least, Conrade's approbation was more to her than Captain Keith's. It was very pretty to see her so pleased with her instructions, so eager about her own game, and yet so delighted with every hit of her boys; while Bessie was an admirable general, playing everybody's game as well as her own, and with such life and spirit, such readiness and good nature, that a far duller sport would have been delicious under her management.

'Poor Alick,' said she, meeting him when he again strolled into the garden, while the boys were collecting the mallets and balls; 'he did think he had one lawn in the world undefiled by those horrible hoops!' then as she met his smile of amusement and pardon, 'but it was so exactly what they wanted here. It is so good for Lady Temple and her boys to have something they can do together.'

The pleased affectionate smile was gone.

'I object to nothing but its being for her good,' he said gravely.

'But now, does not it make her very happy, and suit her excellently?'

'May be so, but that is not the reason you introduced it.'

'You have a shocking habit of driving one up into corners, Alick, but it shall be purely, purely for my own selfish delight,' and she clasped her hands in so droll an affectation of remorse, that the muscles round his eyes quivered with diversion, though the hair on his lip veiled what the corners of his mouth were about; 'if only,' she proceeded, 'you won't let it banish you. You must come over to take care of this wicked little sister, or who knows what may be the consequences.'

'I kept away partly because I was busy, and partly because I believe you are such a little ape as always to behave worse when you have the semblance of a keeper;' he said, with his arm fondly on her shoulder as they walked.

'And in the mean time fell out the adventure of the distinguished essayist.'

'I am afraid,' he returned, 'that was a gratuitous piece of mischief, particularly annoying to so serious and thoughtful a person as Miss Rachel Curtis.'

'Jealousy?' exclaimed Bessie in an ecstatic tone. 'You see what you lost by not trusting me, to behave myself under the provocation of your presence.'

'What! the pleasure of boxing your ears for a coward?'

'Of seizing the happy opening! I am very much afraid for you now, Alick,' she proceeded with mock gravity. 'What hope can a poor Captain of Highlanders, even if he does happen to be a wounded hero or two, have against a distinguished essayist and landscape painter; if it were a common case indeed, but where Wisdom herself is concerned--'

'Military frivolity cannot hope,' returned Alick, with a shake of his head, and a calm matter-of-fact acquiescent tone.

'Ah, poor Alick,' pursued his sister, 'you always were a discreet youth; but to be connected with such a union of learning, social science, and homeaopathy, soared beyond my utmost ambition. I suppose the wedding tour-- supposing the happy event to take place-- will be through a series of model schools and hospitals, ending in Hanwell.'

'No,' said Alick, equally coolly, 'to the Dutch reformatory, and the Swiss cretin asylum.'

She was exceedingly tickled at his readiness, and proceeded in a pretended sentimental tone, 'I am glad you have revealed the secrets of your breast. I saw there was a powerful attraction and that you were no longer your own, but my views were humbler. I thought the profound respect with which you breathed the name of Avonmouth, was due to the revival of the old predilection for our sweet little--'

'Hush, Bessie,' said her brother, roused for the first time into sternness, 'this is more than nonsense. One word more of this, and you will cut me off from my greatest rest and pleasure.'

'From the lawn where croquet waits his approbation,' was on Bessie's tongue, but she did not say it. There were moments when she stood in fear of her brother. He paused, and as if perceiving that his vehemence was in itself suspicious, added, 'Remember, I never met her from seven years old till after her marriage. She has been the kindest of friends in right of our fathers' old friendship. You know how her mother nursed me, and the sister she was to me. And Bessie, if your selfishness--I wish I could call it thoughtlessness--involves her innocent simplicity in any scrape, derogatory to what is becoming her situation, I shall find it very hard to forgive you, and harder still to forgive myself for letting you come here.'

Bessie pouted for a moment, but her sweetness and good humour were never away. 'There, you have given your wicked little sister a screed,' she said, looking insinuatingly up at him. 'Just as if I did not think her a darling, and would not for the world do anything to spoil her. Have not I been leading the most exemplary life, talking systems and visiting cottages with Rachel and playing with the boys, and singing with the clergyman; and here am I pounced on, as if I were come to be the serpent in this anti-croquet paradise.'

'Only a warning, Bessie.'

'You'll be better now you have had it out. I've seen you suppressing it all this time, for fear of frightening me away.'

Every one knows how the afternoon croquet match on the Myrtlewood Lawn became an institution, though with some variation in the observers thereof, owing to the exigencies of calls, rides, and Ermine Williams's drive, which Lady Temple took care should happen at least twice a week. The most constant votaries of the mallet and hoop were, of course, the two elder boys, the next pair being distant worshippers only now and then admitted by special favour, but the ardour of their mother even exceeded that of Bessie Keith, and it was always a disappointment to her if she were prevented from playing. Grace and Alison Williams frequently took their share with enjoyment, though not with the same devotion, and visitors, civil and military, also often did their part, but the most fervent of all these was Mr. Touchett. Ever since that call of his, when, after long impatience of his shy jerks of conversation and incapacity of taking leave, Miss Keith had exclaimed, 'Did you ever play at croquet? do come, and we will teach you,' he had been its most assiduous student. The first instructions led to an appointment for more, one contest to another, and the curate was becoming almost as regular a croquet player as Conrade himself, not conversing much but sure to be in his place; and showing a dexterity and precision that always made Lady Temple pleased to have him on her side, and exclaim with delight at his hits as a public benefit to the cause, or thank him with real gratitude when he croqued her or one of her sons out of a difficulty.

Indeed that little lawn at Myrtlewood was a battle-field, of which Alison used to carry her sister amusing and characteristic sketches. The two leading players were Miss Keith and Mr. Touchett, who alone had any idea of tactics; but what she did by intuition, sleight of hand or experience, he effected by calculation and generalship, and even when Conrade claimed the command of his own side, the suggestions of the curate really guided the party. Conrade was a sort of Murat on the croquet field, bold, dashing, often making wonderful hits, but uncertain, and only gradually learning to act in combination. Alison was a sure-handed, skilful hitter, but did not aspire to leadership. Mamma tried to do whatever her boys commanded, and often did it by a sort of dainty dexterity, when her exultation, was a very pretty sight, nor was Grace's lady-like skill contemptible, but having Francis as an ally was like giving a castle; and he was always placed on the other side from Conrade, as it was quite certain that he would do the very reverse of whatever his brother advised. Now and then invitations were given for Rose Williams to join the game, but her aunts never accepted them. Ermine had long ago made up her mind against intimacies between her niece and any pupils of Alison's, sure that though starts of pleasure might result, they would be at the cost of ruffling, and, perhaps, perturbing the child's even stream of happiness--even girl- friendships might have been of doubtful effect where circumstances were so unequal; but Lady Temple's household of boys appeared to Ermine by no means a desirable sphere for her child to be either teased or courted in. Violetta, Colinette, and Augustus were safer comrades, and Rose continued to find them sufficient, varied with the rare delight of now and then sharing her aunt's drive, and brightened by many a kind message in Colonel Keith's letters to her aunt, nay, occasionally a small letter to herself, or an enclosure of some pretty photograph for her much-loved scrap book, or some article for Colinette's use, sometimes even a new book! She was never forgotten in his letters, and Ermine smiled her strange pensive smile of amusement at his wooing of the unconscious Rose.


'Scorn not the smallness of daily endeavour, Let the great meaning ennoble it ever, Droop not o'er efforts

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