Lieutenant Cue Ball smiled again, a very nasty smile this time. 'You think anyone in this room cares a dead frog what the Agri like or don't like?'

Jack frowned. That wasn't the response he'd been expecting. 'This is their world,' he pointed out cautiously. 'They hired you, not the other way around.'

'I guess maybe you're hard of hearing,' Lieutenant Cue Ball said. He wasn't smiling any more. 'I'll say it again. I don't care what the Agri like or want, or don't like or don't want. The mine they're sitting on is worth a lot of money. Get the picture?'

Jack looked over at the soldiers standing by the door, feeling the ground sifting like dry sand out from under his position. 'So you're not here to defend the Agri at all,' he said slowly. 'All you want is the mine.'

'Catches on quick, don't he?' one of the Shamshir said sarcastically.

'And the only thing that stands in your way,' Jack added, 'is the Whinyard's Edge.'

'Who want the mine just as badly as we do,' Lieutenant Cue Ball agreed.

He must have seen something in Jack's face, because he smiled again. 'Oh, come now. You weren't thinking noble thoughts about them, were you? Did you really think they were here to help the Parprins take over the mine, collect their fee, and move on? Who do you think they are, Drag-onbacks?'

Jack nodded, suddenly feeling very tired. Once, he'd thought he and Draycos were on the right side, helping the Whinyard's Edge defend a Parprin mine from aggressors. A few minutes ago, he'd begun to wonder if it was actually the Agri who were the innocent victims here.

Now, he realized that there was no right side for him to be on. Both armies were out for themselves, fighting solely for a share of the loot. The people who really owned the mine, whichever group it actually was, weren't going to keep their property no matter who won.

Ever since he'd started this scam, Draycos had been talking about how soldiers were the protectors of the weak.

He wondered what the noble K'da poet-warrior would have to say about this.

He didn't have to guess what Uncle Virge would say. I told you so pretty well covered that one.

'Yes,' he said. 'I understand.'

He took a deep breath. Draycos had stopped his frustrated movements, he noticed. Perhaps the dragon was offended beyond any reaction at all.

Or else he was preparing for action.

'Good,' Lieutenant Cue Ball said. 'Don't look so shocked. This is how the universe operates. Get used to it.' He folded his arms across his chest. 'Here's the offer. Twenty-five thousand, in cash, and a ticket off this mudball for everything in those computers. If you can deliver it in one hour.'

Jack sighed. Maybe Uncle Virge was right, after all. Maybe looking out for yourself was all you could expect to do in this life. Trying to do anything else was inviting a whole water buffalo stampede to charge right down on top of you.

And at the moment, looking out for himself meant getting out of here. Draycos would understand. In fact, Draycos was probably tugging at the leash to get away from this soggy mess himself.

Anyway, the whole only reason they'd come here in the first place was to track down those Djinn-90s. Twenty-five thousand in Shamshir cash would give them whole new ways to continue that search. That ought to calm the dragon's conscience.

He hoped.

'Deal,' he said, stepping to the nearest computer and sitting down on the chair in front of it. Briefly, he wondered if Draycos would consider this a betrayal of his soldier's oath. But there was nothing he could do except hope the dragon understood. Taking a deep breath, he keyed in the main access code they'd been taught. Nothing happened.

Chapter 19

A quiet alarm bell began jingling in the back of Jack's brain. He tried the access code again. Still nothing.

There were three other codes they'd been taught. He tried each of them in turn, typing slowly and carefully to make sure he wasn't making any mistakes.

None of the codes did anything at all.

The soldiers gathered by the door were beginning to mutter among themselves. Feeling sweat gathering on his forehead, Jack moved over one seat to the next computer in line and tried again. He tried everything again. Still nothing worked.

Lieutenant Cue Ball had started out standing behind Jack, looking over his shoulder. Now, he was crowding so closely against him that Jack could feel him breathing. 'What's the matter, Bright Eyes?' he rumbled softly. 'Twenty-five thousand suddenly not good enough for you?'

'I don't know what's wrong,' Jack protested. 'These are the codes they taught us. They worked fine back on Carrion.'

'Did they, now,' Lieutenant Cue Ball said.

Swallowing hard, Jack attacked the computer one last time. He might as well have saved himself the trouble. 'Let rue try one more,' he offered, starting to get up from his chair.

A big hand landed on his shoulder and shoved him back down into his seat. 'Save it,' Lieutenant Cue Ball snarled. 'You've wasted enough of my time already.'

The pressure on Jack's shoulder shifted to a grip under his arm, and he was hauled bodily out of the chair. 'Panto, Crick—put him on ice,' the lieutenant ordered, giving Jack a rough shove toward the soldiers at the door. 'Number Two storeroom. Then go get the Oriental girl. Maybe she'll be more cooperative.'

The Number Two storeroom was the mud hut on the far side of the other human-designed building. It was small, no bigger than the Essenay's cargo hold, with a bare dirt floor. Metal shelves stacked with boxes filled most of the floor space, leaving only a few square feet open in the middle. Panto and Crick sat him down in the middle of the open area and attached his handcuff to one of the lower shelf supports. Then they left, turning off the overhead light and closing the door behind them.

Jack sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly with his free hand. Like the prison cell they'd started out in, this storeroom had no windows, and it was pitch black. 'Well,' he said aloud. 'Here we are.'

'Yes,' Draycos murmured from his right shoulder. 'Can you press up beside these boxes?'

'Yeah, hang on,' Jack said, getting up into as high a crouch as he could with

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