Pellaeon looked out the viewport at the stars. Yes, that was indeed the question. How long should they wait here in the middle of nowhere in the hope that this slow attrition of the Empire could be stopped? That they could end this war with the New Republic with a shred of territory and dignity still intact?

That they could finally have peace?

'Two weeks,' he said. 'We'll give Bel Iblis another two weeks to respond to our offer.'

'Even though the message may not have reached him?'

'The message reached him,' Pellaeon said firmly. 'Vermel is a highly resourceful, highly competent officer. Whatever happened to him, I have no doubt he completed his mission first.'

'Yes, sir,' Ardiff said, his tone making it clear that he didn't share Pellaeon's confidence. 'And if Bel Iblis doesn't come within that time frame?'

Pellaeon pursed his lips. 'We'll decide then.'

Ardiff hesitated, then took half a step closer to his superior. 'You really believe this is our best hope, sir, don't you,' he said quietly.

Pellaeon shook his head. 'No, Captain,' he murmured. 'I believe it's our only hope.'

* * *

The wedge of approaching Sienar IPV/4 patrol ships broke in perfect formation to both sides, and the Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless glided smoothly between the re-forming clusters toward its designated orbital position. 'Very impressive,' Moff Disra growled to the slim man beside him, hearing his heart pounding in his ears as he gazed across the bridge at the green-blue world framed in the forward viewport. 'I trust you didn't haul me all the way out here just to watch the Kroctarian home defense force's maneuvers.'

'Patience, Your Excellency,' Major Grodin Tierce said quietly at his side. 'I told you we had a surprise for you.'

Disra felt his lip twist. Yes, that's what Tierce had said. And that was all Tierce had said. And as for Flim—

Disra shifted his gaze to the Admiral's chair, feeling his lip twist a little more. Their tame con man was sitting there, bold as bricbrass in his blue-skin makeup and glowing red eye surface inserts and his white Grand Admiral's uniform. The absolute laser-trimmed image of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a masquerade solidly believed by every Imperial aboard the Relentless from Captain Dorja on down. Trouble was, there weren't any Imperials on the planet below them. Far from it. Kroctar, merchant center and capital of Shataum sector, was deep in New Republic territory, with every bit as much military firepower as one would expect such a world to have. There was no guarantee that any of them would be impressed by Flim's eyes and uniform and acting ability. And if they weren't, this cozy little triumvirate Disra had formed was about to blow up in their faces. Flim might look like Thrawn, but he had all the tactical genius of a garbage-pit parasite. Tierce, a former stormtrooper and Royal Guardsman under Emperor Palpatine, was the military brains of their little group; and if Captain Dorja saw an allegedly lowly major rush over to the allegedly brilliant Grand Admiral to give him advice, this whole illusion would explode into soap scum. Whatever bluff Tierce was running here, it had better work.

'Transmission from the surface, Admiral,' the comm officer called from the portside crew pit. 'It's Lord Superior Bosmihi, chief of the Unified Factions.'

'On speaker, Lieutenant,' Thrawn said. 'Lord Superior Bosmihi, this is Grand Admiral Thrawn. I received your message. What may I do for you?'

Disra frowned at Tierce. 'They called us?' he muttered. Tierce nodded, a small but satisfied smile playing around his lips. 'Shh,' he said. 'Listen.'

'We offer you greeting, Grand Admiral Thrawn,' a nasally alien voice boomed over the comm,

'and we congratulate you most heartily on your triumphal return.'

'Thank you,' Thrawn said smoothly. 'As I recall, you were somewhat less enthusiastic at our last meeting.'

Disra threw Tierce a sharp look. 'During his sweep through this sector ten years ago,' Tierce murmured. 'Don't worry, he knows all about it.'

The alien gave a blubbering laugh. 'Ah, yes—you remember most clearly,' he admitted cheerfully.

'At that time the fear of Imperial power and the lure of promised freedoms still held sway over us.'

'Such lies held sway over many,' Thrawn agreed. 'Does your choice of words imply the Kroctari have come to a new understanding?'

There was a disgusting, wheezy-sounding noise from the comm. 'We have seen the crumbling of the promise,' the

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