vested in.

Carthage, Louis IX.'s camp at;

his sickness and death there.

Cecily, William the Conqueror's eldest daughter, becomes Abbess of Caen.

Chalons, Count de, his treachery to Edward I.

Charlemagne, receives the crown of the Holy Roman Empire;

degeneracy of his descendants;

overcome by the Northmen;

the race of, retire to Lorraine.

Charles Martel, exploits of.

Charles the Simple, King of France;

his contests with Rollo;

cedes Neustria to him;

Rollo marries his daughter.

Charles IV., his conduct in Queen Isabel's quarrel with Edward II.

Charter, the Great, adopted by the Barons;

King John promises to grant it;

his prevarication;

its enactments;

signed by John;

annulled by Pope Innocent III.;

the war of the Barons to obtain it;

Henry III. made to agree to it;

end of the wars about it;

its acceptance by Henry III.;

renewal of, by the Barons, under Edward I.

Chateau Gaillard, the siege of.

Christina, daughter of Edward Etheling;

retires to a convent;

becomes Abbess of Wilton.

Christianity, conversion of the early French kings to;

acceptance of, by the Vikings.

Church and State, struggles between, in the eleventh century;

theory of;

adjustment of the disputes between; further disputes.

Church building in the early Norman days.

Church patronage, quarrel of the Barons with Innocent IV. respecting.

Clapham, derivation of its name.

Clare, Gilbert de, Earl of Gloucester, knighted by Montfort;

secedes from the Barons;

joins the last crusade;

married to Joan of Acre, daughter of Edward I.;

death of.

Clarendon, the Council and Constitutions of.

Clement V., Pope, character of;

excommunicates Bruce;

gives absolution to Gaveston;

elected Pope by the influence of Philippe IV.;

gives up the Knights Templars to him;

abolishes the Templars;

his death.

Clergy, the privileges of, Henry II.'s opposition to;

Becket's support of.

Clermont, council of, Peter the Hermit at.

Coinage, the, Edward I.'s laws upon.

Comyn, Earl of Durham, murder of, by the townsmen.

Comyn the Red, his treachery to Robert Bruce;

murdered by Bruce.

Conge d'elire, origin of.

Conrad, King of Burgundy, makes war upon Richard the Fearless.

Conrade of Montferrat, his enmity to Richard I.;

made King of Jerusalem;

his assassination.

Constance, daughter of William the Conqueror, account of.

Constance of Brittany, her marriage with Geoffrey Plantagenet;

has the care of Prince Arthur;

her second marriage;

is seized and imprisoned;

her death.

Constantinople, Robert the Magnificent at,

Harold Hardrada's adventures there,

Cordova, Emir of, King John's embassy to,

Cressingham, Hugh, chancellor to Edward I.,

his expedition against Wallace,

killed at the battle of Stirling,

Crusades, the, remarks upon,

the first led by Peter the Hermit,

its disastrous end,

followed by Godfrey de Bouillon and others,

account of,

the third account of,

the last history of,

the great abuse of them,

Curfew bell, origin of,

Cymry, the, original tribe of the Kelts,

Cyprus, conquest of, by Richard Coeur de Lion,

Damietta, the crusaders at,

Danish conquest of England, effects of,

David, Earl of Huntingdon,

joins the third crusade,

his adventures on his return home,

David I. King of Scotland,

a visitor of Henry I.,

swears fealty to Maude,

his character,

invades England in favor of Maude,

defeated at the battle of the Standard,

his sorrows and death,

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