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G. Bedouelle, Utopie, в DSp 16, 1994, 101–102.


Об авторе Утопии см. G. Marc’hadour, Thomas More, в DSp 15, 1991, 849–865. О самой Утопии см. G. Bedouelle, ibid., 101–113.


Technology and the Environment, ed. F. Ferre, Greenwich, 1992; J. Cobb, Sustainability. Economics, Ecology and Justice, New York, 1992; M. de Geus, Poliliek, milieu en vrijheid, Utrecht, 1993.


P. Sherrard, The Rape of Man and Nature. An Enquiry into Origins and Consequences of Modem Science, Ipswich, 1987; Natur and Mensch, ed. H. Dembowski, Miinchen, 1990; M. Schlitt, Umweltethik. Philosophised ethische Reflexionen, theologische Grundlagen, Kriterien, Paderbum, 1992; F. Soontiens, Natumfilosofie en mi- Ikuethiek. Een teleologische natuurfilosofie als voorwaarde voor milieu-ethiek, Amsterdam, 1993.


Greenpeace (англ.) — «зеленый мир». — Прим. пер. D. Fox, Deep Ecology and the Environmental Crisis. An Anthropological Inquiry into the Viability of a Movement, Arizona, 1992; C. Merchant, Radical Ecology. The Search for Livable World, New York, 1992.H. Kessler, Das Stohnen der Natur. Plridoyer fur eine Schdpfungsspiritualitdt und Schopfungsethik, Diisseldorf, 1990; Th. Berry, Befriending the Earth. A Theology of Reconciliation between Humans and the Earth, Mystic, 1991;J. Nash, Loving Nature. Ecological Integrity and Christian Responsibility, Nashville, 1991; K. O’Gorman, Toward the Cultivation of Ecological Spirituality. The Possibilities of Partnership, в Religious Education 87, 1992, 606–618.


3S(IJ. McDaniel, Earth, Sky, Gods and Mortals. Developing an Ecological Spirituality, Mystic, 1990, 182.


D. Hall, The Steward. A Biblical Symbol Come of Age, Grand Rapids — New York, 1990; A. Meyer & J. Meyer, Earthkeepers. Environmental Perspectives on Hunger, Poverty and Injustice, Scottdale (Pennsylva


nia), 1991; W. van Nunen, De intrinsieke waarde van de natuur als ethisch dilemma. Pleidooi voor een partici- perende houding ten opzichte van de natuur als'basis — voor een ecologische ethik, Tilburg, 1993; M. Oelschlag- er, Caring for Creation. An Ecumenical Approach to the Environmental Crisis, New Haven, 1994.


•’** A. Primavesi, From Apocalipse to Genesis. Ecology, Feminism and Christianity, Wellwood, 1991.1,55 A. Forman, Full Circle. Song of Ecology and Earthen Spirituality, St. Paul (Minnesota), 1992; B. Bru- teau, Eucharistic Ecology and Ecological Spirituality, в Cross Currents 40, 1990–1991, 499–514; R. Morris, Invocation of the Creatures. Learning to Pray with the World Again, в Weaving* 8, 1993, 27–33; A. Booth, Learning to Walk in Beauty. Critical Comparisons in Ecophilosophy Focussing on Bioregionalism, Deep Ecology, Ecolog ical Feminism and Native American Ecological Consciousness, Madison, 1992; S. McCarthy, Celebrating the Earth. An Earth-Centered Theology of Worship with Blessings, Prayers and Rituals, San Jose, 1991.


A. LaChange, Greenspirit. Twelve Steps in Ecological Spirituality, Rockport — Shaftesbury, 1991,176– 177.


D. Rothenberg, Ecosophy T. From Intuition to System, в A. Naess, Ecology, Community and Lifestyle, New York, 1991, 15. Буква «Т» указывает на горную хижину Твергастейн (= «против скал»),


Ibid., 20.

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