'Who will be her lady? Thou must, Humfrey!'

'No, no, I'll never be a lady,' said Humfrey gruffly.

'Thou then, Diccon.'

'No, no,' and the little fellow shrank back, 'thou wilt hurt me, Cis.'

'Come then, do thou, Tony! I'll not strike too hard!'

'As if a wench could strike too hard.'

'He might have turned that more chivalrously,' whispered the lady to her companion. 'What are they about to represent? Mort de ma vie, the profane little imps! I, believe it is my sacred cousin, the Majesty of England herself! Truly the little maid hath a bearing that might serve a queen, though she be all too black and beetle- browed for Queen Elizabeth. Who is she, Master Gilbert?'

'She is Cicely Talbot, daughter to the gentleman porter of your Majesty's lodge.'

'See to her-mark her little dignity with her heather and bluebell crown as she sits on the rock, as stately as jewels could make her! See her gesture with her hands, to mark where the standing ruff ought to be. She hath the true spirit of the Comedy-ah! and here cometh young Antony with mincing pace, with a dock-leaf for a fan, and a mantle for a farthingale! She speaks! now hark!'

'Good morrow to you, my young mistress,' began a voice pitched two notes higher than its actual childlike key. 'Thou hast a new farthingale, I see! O Antony, that's not the way to curtsey-do it like this. No no! thou clumsy fellow-back and knees together.'

'Never mind, Cis,' interposed one of the boys-'we shall lose all our play time if you try to make him do it with a grace. Curtsies are women's work-go on.'

'Where was I? O-' (resuming her dignity after these asides) 'Thou hast a new farthingale, I see.'

'To do my poor honour to your Grace's birthday.'

'Oh ho! Is it so? Methought it had been to do honour to my fair mistress's own taper waist. And pray how much an ell was yonder broidered stuff?'

'Two crowns, an't please your Grace,' returned the supposed lady, making a wild conjecture.

'Two crowns! thou foolish Antony!' Then recollecting herself, 'two crowns! what, when mine costs but half! Thou presumptuous, lavish varlet-no, no, wench! what right hast thou to wear gowns finer than thy liege?-I'll teach you.' Wherewith, erecting all her talons, and clawing frightfully with them in the air, the supposed Queen Bess leapt at the unfortunate maid of honour, appeared to tear the imaginary robe, and drove her victim on the stage with a great air of violence, amid peals of laughter from the other children, loud enough to drown those of the elders, who could hardly restrain their merriment.

Gilbert Talbot, however, had been looking about him anxiously all the time, and would fain have moved away; but a sign from Queen Mary withheld him, as one of the children cried,

'Now! show us how she serves her lords.'

The play seemed well understood between them, for the mimic queen again settled herself on her throne, while Will Cavendish, calling out, 'Now I'm Master Hatton,' began to tread a stately measure on the grass, while the queen exclaimed, 'Who is this new star of my court? What stalwart limbs, what graceful tread! Who art thou, sir?'

'Madam, I am-I am. What is it? An ef-ef-'

'A daddy-long-legs,' mischievously suggested another of the group.

'No, it's Latin. Is it Ephraim? No; it's a fly, something like a gnat' (then at an impatient gesture from her Majesty) 'disporting itself in the beams of the noontide sun.'

'Blood-sucking,' whispered the real Queen behind the fern. 'He is not so far out there. See! see! with what a grace the child holds out her little hand for him to kiss. I doubt me if Elizabeth herself could be more stately. But who comes here?'

'I'm Sir Philip Sydney.'

'No, no,' shouted Humfrey, 'Sir Philip shall not come into this fooling. My father says he's the best knight in England.'

'He is as bad as the rest in flattery to the Queen,' returned young Cavendish.

'I'll not have it, I say. You may be Lord Leicester an you will! He's but Robin Dudley.'

'Ah!' began the lad, now advancing and shading his eyes. 'What burnished splendour dazzles my weak sight? Is it a second Juno that I behold, or lovely Venus herself? Nay, there is a wisdom in her that can only belong to the great Minerva herself! So youthful too. Is it Hebe descended to this earth?'

Cis smirked, and held out a hand, saying in an affected tone, 'Lord Earl, are thy wits astray?'

'Whose wits would not be perturbed at the mere sight of such exquisite beauty?'

'Come and sit at our feet, and we will try to restore them,' said the stage queen; but here little Diccon, the youngest of the party, eager for more action, called out, 'Show us how she treats her lords and ladies together.'

On which young Babington, as the lady, and Humfrey, made demonstrations of love-making and betrothal, upon which their sovereign lady descended on them with furious tokens of indignation, abusing them right and left, until in the midst the great castle bell pealed forth, and caused a flight general, being, in fact, the summons to the school kept in one of the castle chambers by one Master Snigg, or Sniggius, for the children of the numerous colony who peopled the castle. Girls, as well as boys, were taught there, and thus Cis accompanied Humfrey and Diccon, and consorted with their companions.

Queen Mary was allowed to hunt and take out-of-door exercise in the park whenever she pleased, but Lord Shrewsbury, or one of his sons, Gilbert and Francis, never was absent from her for a moment when she went beyond the door of the lesser lodge, which the Earl had erected for her, with a flat, leaded, and parapeted roof, where she could take the air, and with only one entrance, where was stationed a 'gentleman porter,' with two subordinates, whose business it was to keep a close watch over every person or thing that went in or out. If she had any purpose of losing herself in the thickets of fern, or copsewood, in the park, or holding unperceived conference under shelter of the chase, these plans were rendered impossible by the pertinacious presence of one or other of the Talbots, who acted completely up to their name.

Thus it was that the Queen, with Gilbert in close attendance, had found herself an unseen spectator of the children's performance, which she watched with the keen enjoyment that sometimes made her forget her troubles for the moment.

'How got the imps such knowledge?' mused Gilbert Talbot, as he led the Queen out on the sward which had been the theatre of their mimicry.

'Do you ask that, Sir Gilbert?' said the Queen with emphasis, for indeed it was his wife who had been the chief retailer of scandal about Queen Elizabeth, to the not unwilling ears of herself and his mother; and Antony Babington, as my lady's page, had but used his opportunities.

'They are insolent varlets and deserve the rod,' continued Gilbert.

'You are too ready with the rod, you English,' returned Mary. 'You flog all that is clever and spirited out of your poor children!'

'That is the question, madam. Have the English been found so deficient in spirit compared with other nations?'

'Ah! we all know what you English can say for yourselves,' returned the Queen. 'See what Master John Coke hath made of the herald's argument before Dame Renown, in his translation. He hath twisted all the other way.'

'Yea, madam, but the French herald had it all his own way before. So it was but just we should have our turn.'

Here a cry from the other hunters greeted them, and they found Lord Shrewsbury, some of the ladies, and a number of prickers, looking anxiously for them.

'Here we are, good my lord,' said the Queen, who, when free from rheumatism, was a most active walker. 'We have only been stalking my sister Queen's court in small, the prettiest and drollest pastime I have seen for many a long day.'

Much had happened in the course of the past years. The intrigues with Northumberland and Norfolk, and the secret efforts of the unfortunate Queen to obtain friends, and stir up enemies against Elizabeth, had resulted in her bonds being drawn closer and closer. The Rising of the North had taken place, and Cuthbert Langston had been heard of as taking a prominent part beneath the sacred banner, but he had been wounded and not since heard of,

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