XXVIII. Raphael Samuel (Editor), Patriotism. The Making and Unmaking of British National Identity, Vol. I (London, 1989), p. 58; William Henry Poole, History, the True Key to Prophecy in which the Anglo-Saxon Race is shown to be the lost tribes of Israel (Brooklyn, 1880, cited in John Higham, Strangers in the Land. Patterns of American Nativism 1860–1925 (Westfort, Conn.; USA, 1981), p. 367); William Haller, Foxe's Book of Martyrs and the Elect Nation (London, 1967), p. 87, (начиная с елизаветинских времен, эта книга считалась самой влиятельной в Англии после Библии — утверждал Эдвин Джонс: Edwin Johnes, The English Nation. The Great Myth (1998), pp. 56, 57).


XXIX. William Blake, Jerusalem. The emanation of the Giant Albion, Chapter II, XXIV, 5: Prophetic Books of William Blake, edited by E. P. D. Maclagan and A. G. B. Russel (London, 1904), p. 31; Friedrich Brie, Imperialistische Stromungen in der englischen Literarur (Halle, 1928).


XXX. Alain and Cairns, Prelude to Imperialism. British Reactions to Central African Society, 1840–1890 (London, 1965), p. 238; MacDonald, Language of Empire, p. 153 f. Rutherford, Forever England. Reflections on Race, Masculinity and Empire (London, 1997), p. 15.


XXXI. Lord Oliver, The Myth of Governor Eyre (London, 1933), p. 115; Missionary Hymns… of the London Missionary Society (London, 1830), p. 43 as quoted in Raphael Samuel (Editor), Patriotism. The making and unmaking of British National Identity, Vol. I (London, 1969), p. 194: John Wolffe, 'Evangelicalism… in mid-ninteeth century England'.


XXXII. Mackenzie, Imperialism in Popular culture, p. 33; David Brion Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution (Ithaca, N. Y, USA, 1977), p. 65; Peter Marsh, The Conscience of the Victorian State (London, 1979), p. 128; Alain and Cairns, Prelude to Imperialism (London, 1965), p. 238.


XXXIII. Alain and Cairns, pp. 246, 192.


XXXIV. Daunton and Halpern (Editors), The Empire and Others. British Encounters with Indigenous Peoples 1600–1850 (London, 1999), p. 365; Hill Schwarz (Editor), The Expansion of England. Race, Ethnicity and cultural History (London, 1996), p. 162; Thomas R. Trautmann, Aryans and British India (Los Angeles, 1997), reviewed in American Historical Review, Vol. CIV, No. 2 (April, 1999), p. 639.


XXXV. Chris R. Vanden Bossche, Carlyle and the Search for Authority (Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1991), p. 137, quoting Carlyle, Collected Letters (Durham, 1970), 13: 192 and Carlyle, Reminiscences of my Irish Journey in 1849, p. 176; Robert Knox, The Races of Men (Philadelphia, 1850), 26, 216–220; 41. 89 f, 216, 253; Raphael Samuel (Editor), Patriotism, p. 196 (John Wolffe); Kathryn Tidreck, Empire and the English Character (London, 1992), p. 131.


XXXVI. Ibid., o. 257; J. M. Mackenzie, Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1986), p. 5; Johannes H. Voigt, 'Hitlerand Indien'; Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, IX (1971), S. 33,49; Sidney Ball, Memories and Impressions of 'an ideal Don'. Arranged by Oona Howard Ball (Oxford, 1923), p. 211.


XXXVII. George Orwell, Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, II (Harmondsworth, 1970), p. 95.


XXXVIII. Richard Symonds, Oxford and Empire, pp. 55; cf. Vincent Harlow, The Historian and British Colonial History (Oxford, 1951), pp. 8, 9; Dickson A. Mungazi, The Last British Liberals in Africa: Michael Blundell and Garfield Todd (Westport, Conn., USA, 1999), cited in American Historical Review, Vol. CV, No. 5 (December, 2000), pp. 1845 f.


XXXIX. James A. Froude, Oceana. England and her Colonies (Leipzig, 1887), p. 44; Mackenzie, Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1986), p. 41; Penny Summerfield, 'Patriotism and Empire. Music Hall Entertainment'.

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