And Billy, his face as always colder than ice, said, “No, he isn’t. You’re going in, aren’t you? Who else will be there?”
“Discount Regan and Fahy. I’d say there’s Kelly and Tod. Probably Danny McGuire and Patrick O’Neill. There could be a few more. Then again, times have changed. They could even have cleared off for a while. Kelly has a boat, the
“But the Russians for sure?”
“Belov, Ashimov and the woman. That’s all I know for certain.”
Billy said, “So you’re going on by air?”
“A beach landing, Billy.”
“You’re mad, Dillon,” Harry said.
“Harry, I just don’t like what they’ve done. Ashimov’s a butcher, and Belov thinks he rules the world. What they’ve done to Ferguson and Hannah and that poor silly sod Selim has to be paid for.”
There was silence, and Dora brought the drinks. Dillon took his straight down. “Harry, I’m tired. I’ve been at war with the world for years and it’s a darker world than when I started. I’ll be honest, though. I came for help from the boy wonder here and I was wrong. He’s done enough. In Hazar last year, he got a bullet in the neck, eighteen stitches in his face and his pelvis fractured. I was stupid to think he should be jumping out of a Citation at six hundred feet over Drumore Bay. As for me, though, I don’t have a choice. I can’t face those bastards walking away from this. It’s not an option.” Dillon got up.
Billy said, “How many times have we done something like this, Sean?”
“I don’t know. It blurs. Three?”
“Well, then, this will make it four.” He got up. “Let’s get moving.”
“Billy,” his uncle said.
“Oh, shut up. Let’s go, Sean.”
In the Great Hall at Drumore Place, Ashimov, Greta and Belov sat beside the log fire burning brightly on the hearth. Belov said, “So Selim is out of the equation, although I wonder just how much he said to Ferguson before he met his end.”
“That concerns me, too.”
“Having said that, except for the wounding of Ferguson, the rest of the enterprise was a failure. When I put it together with what happened in Iraq, it’s hardly been a success, Yuri. And Fahy and Regan! This Dillon has been a thorn in our side since the start. We underestimated him badly.” He turned to Greta. “Wouldn’t you agree, Major?”
She glanced at Ashimov, but couldn’t avoid Belov’s penetrating stare. “I went into his past thoroughly. There was no doubt he had a remarkable record.”
“And you made your opinion known?”
Again, she glanced at Ashimov. “Yes, I did, particularly to Kelly and his people.” As if trying to make up for the damage she was causing, she added, “Kelly and Murphy should have been well aware of what they were taking on. They were close associates of Dillon once. It’s not like they didn’t see him firsthand.”
At that moment, Hamilton, an old man from the village who acted as a kind of butler, came in.
“Excuse me, sir, Dermot Kelly and Tod Murphy are here.”
“Are they, now? Show them in.”
They sat there waiting, and the two of them entered.
“Back from the wars, I see,” Belov said.
Kelly, roused by drink, was aggressive. “We did a grand job for you. We killed Selim and clipped Ferguson.”
“And left one of your own men dead and the other one giving every scrap of information Ferguson wanted in complete detail. Not your best day’s work, Kelly.”
Kelly was speechless with fury. It was Tod who said smoothly, “These things happen. The fact is we did get Selim, as Dermot says, and we wounded Ferguson. We did our job. Do you need anything else?”
“Yes, we’re leaving in the morning for Moscow. I want you and what’s left of your men to stand on watch tonight. As to your future – we’ll discuss it another time.”
Kelly started. “Now, look here.”
Tod caught his arm. “That’s grand, sir, thank you for being so understanding.”
He took Kelly with him out to the hall. “Shut up, Dermot. Our day will come, isn’t that what we said in the Provos in the old days?”
“I could kill the bastard.”
“Not now. We go down to the Royal George, have a drink with McGuire and O’Neill and then we’ll come back and do what Belov wants. It’s to our advantage, Dermot, and that’s all that matters.”
In the hall, Belov said, “So, Moscow tomorrow.”
“And then what?” Ashimov asked.
“We see if there are any repercussions and we consider our options.” He looked hard at them both. “Mine and yours.”
At Farley Field, Lacey was waiting as they drove up. The first thing he said was, “We’re using the Lear-jet, Sean, no RAF rondels. We’re flying into a friendly country, remember? Don’t want to give the wrong impression.”
“Fine. What about weather?”
“We’ll be all right. There’s intermittent sea fog in the area, but it’ll be low tide, so there’s plenty of beach.”
“Good enough.”
“What about the return?” Lacey asked.
“I’m glad you think there’ll be one. Since we don’t want any trouble with the Republic, you land at Belfast Airport. Park in the usual high-security patch and make arrangements to receive us.”
“I don’t know. It could be a hard one. On the other hand, the border is open these days. Billy and I should have no difficulty in getting to Belfast one way or another.”
“I hope that’s a given.”
“When have I ever let you down?”
“All right, let’s get moving.”
In the operations room, the Quartermaster, an ex-Guards sergeant major, waited. There were a couple of AK rifles, stocks folded, on the table, two Brownings and a jump bag.
“The extras Major Roper suggested are in the bag, sir. Your equipment is in the next room.”
“Good, we’ll get on with it.”
When he and Billy reappeared, they wore jumpsuits, boots and single parachutes, the Brownings in shoulder holsters, the AK rifles slung across their chests. Dillon carried the jump bag. The others were gathered at the chart table.
“There it is,” Lacey said. “Plenty of sand with the tide low.”
“I know it well,” Dillon told him.
“There might even be more moon than we’d like, but that chance of sea mist could help you. Mr. Salter tells me he’s coming along for the ride. Is that all right?”
“No, it isn’t,” said Billy. “Sorry, Harry. I’ve got enough on my mind.”
Harry looked resigned and hugged him. “You young bastard. You look like you’re in a Vietnam War movie.”
“You’ve said that before,” Billy told him.
“Go on, get out of it.” As Billy went up the steps, Harry nodded to Dillon. “As for you…”
“I know. Bring him back, or else.”
He followed Billy into the Lear. Parry closed the Airstair door. They settled down, unclipping the parachutes and putting the rifles to one side. The Lear started to roll down the runway.