Very small news sites should consider a caching NNTP server program like leafnode, which is available at http://wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de/~krasel/leafnode.html.
This is indicated by the Date: header field; the limit is usually two weeks.
Threading 1,000 articles when talking to a loaded server could easily take around five minutes, which only the most dedicated Usenet addict would find acceptable.
The name apparently stands for NetNews Read& Post Daemon.
PGP and GPG are tools designed to authenticate or encrypt messages using public key techniques. GPG is the GNU free version of PGP. GPG may be found at http://www.gnupg.org/, and PGP may be found at http://www.pgp.com/.
Things improve drastically if the NNTP server does the threading itself and lets the client retrieve the threads databases; INN does this, for instance.
This is the reason why you will get ugly error messages when invoking tin as superuser. But you shouldn't do routine work as root, anyway.
Note that C News (described in Chapter 21, C News) doesn't update this low-water mark automatically; you have to run updatemin to do so.
Their order has to agree with that of the entries in the (binary) MASTER file.