875. Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 189.
876. Mosley, The Greater Britain, p. xi.
877. Lebzelter, Political Antisemitism in England 1918–1939 (Oxford, 1978), p. 108.
878. Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 167.
879. Colin Cross, S. 15, 99, 1301T.
879a. Richard Thurlow, Fascism in Britain (New York, 1987); Lebzelter, Political Antisemitism in England 1918–1939 (Oxford, 1978), p. 117f, 121f, 128, 131, 135 with reference to Record of sessions of House of Commons of 10. July and 26. November 1936: Hansard, 5th Series, CCCXIV, 15–75 und CCCXVIII, 640; N. C. Macnamara, Origin and character of the British People (London, 1900), p. 231f; R. West, Meaning of Treason, p. 68f; K. Ewing and C. Gearty, The Struggle for Civil Libertees… in Britain (New York, 2000), pp. 35, 173, 275f, 299, 301, 329.
880. Colin Cross, pp. 15, 99, 130ff.
881. Sir Oswald Mosley, My life (London, 1968), p. 388, 396.
882. W. Mock, 'The function of Race in Imperialist ideology. The example of Joseph Chamberlain', in: P. Kennedy & A. Nicholls (Editor), Nationalist and racialist movements in Britain before 1914 (Oxford, 1981), p. 193.
882a. G. R. Searle, The Quest for National Efficiency (Oxford, 1971), p. 95.
883. Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley (London, 1935), pp. 45, 658f; Skidelsky, Fascism (London, 1973), without page reference, cited in: Philip Rees, 'Changing interpretations of British Fascism', in: Lunn & Thurlow, British Fascism, p. 199.
884. D. S. Lewis, Illusion of grandeur. Mosley, Fascism and British society (Manchester, 1987), p. 200f, quotes: Action of 25. March 1939, S. 1; Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 182f.
885. Oswald Mosley, The Greater Britain, p. 152f; Mosley, My Life (London, 1968), p. 364f.
886. Mosley, My Life, p. 394.
887. Gollin, Proconsul, pp. 538f, 550f, 557; J. Drennan (Pseudonym von W. E. D. Allen), 'Why not Drang nach Osten?': British Union of Fascists Quarterly, I, Nr. 4 (Oktober-Dezember 1938), p. 16–27, quoted in: D. S. Lewis, S.