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J. Carloye, The Truth of Mysticism, в TheMonist 59,1976, no. 4, 551–562; J. Forgie, Hyper-Kantianism in Recent Discussions of Mystical Experience, в Religious Studies 21,1985, 205–218; J. Forgie, Mystical Experience and the Argument from Agreement, в InternationalJournal for Philosophy of Religion 17, 1985, 97-113; J. Price, The Objectivity of Mystical Truth Claims, в The Thomist 49, 1985, 81–98.


Ср., например, С. Albrecht, Das mystische Erkennen. Gnoseologie und philosophische Relevanz der mystischen Relation, Bremen, 1958; W. Stace, Mysticism and Philosophy, London, 1961; R. Demeyer, De relevantie van de mystiek voor de filosofie, в Collationes 22, 1976, 177–201; R. van den Brandt, Godsontvan- kelijkheiden fomuftikeit ’, Nijmegen, 1993.


К. Albert, EinfUhrung in die phifosophische Mystik, Darmstadt, 1996, 71-147.


145 Ibid., 148–208.


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W. Inge, Christian Mysticism, London, 1899.


E. Underhill, Mysticism. A Study in the Nature and Development of Man’s Spiritual Consciousness, 1911, Cleveland — New York, 1963.


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