they would never think it.'

'Yes, Susie is right there,' said Christabel. 'If you try to be one with the others, and make common cause with them, giving up and forbearing, they never will take such things into their heads.'

'And WE don't now,' said Susan cheerily. 'Didn't you hear Sam say nobody but a donkey could think it?'

'But Bessie has a secret!' said Annie.

Again stout Susan said, 'For shame!'

'I'll tell you what my secret is,' began Bessie.

'No,' said Susan, 'don't tell it, dear! We'll trust you without; and Sam will say the same.'

Bessie flung her arms round Susan's neck, as if she only now knew the comfort of her dear good sister.

Lessons were resumed; and as soon as these were done, Miss Fosbrook resolved on a thorough search. Some strange fit of mischief or curiosity might have actuated some one, and the money be hidden away; so she brought David out of his cupboard, and with Susan's help turned out every drawer and locker in the school-room, forbidding the others to touch or assist. They routed out queer nests of broken curiosities, disturbed old dusty dens of rubbish, peeped behind every row of books; but made no discovery worth mentioning, except the left leg of Annie's last doll, the stuffing of Johnnie's ball, the tiger out of George's Noah's ark, and the first sheet of Sam's Latin Grammar, all stuffed together into a mouse-hole in the skirting.

At dinner Christabel forbade the subject to be mentioned, not only to hinder quarrelsome speeches, but to prevent the loss being talked of among the servants; since she feared that one of them must have committed the theft, and though anxious not to put it into the children's heads, suspected Rhoda, the little nursery-girl, who was quite a child, and had not long been in the house.

Henry ate his dinner in haste, but could not get away till Miss Fosbrook had called him away from the rest, and told him that if he had been playing a trick on his little brother, it was time to put an end to it, before any innocent person fell under suspicion.

'I--I've been playing no tricks--at least--'

'Without any AT LEAST, Henry, have you hidden the money?'


'You dined in the school-room on Friday. Were the baby-house doors open then!'

'I--I'm sure I didn't notice.'

'You didn't open them to take anything out?'

'What should I want with the things in the baby-house?'

'Did you, or did you not!'

'I--I didn't--at least--'

'In one word, did you open them? yes or no.'


'What time did you go out after eating your dinner?'

'Bother! how is one to remember! It's all nonsense making such a fuss. The children fancied they put in ever so much more than they did, and very likely took out some.'

'No; David's reckoning was accurate. I wrote down all I knew of; and I am sure none was taken out, for early that very morning I had put in a sixpence myself, and the cup was then full of coppers, with that little silver threepenny of David's with the edge turned up upon the top.'

'Then you must have left the door undone!' said Henry delighted.

'I dare not be positive,' said Christabel; 'but I believe I remember bolting it; and if I had not done so, it would have flown open sooner.'

'Oh, but the wind, you know.'

'If the doors did open, it would not account for the loss of the money.'

'Well, I can't help it,' said Henry ungraciously, trying to move off: but she first required him to tell her what he had said to the younger boys to make them suspect Elizabeth.

'Did I?' said Henry, 'I am sure I didn't; at least, if I did, I only said Bess peeped everywhere, and was very close. I didn't suspect her, you know.'

'I should think not!' said Miss Fosbrook indignantly. 'Now please to come up with me.'

'I want to go out,' said Henry.

No, she would not let him go. She thought Elizabeth ought to clear herself, so far as it could be done, by making her secret known, since that had drawn suspicion on her; and when all the children were together, she called the little girl and told her so.

'It is very unkind of them,' said Bessie, with trembling lip; 'but they shall see, if they want THAT to show I am not a thief!'

'I said I wouldn't see,' said Susan. 'You knows Bessie, I trust you.'

'And I,' said Sam; 'I don't care for people's secrets. I don't want to pry into Bessie's.'

No one followed their example; all either really suspected, or else were full of curiosity, and delighted to gratify it.

Half a dozen slips of card, with poor little coloured drawings on them, and as many lengths of penny ribbon!

'Is that all?' said Annie, much disappointed.

'So that's what Bet made such a fuss about,' said John; and David's face fell, as if he had really expected to see the lost pence.

The next thing, after the search had been made through all the children's bed-rooms, was to go to the nursery: and thither Miss Fosbrook allowed only Susan and Sam to follow her. Nurse Freeman was very stiff and stately, but she had no objection to searching; and the boy and girl began the hunt, while Miss Fosbrook meantime cautiously asked whether Nurse were sure of Rhoda, and if she were trustworthy.

This made Mrs. Freeman very angry; and though her words were respectful, she showed that she was much offended at the strange lady presuming to suspect anyone, especially one under her charge.

Miss Fosbrook wanted to have asked Rhoda whether the doors were open or shut when she carried Henry his dinner, but Nurse would not consent to call her. 'I understood the nursery and the girl were to be my province,' she said. 'If Miss Merrifield heard her mamma say otherwise, then it is a different thing.'

Susan cowered into the dark cupboard. Nurse must be in a dreadful way to call her Miss Merrifield, instead of Missy!

Nothing more could be done. The pence could not be found. Nurse would not let Rhoda be examined; and all that could be found out from the children had been already elicited.

Christabel could only beg that no more should be said, and, her head aching with perplexity, hope that some light might yet be thrown on the matter. There must be pain and grief whenever it should be explained; but this would be far better, even for the offender, than the present deception: and the whole family were in a state of irritation and distrust, that hurt their tempers, and made her bitterly reproach herself with not having prevented temptation by putting the hoard under lock and key.

She ordered that no more should be said about it that evening, and made herself obeyed; but play was dull, and everything went off heavily. The next morning, Susan came back early from her housekeeping business, with her honest face grave and unhappy, and finding Miss Fosbrook alone, told her she had something REALLY to say to her if she might; and this being granted began, with the bright look of having found a capital notion: 'I'll tell you what I wish you would do.'


'If you would call every one in all the house, and ask them on their word and honour if they took the pence.'

'My dear, I am not the head of the house, and I have no right to do that; besides, I do not believe it would discover it.'

'What! could a thief get in from out of doors!' said Susan looking at the window.

'Hardly that, my dear; but I am afraid a person who could steal would not scruple to tell a falsehood, and I do not wish to cause this additional sin.'

'It is very horrid; I can't bear it,' said Susan, puckering up her face for tears. 'Do you know, Miss Fosbrook, the maids are all so angry that you said anything about Rhoda?'

'You did not mention it, my dear?'

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