tick, the data remains valid. Missing the processing on a tick might throw off our global positioning systems by feet or even miles!

With this in mind, we draw on a commonly used set of definitions for soft and hard real time. For soft real-time systems, the value of a computation or result is diminished if a deadline is missed. For hard real-time systems, if a single deadline is missed, the system is considered to have failed, and might have catastrophic consequences.

17.1.3. Linux Scheduling

UNIX and Linux were both designed for fairness in their process scheduling. That is, the scheduler tries its best to allocate available resources across all processes that need the CPU and guarantee each process that they can make progress. This very design objective is counter to the requirement for a real-time process. A real-time process must run as soon as possible after it is ready to run. Real time means having predictable and repeatable latency.

17.1.4. Latency

Real-time processes are often associated with a physical event, such as an interrupt arriving from a peripheral device. Figure 17-1 illustrates the latency components in a Linux system. Latency measurement begins upon receipt of the interrupt we want to process. This is indicated by time t0 in Figure 17-1. Sometime later, the interrupt is taken and control is passed to the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). This is indicated by time t1. This interrupt latency is almost entirely dictated by the maximum interrupt off time [115] the time spent in a thread of execution that has hardware interrupts disabled.

Figure 17-1. Latency components

It is considered good design practice to minimize the processing done in the actual interrupt service routine. Indeed, this execution context is limited in capability (for example, an ISR cannot call a blocking function, one that might sleep), so it is desirable to simply service the hardware device and leave the data processing to a Linux bottom half,[116] also called softIRQs.

When the ISR/bottom half has finished its processing, the usual case is to wake up a user space process that is waiting for the data. This is indicated by time t2 in Figure 17-1. At some point in time later, the real-time process is selected by the scheduler to run and is given the CPU. This is indicated by time t3 in Figure 17-1. Scheduling latency is affected primarily by the number of processes waiting for the CPU and the priorities among them. Setting the Real Time attribute on a process gives it higher priority over normal Linux processes and allows it to be the next process selected to run, assuming that it is the highest priority real-time process waiting for the CPU. The highest-priority real-time process that is ready to run (not blocked on I/O) will always run. You'll see how to set this attribute shortly.

17.2. Kernel Preemption

In the early Linux days of Linux 1.x, there was no kernel preemption. This meant that when a user space process requested kernel services, no other task could be scheduled to run until that process either blocked (goes to sleep) waiting on something (usually I/O), or until the kernel request is completed. Making the kernel preemptable[117] means that while one process is running in the kernel, another process can preempt the first and be allowed to run even though the first process had not completed its in-kernel processing. Figure 17-2 illustrates this.

Figure 17-2. Kernel preemption

In this figure, Process A has entered the kernel via a system call. Perhaps it was a call to write() to a device such as the console or a file. While executing in the kernel on behalf of Process A, Process B with higher priority is woken up by an interrupt. The kernel preempts Process A and assigns the CPU to Process B, even though Process A had neither blocked nor completed its kernel processing.

17.2.1. Impediments to Preemption

The challenge in making the kernel fully preemptable is to identify all the places in the kernel that must be protected from preemption. These are the critical sections within the kernel where preemption cannot be allowed to occur. For example, assume that Process A in Figure 17-2 is executing in the kernel performing a file system operation. At some point, the code might need to write to an in-kernel data structure representing a file on the file system. To protect that data structure from corruption, the process must lock out all other processes from accessing the shared data structure. Listing 17-1 illustrates this concept using C syntax.

Listing 17-1. Locking Critical Sections




/* Critical section */





If we did not protect shared data in this fashion, the process updating the shared data structure could be preempted in the middle of the update. If another process attempted to update the same shared data, corruption of the data would be virtually certain. The classic example is when two processes are operating directly on common variables and making decisions on their values. Figure 17-3 illustrates such a case.

Figure 17-3. Shared data concurrency error

In Figure 17-3, Process A is interrupted after updating the shared data but before it makes a decision based on it. By design, Process A cannot detect that it has been preempted. Process B changes the value of the shared data before Process A gets to run again. As you can see, Process A will be making a decision based on a value determined by Process B. If this is not the behavior you seek, you must disable preemption in Process A around the shared datain this case, the operation and decision on the variable count.

17.2.2. Preemption Models

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