'I'm sure Shay saw it, too, if that's any consolation.'

Father Michael looked up at me. 'Thanks to Shay, my supervising priest thinks I'm a heretic.'

I thought about what my father would say if a member of his congregation came to him to ease his soul. 'Do you think you're a heretic?'

'Does any heretic?' he said. 'Honestly, I'm the last person who ought to be helping you win Shay's case, Maggie.'

'Hey,' I said, trying to boost his spirits. 'I was just about to go to my parents' house for dinner. It's a standing engagement on Friday nights.

Why don't you come with me?'

'I couldn't impose-'

'Believe me, there's always enough food to feed a third world country.'

'Well, then,' the priest said, 'that would be great.'

I switched off my desk lamp. 'We can take my car,' I said.

'Can I leave my motorcycle parked in the lot here?'

'You're allowed to ride a motorcycle, but you can't eat meat on


He still looked as if the world had been pulled out from beneath him.

'I guess the Church forefathers found it easier to abstain from beef than


I led him through the maze of file cabinets in the ACLU office and headed outside. 'Guess what I found out today,' I said. 'The trapdoor from the old gallows at the state prison is in the chaplain's office.'

When I glanced at Father Michael, I was pretty sure I saw the ghost of a smile.


One of the things I liked about Dr. Wu's office was the wall of pictures.

An enormous corkboard held photographs of patients who had beaten the odds after having Dr. Wu operate on their failing hearts.

There were babies propped up on pillows, Christmas card portraits, and boys wielding Little League bats. It was a mural of success.

When I'd first come to tell Dr. Wu about Shay Bourne's offer, he listened carefully and then said that in his twenty-three years of practice, he had yet to see a grown man's heart that would be a good match for a child. Hearts grew to fit the needs of their host body-which was why every other potential organ that had been offered to Claire for transplant had come from another child. 'I'll examine him,' Dr. Wu promised, 'but I don't want you to get your hopes up.'

Now I watched Dr. Wu take a seat and flatten his palms on the desk. I always marveled at the fact that he walked around shaking hands and waving as if the appendages were totally normal, instead of miraculous. Those ridiculous celebrities who insured their breasts and their legs had nothing on Dr. Wu and his hands.


'Just say it quickly,' I said, full of false cheer.

Dr. Wu met my gaze. 'He's a perfect match for Claire.'

I had already gathered the strap of my purse in my fist, planning to thank him hastily and beat a retreat out of the office before

I started crying again over yet another lost heart; but these words rooted me to my seat. ' I... I'm sorry?'

'They have the same blood type-B positive. The tissue crossmatch we did of their blood was nonreactive. But- here's the remarkable part-his heart is just the right size.'

I knew they looked for a donor who was within 20 percent of the patient's weight-which for Claire meant anyone between sixty and a hundred pounds. Shay Bourne was a small man, but he was still an adult. He had to weigh 120 or 130 pounds.

'Medically, it doesn't make sense. Theoretically, his heart is too tiny to be doing the job his own body needs... and yet he seems to be healthy as a horse.' Dr. Wu smiled. 'It looks like

Claire's got herself a donor.'

I stilled. This was supposed to be wonderful news-but I could barely breathe. How would Claire react if she knew the circumstances behind the donation? 'You can't tell her,' I said.

'That she's going to have a transplant?'

I shook my head. 'Where it came from.'

Dr. Wu frowned. 'Don't you think she'll find out? This is all over the news.'

'Organ donations are always done anonymously. Plus, she doesn't want a boy's heart. She always says that.'

'That's not really the issue here, is it?' The cardiologist stared at me. 'It's a muscle, June. Nothing more, and nothing less. What makes a heart worthy for transplant has nothing to do with the donor's personality.'

I looked up at him. 'What would you do, if she was your daughter?'

'If she was my daughter,' Dr. Wu replied, 'I would already have scheduled the surgery.'


I tried to tell Shay that he was the topic on Larry King Live that night, but either he was asleep or he just didn't feel like answering me. Instead, I took out my stinger from where it was hidden behind a cement block in the wall and heated up some water for tea. The guests that night were the nutcase reverend that Father Michael had sparred with outside the prison, and some stuffed-shirt academic named Ian Fletcher. It was hard to tell who had the more intriguing backstory-Reverend Justus with his drive-in church, or Fletcher-who'd been a television atheist until he'd run across a little girl who could apparently perform miracles and raise the dead. He wound up marrying the girl's single mother, which in my opinion, greatly diluted the credibility of his commentary.

Still, he was a better speaker than Reverend Justus, who kept rising out of his seat as if he were filled with helium. 'There's an old proverb,

Larry,' the reverend said. 'You can't keep trouble from coming, but you don't have to make out a place card.'

Larry King tapped his pen on the desk twice. 'And by that you mean...?'

'Miracles don't make a man into God. Dr. Fletcher ought to know that better than anyone.'

Unrattled, Ian Fletcher smiled. 'The more you think you're right, the likelier you are to be wrong. That's a proverb Reverend Justus probably hasn't encountered yet.'

'Tell us about being a television atheist,' Larry said.

'Well, I used to do what Jerry Falwell did, except instead of saying there's a God, I said there wasn't one. I went around debunking claims of miracles all over the country. Eventually, when I found one that I couldn't discredit, I started wondering if it was really God I objected to... or just the sense of entitlement that seems to be part of affiliating with a religious group. Like the way you'll hear that a person is a good Christianwell, who says Christians corner the market on virtue? Or when the president ends a speech with 'God bless the United States of America'... why just us?'

'Are you still an atheist?' King asked.

'Technically, I suppose you'd call me an agnostic.'

Justus scoffed. 'Splitting hairs.'

'Not true; an atheist's got more in common with a Christian, since he believes you can know whether or not God exists-but where a Christian says absolutely, the atheist says absolutely not. For me, and any other agnostic- the jury's still out. Religion is intriguing, but in a historical sense.

A man should live his life a certain way not because of some divine authority, but because of a personal moral obligation to himself and others.'

Larry King turned to Reverend Justus. 'And you, sir, your congregation meets in a former drive-in movie theater? Don't you think that takes some of the pomp and circumstance out of religion?'

'What we've found, Larry, is that for some people the obligation of getting up and going to church is too overwhelming. They don't like having to see or be seen by others; they don't enjoy being indoors on a beautiful

Sunday; they prefer to worship in private. Coming to the Drive-ln Church allows a person to do whatever it is he

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