his disgrace and imprisonment;
released by Robert Courtheuse;
takes the Cross;
blesses the unlawful marriage of Philippe I.
Olaf, St., his prophecies of his young brothers;
his death in battle.
Olaf Scotkonung, King of Sweden,
his charge of Edmund Ironside's children.
Olaf Trygvesson in Ireland.
Oraric of Meath, treachery of.
Orleton, Adam, Bp. of Hereford,
his enmity to Edward II.;
his answer to Queen Isabel;
his quarrel with her.
Osborn, Counte De Breteuil, murder of.
Osgood, Clapa, the Dane, gives the name to Clapham.
Osmund de Centeville,
his fidelity to Richard the Fearless.
Otho, Emperor of Germany,
makes war against Richard the Fearless.
Otho, the Pope's legate, tumult against, at Oxford.
Ottoboni, Cardinal, preaches the Crusade in France and England.
Oxford, Mande besieged at, by Stephen;
escapes from, over the snow;
meeting of the Mad Parliament at;
its acts declared void by Louis IX.
Pallium, the, Anselm's dispute with William Rufus about.
Pandulfo, the Pope's legate, King John's submission to;
takes charge of Henry III. in his minority.
Parliament, the, of Westminster;
the Mad, of Oxford;
those under Edward I.;
increase of its power through the right of self-taxation.
Patriarch, the, of Rome,
acknowledged by the conquering tribes.
Paschall II., Pope, Anselm consults.
Pelagian heresy, the, in Wales.
Pembroke, Richard, Earl of, assassination of.
Pembroke, William, Earl of, has Henry III. crowned;
appointed his governor during his minority.
Percy, legend of the origin of the name.
Peter the Hermit, his appearance at the Council of Clermont;
leads the first Crusade;
defection of, at the siege of Antioch;
sings mass at the Holy Sepulchre.
Pevensey, landing of the Normans at.
Philippa of Hainault, Edward III.'s first meeting with;
her marriage to him.
Philippe I. of France,
refuses to aid William the Conqueror's invasion of England;
aids Robert Courtheuse against his father;
supports the insurrection at Mantes;
his connection with Bertrade,
wife of Foulques of Anjou.
Philippe August, his birth and early character;
his accession to the throne of France;
agrees to join Richard Coeur de Lion in a crusade;
his last meeting with Henry II.;
sets out with Richard on the Crusade;
his intended treachery;
his jealousy of Richard;
returns home;
his conduct respecting Richard's captivity;
conduct toward Prince Arthur;
quarrel with King John;
summons John to answer for the murder of Prince Arthur;
invades his French fiefs;
wins back Normandy, Anjou, &c., from the English;
England granted to him by the Pope.
Philippe III., his father's last advice to him;
gives up the Crusade.
Philippe IV., character of;
his deceit to Edward I.;
his treachery to the Count of Flanders;
persecution of Boniface VIII.;
causes the election of Clement V.;
his proceedings against the Templars;
his death.
Plantagenet, Richard.
See Richard.
Poer, Roger le, chaplain to Henry I., Bp. of Salisbury.
Poitiers, Alfonse, Count de, at the Crusade of St. Louis;
left as a hostage.
Pontigny, Becket retires to;
driven from thence.
Pope, the, rescued from the Lombards by Charlemagne;
signification of the word;
early power of;
becomes head of the Western Church;
atrocities attending the election of,
the election of,
transferred from the emperor to the cardinals;
the struggle to regain this,
Purkiss carries the body of William Rufus to Winchester;
his descendants still living in the New Forest.
Ralph Flambard, Bishop of Durham, the friend of Rufus;
incites Robert Courtheuse against Henry I.
Randolf de Brock, enemy of Becket;
assists his murderers.