'There was an impressive explosion.' Fontana smiled. 'But afterward we were left with half-a-dozen burned-out generators. As far as the lab techs can determine, the mechanisms were thoroughly and permanently fried. Useless.'

She thought about that. 'You know, since the story has a happy ending, it really would make a terrific scoop for the Curtain.'


'Fontana, if you intend to move the Crystal Guild into the mainstream, you're going to have to get past this obsession with secrecy.'

'No,' he repeated.

'You do realize,' she said coolly, 'that there will be more dangerous artifacts coming out of the rain forest as time goes on?'

'We'll worry about it when it happens.'

'The Guilds won't be able to keep all of them secret.'

'We'll see.'


'You know, it's been a long day. Would you mind very much if we put off arguing about Guild secrets until some future date?'

'Oh, all right. But don't think I'm going to just up and forget about this.'

'Never crossed my mind.'

For a time they did not speak. The silence between them grew, but it was not tense or awkward, Sierra thought. It felt good to stand here with Fontana, sharing the night with him. They drank their wine. Elvis got down off the railing and helped himself to another slice of pizza.

After a while, Fontana stirred a little.

'This afternoon Kay told me that Ostendorf got you to go out to the limo by telling you that I had invited you to meet me at the Amber Club,' he said.


'She said she was sure that I was going to propose a Covenant Marriage over lunch.'

'Kay's a bit of a romantic.'

'She was wrong about me planning to propose over lunch.'

Sierra looked at the Green Gate sign. 'I know.'

'Nobody proposes a Covenant Marriage on his lunch hour.'

'That's what Matt said.'

'You're supposed to propose CMs over dinner,' Fontana explained very seriously. 'Every guy knows that.'

'Right. Dinner.'

'So,' Fontana said, 'since we just finished dinner, will you consider entering into a Covenant Marriage with me?'

She felt as if she had just fallen off the balcony. Weightless. Dazed. Disoriented.

'What?' she yelped.

'Not exactly the response I was hoping for.'

'Are you serious?' she demanded.

'Maybe I should tell you another little secret. Men never joke about Covenant Marriage.'

'Neither do women. What is going on here? We've only known each other a few days, and it was a business arrangement from the start.'

'Not quite.'

She drew a breath, thinking of the passion they had shared. 'Okay, not quite.'

'I knew I wanted you forever the day you walked into my office. I've been waiting for you all of my life.'

'Oh, Fontana,' she said softly.

'If you need more time, I'll understand. Traditionally, there's a long engagement before a Covenant Marriage. We can have one of those if you like. But it won't change anything for me.'

The strange, off-balance sensation evaporated. A wonderful sense of certainty took its place.

'I felt the same way about you the day I walked into your office,' she said. 'The moment I saw you, my intuition kicked in. I knew you were the one.'

He set the glass aside and cradled her face in his powerful hands. 'I love you, Sierra.'

She smiled, gloriously sure. 'I love you.'

'Guess this means I'll be going to your grandparents' anniversary party.'

'It looks that way, yes. Think you can handle it?'

'I'm a Guild boss.'

'You can handle anything.'

He laughed. 'As long as I've got you.'

He kissed her then, sealing the promise. After a while they went into the apartment and down the hall to the bedroom.

The energy of love flashed and flared and sparked in the night.

OUT ON THE BALCONY ELVIS TOOK UP A POSITION ON the table beside the empty pizza box. His white cape glittered in the angled beam of light that shone from the living room behind him. He waited.

It didn't take long for his audience to appear. The dust bunnies materialized out of the fog by the dozens, lining the balcony railing and crowding the prime front row seats, the chairs and the lounger.

Elvis picked up his guitar. Time to rock 'n rez.

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