[parent GROUP]
[email addr]
[password passwd]
[description «any describing words»]
[mac «XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX»]
[bw { speed in speed out | speed } ]
[acct–policy [!][%]p_name [p_name] …]
[fw–policy [!][%]p_name [p_name] … ]
[ds–list 1,2,3…]
[auto–units X]
access–script path
type { hash | mysql | postgres | oracle | radius}
path XXX
user username
password password
host hostname
dbname database_name
socket sock_name
port XXX
retry XXX
timeout XXX
nas–ip A.B.C.D
accept { all | type … } [except type …]
type { ip–traffic | netflow | libpcap | netgraph }
source { tee XXX | divert XXX | ipq | ulog NL1 [NL2 … NL32] |
A.B.C.D | ifname [promisc] | nodename [divert] }
listen { 0 | ip } port_number
clock { remote | local }
layer7–detect { none | urls }
rule ID rule_string
no rule ID
report [oid 06100] name rep1 type traffic period day detail simple
smtp–server smtp_server_name
run time_interval
path /path/to/html/root
url url_string
servlet–url url_string
htaccess { yes | no }
client–pages { all | groups | none | group GG1 GG2 … }
account–pages { all | none }
display–top N
display–health { yes | no }
monitor to { storage N | file XXXX | netflow IP PORT}
no monitor to …
monitor unit { N | XXXX }
no monitor unit { N | XXXX }
show monitor
policy XXX
block–policy XXX
soft–treshold N
set {name XXX | oid YYY}
[policy XXX]
[block–policy XXX]
[soft–treshold N]
[notify [{soft|hard|return} {«{none}»|[«{owner}»] [YYY]}]]
[hour … ]
[day …]
[week …]
[month …]
subplan N
fee NNN