'I will not only let you use the car, but I will also agree not to report your breach of protocol if you will keep between us your opinion of my insubordination.'

Buck and Chloe left the baby in Leah's care while Tsion and Chaim studied. The couple made their way to the basement of the tower, where Buck had parked the Land Rover among many other vehicles.

'We can be grateful this place had the ritzy clientele it did,' Chloe said. 'Look at these rigs.'

Buck had to smile at the difference between them and the filthy, banged-up Rover, which wasn't so old. He smacked a palm atop it, and it echoed throughout the parking garage. 'Ol' Bessie saw us through a lot, didn't she?'

Chloe shook her head. 'She? You men and your penchant for attributing female characteristics to your cars.'

Buck leaned back against a pillar and beckoned Chloe to him. He enveloped her. 'Think about it,' he said. 'I couldn't pay the car, or women, a higher compliment.'

'Keep digging. You'll need a backhoe in a minute.'

'Not if you think about it.'

She leaned back and cocked her head, pointing to her temple. 'Hmm, let's see if ol' Charley and I can figger this out. Callin' mah brain by a man's name is the biggest compliment I can pay it and men.'

'C'mon,' Buck said. 'Think what that car's been through with us. It got us through traffic when the war broke out. Kept you alive when you sailed it into a tree, no less. Rode with me into a crevice in the earth and back out again, not to mention up, over, and through every obstacle.'

'You're right,' she said. 'No man could have done that.'

'You and Charley figger that out all by yourselves?'

'Yep. And wanna know what else? I think a Humvee is the way to go this time.'

'We got one?'

'Two. Down around the corner near the luxury cars.' She pulled him to a darker area of the underground structure. 'All the spaces are numbered, and they coincide with the key Peg-Board in the attendant's shack. There's hardly a car in here with less than half a tank of gas, and most of 'em are full.'

'People must have been prepared.' 'Some were listening to the rumors of war, apparently.'

Buck tapped her head. 'Thank you, Charley.' He surveyed the selection of vehicles-dozens of them, mostly new-and let out a low whistle. 'When God blesses, he blesses.' But Chloe had grown quiet. 'Whatcha thinking?' he said.

She pursed her lips and buried her hands in her jacket pockets. 'About what fun we would have had if we'd been lovers at any other time in history.'

He nodded. 'We wouldn't have been believers.' 'Someone might have gotten to us. Look at us. This is the most fun I've had in ages. It's like we're in a free car dealership and it's our turn to pick. We've got a beautiful baby and a free sitter, and all we have to do is decide what model and color car we want.'

She rested against a white Hummer and Buck joined her. She shook her head. 'We're older than our years, wounded, scarred, scared. It won't be long before our days will be spent looking for ways to just stay alive. I worry about you all the time. It's bad enough living now, but I couldn't go on without you.'

'Yes, you could.'

'I wouldn't want to. Would you, without me? Maybe I shouldn't ask.'

'No, Chlo', I know what you mean. We have a cause, a mission, and everything seems crystal clear. But I wouldn't want to go on without you either. I would. I'd have to. For Kenny. For God. For the rest of the Force. Like Tsion says, for the kingdom. You'd have been the best thing that ever happened to me even if you weren't my whole life. But you are. Let's watch out for each other, keep each other alive. We've got only three and a half years to go, but I want to make it. Don't you?' ''Course.'

She turned and held him tightly for a long minute, and they kissed fiercely.

When David finally mince-stepped his way down the fourth floor of the employee residence tower, he found room 4223 open a crack, a sliver of light peeking out. He was about to knock when a dark hand poking out the end of a quilted robe thrust his phone out at him.

'Thanks, ma'am,' he said. 'I've got to run.'

'Ma'am?!' Nurse Palemoon said. 'I can't be that much older'n you, boy. How old are you?'


She opened the door and leaned wearily against the jamb. Her hair was in a ponytail, and her eyes looked sleepy behind puffy cheeks. David was surprised how short she was. 'I'm not even thirty yet,' she said, 'so quit with the ma'am, all right?'

'Fair enough. Listen, I'm late for a meeting. I wanted to thank you, and-'

'I said I wanted to show you something.' 'So you did. What? And why did you take my phone?'

'Well, that's sort of what I wanted to show you.'

David didn't want to be rude, but what was this game? She just stood there, arms folded, gazing at him with raised brows. 'OK,' he said. 'What?'

She didn't move. Oh, brother, he thought. She's not trying to make a move on me. Please!

He slipped the phone in his pocket and gestured with both palms raised. 'Oh!' she said. 'You're in the dark.'

I sure am.

She straightened and flipped a switch just inside the door. The tiny light above her door illuminated them both. She matched his gesture and he stopped breathing. 'You've got to be kidding! Plain as the nose on her face, the mark was clear on her forehead.

'Check it,' she said. 'I wouldn't blame you. I know yours is real. I rubbed it with alcohol.'

David looked up and down the hall, asked her to forgive him, licked his thumb, and pressed it against her forehead as she leaned in to him. He looked both ways one more time and leaned down to embrace her briefly. 'Sister,' he whispered. 'I am glad to see you! I didn't know we had anybody in Medical.'

'I don't know of anyone else,' she said. 'But as soon as I saw your mark and knew your rank, I thought of your phone.'

'You're brilliant,' he said.

'You're welcome. I'll be back in touch.'

'I'm sure you will.'

'And thanks, Nurse P-'

'Hannah,' she said. 'Please, David.'

On his way back to the elevator he checked his phone. There were several messages, none from Annie. He would visit the morgue only as a last resort. He speed-dialed the Supreme Commander's office and reached Sandra, the assistant Carpathia and Fortunato had shared.

'Glad to hear you're up and about,' she said. 'They're expecting you. I'll tell them you'll be a few minutes.'

Assuming that because David had finally gotten Albie's clearance into the system he might also have passed along the location of the Pueblo bunker, Rayford jogged to the fighter to grab Albie's computer on their way out.

'This used to be an interstate,' he said, driving Judy Hamilton's nondescript minivan south on C-25. 'Until everything got renamed for St. Nick.'

Albie was accessing data. 'It's here,' Albie said. 'The interchanges and exits are still under construction, so watch for a hard left into Pueblo. I'll tell you from there. Humph. Pinkerton Stephens. There's a handle for you. The man we want to see there.'

'Heard of him?'

Albie shook his head. 'Ask me tomorrow.'

A few minutes later they passed the Quonset-hut-style building deep off a side road. Rayford said, 'Question.

Why not come in here with a GC jeep-complete the image?'

'Surprise. You told Ms. Durham in no uncertain terms you were not coming,, knowing they were listening. They're not expecting anyone. Let them wonder who's pulling in. I show up in uniform, outranking everyone; they don't recognize the civilian. They'll worry more about impressing us than making up a story. Anyway, I don't want

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