
'Word I get is they're lining them up and sorting them out now. The ones who go back to their cells with their heads attached will have a new tattoo tomorrow.'

David was exhausted. It was nearly 2300 hours Carpathia Time as he trudged from his office toward his quarters. He was stunned to hear energetic steps behind him and turned to see Viv Ivins, looking as fresh and gung ho as she did every morning. She carried a leather portfolio and smiled brightly at David.

'Evening, Director Hassid,' she called out as she drew alongside.


'Great days, hmm?'

He didn't know how long he could maintain the charade. 'Interesting days, anyway,' he said.

She stopped. 'I love when things fall into place.'

He thought that an unfortunate choice of words, given her personal coordination of guillotine production and distribution.

'Things humming along, are they?' he said.

'I've persuaded top brass not to display loyalty enforcement facilitators here at the palace.'


'Not the best image.'

'They're showing up all over the world.'

'And that's fine. I can live with that. In fact, I'm all for it. Outside the capital city and the headquarters in particular, you will have certain elements who need the visual aid, a reminder of the seriousness of this test of loyalty. One would have to be pathologically committed to one's cause to really decide against the mark. Seeing the consequence standing right before you as you make your decision will persuade those who merely want a little attention for stalling with their choice.'

'But not here.'

'Not necessary. If a person was not loyal to the risen potentate, why would he or she want to work here?

What I want to see produced here are pictures, still and moving, of happy, willing, joyful loyalists. The citizenry of the Global Community should see rapture on the faces of those it depends upon to administer the new world order. No enforcement is needed here. We are the examples to the world of the joy of commitment, the sense of fulfillment when one takes his stand. Follow?'

'Sure. And I have to say, I like the idea of those ugly contraptions not dotting the landscape here.'

'I couldn't agree more. We start with new hires tomorrow, and there is much enthusiasm among them over being among the first to receive the potentate's mark. All are opting for his image on their foreheads. I plan to go for the simple understatement, but I have to say, Mr. Hassid, it's fun to see these kids today with their eagerness to stand out. You're interviewing a prospect tomorrow.' 'Right.'

'The Asian prodigy.' 'That's him.'

'What a family! His father is pleading to have his son be the first to receive the mark. It's too late for that, as we're beginning with political prisoners, but he very well could be the first GC employee.'

David blanched and tried to cover. 'But he's not been hired yet.'

'It's a foregone conclusion though, right?' 'Well, I need to talk with him at length, determine his suitability to take his last year of high school here, be away from his parents for the first time, see where he fits best…'

'But the odds of him not being hired somewhere here are minuscule. We could process him first and he would, in essence, be pre-approved to work in any department. Sort of like a pre-approved mortgage. First you qualify, then you can make an offer on anything in your price range.'

'I wouldn't do that,' David blurted.

'Why not?'

'It just doesn't seem as buttoned-down as we like to be. Let's let the process run its course-do it right.'

'Oh, Mr. Hassid, honestly. What would be the harm?'

He shrugged. 'I was told the boy is scared to death of needles and is fighting the whole idea.'

'Even to the point where he would pass up a golden opportunity here? He's going to have to take the mark in the United Asian States anyway, or he'll lose more than a job.'

'Maybe he'll get used to the idea by then.'

'Oh, pish-posh, Director Hassid. If he's so brilliant, it's time for him to grow up. He may fight it, but it'll be over in seconds and he'll see he made a big to-do about nothing.'

'Well, my meeting with him is at 0900 hours. It can wait till after that, can't it? I'd hate to try to interview him after he's been through a trauma.'

'A trauma? I just told you-'

'But he'll still be upset.'

'I can't imagine them administering marks before 0900 anyway.'

In his room a few minutes later, David used his subnotebook to double-check his secretary's schedule. / She had not informed him of a time for his appointment with Chang, and a quick look at her calendar showed why. The meeting had been confirmed at the end of the day for 1400 hours, two o'clock. It was something she would tell him in the morning.

David changed it on her calendar to 0900, then hacked into Personnel's computer and did the same. He phoned 4054 and left a voice message: 'Chang, our interview tomorrow has been changed to 9 A.M. Please do not go to Personnel or anywhere else until we've met. See you then.'

While he was finishing his message, his phone told him he had a call waiting. He punched in to find Ming, distraught. 'It's started here,' she said. 'Has it started there?'

'Slow down, Ming. What's started?'

'Application of the mark! The equipment arrived at Buffer this morning, and they're already using it tonight.'

'Prisoners are getting the chip?'

'Yes! I can't imagine it will be much longer for us staff. I need to bolt soon, but I wanted to check.'

'Any believers there? Anyone refusing the mark?'

'Not a one. They're lining up for this thing as if they've been loyal scouts forever. I think they're hoping they'll get good behavior points. Truth is, they'll still be rotting here, but with a mark on head or hand.'

David told her of his conversation with Viv and what he had done about it. 'Oh, no, no,' she said. 'At nine you must make Chang disappear. Get him out of there.' 'We're not prepared to leave yet, Ming.' 'What are you going to do?'

'I'll have to make up something, I guess. Some reason why he is just not ready. Maybe I'll say I found evidence of immaturity, that I just think he's too young to fit in.'

'You're a director, David. Make it convincing. This has to work.'

'I have all night to think about it.' 'And I have all night to pray about it.' 'I'll take all I can get, Ming. Listen, let me do something for you. I can get you reassigned to USNA.' 'You could?'

'Of course. I just do it through the computer and no one questions it. They see it's approved by someone higher than their level, and they don't rock the boat. Where do you want to go?'

'There are prisons all over the States,' she said. 'But I'm never actually going to get to one, right?'

'Right. We get you assigned, get you on a plane, but then lose you somehow. You run off and we can't find you. But then you're on your own. You need to get to the safe house in Chicago.' 'Would they have me?'

'Ming! Leah has told everyone about you. They can't wait to welcome you. They knew you and your brother would eventually have to wind up there. We can use you both. Now where shall I assign you in the States? Somewhere close enough to Chicago so you can get to the safe house but not so suspiciously close that people start putting two and two together.',/ 'I don't know the States,' she said. 'There is a huge facility in Baltimore that always needs personnel.'

'That's a long way from Chicago. Wait! Can you get to Greece?'


'As soon as possible, even tonight.'

'I guess that's up to you. Make my transfer highest priority, and if you want GC here to get me to Greece, they'll have to do it. But David, Greece is a hot spot right now, crawling with GC and making an example of political prisoners. I don't want to work or hide there.'

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