
Dante's laconic voice was the last thing I'd expected to hear when my phone rang the next day. I'd forgotten that I'd left him my number. My surprise quickly gave way to eagerness. Maybe he'd found something for me. No energy loss had occurred after the auction, but then, I hadn't taken a victim either. It wasn't much to go on, but that small pattern Dante had pointed out was still a place to start, and I hoped he'd have more to offer now.

'Hey! What's up?' I sat down on the couch. I'd been getting ready to go out with Seth later, applying makeup the old-fashioned way in order to conserve shape-shifting energy. I'd need to cash in on my auction date sooner rather than later to get some power back.

There was a pause from the other end of the line before Dante spoke again. 'I've been thinking…I've been thinking we're going about all of this the wrong way.'

Very unexpected. 'Really?'

'Yeah. I wasn't taking it seriously, so I understand why you were getting pissed off.'

Hearing him admit how he'd been blowing my problems off wasn't exactly cheering, but I appreciated his honesty.

'Well…it's okay. I'm just glad we can maybe figure something out now. I'm getting anxious.'

'Me too.' More silence, then I heard him take a deep breath. 'So, have you ever been to El Gaucho?'

The reference to one of Seattle's downtown steakhouses was such a non sequitur that I couldn't respond for several seconds. When I did speak, it wasn't very articulate.


'It's a restaurant. Down on First—'

'Yeah, yeah. I know what it is. What's it have to do with the dreams?'

'Dreams? What are you talking about?'

'What are you—oh, Jesus Christ. Are you asking me out?'

'Of course I am. What the fuck would El Gaucho have to do with those dreams?'

I groaned. 'I can't believe this. I actually thought you had something useful for me.'

'I'm trying to be nice here! Look, the dreams are a lost cause, but we aren't. You were right when you said I was being sleazy and treating you like you were cheap. So give me a break! I'm trying to have sex with you the right way.'

I found this even freakier than when Dante had suggested the place with the happy hour beer. 'I don't want to have sex with you, okay? I want your help with my problems. And how many times do I have to tell you that I have a boyfriend?'

'As many times as you want. I just don't buy that that's a real relationship. Particularly after you sold yourself for seventeen-hundred dollars last night.'

'How do you know about that?'

'It was in the paper.'

'That date doesn't count.'

'Can a date with me not count?'

'No! For the last time, I have a boyfriend. I'm going out with him tonight.'

'To El Gaucho?'

I hung up.

I was working my hair over with a curling iron later on when I heard knocking at my front door. Walking toward the living room, I felt immortal signatures on the other side. Fortunately, there was nothing musky or slimy here. These were familiar and welcome.

Of course, they weren't exactly welcome tonight.

'What are you guys doing here?' I asked, opening the door to admit Peter, Cody, and Hugh. My three stooges. The dwarves to my Snow White. 'And why do you always show up when I'm about to go out?'

Like always, they made themselves comfortable in my living room without any further invitation. Cody handed me a slip that had been stuck to the door from my building's office manager, saying I had a package. I made a mental note to pick it up the next time the office was open.

'We're going over to that place that makes the unholy margaritas,' he said. 'Thought we'd stop by and see if you wanted to go.'

'And here you are, ungrateful and mean,' said Peter. He glanced around the living room. 'I don't see a Christmas tree here.'

Hugh was eyeing my red-silk robe. 'You going out in that?'

'Of course not. I'm just getting ready, that's all.'

The three of them exchanged looks.

'Is it business or Seth?' asked Hugh.


'Damn it,' swore Peter. He pulled some crumpled money out of his pocket and handed it to Hugh.

'You guys bet on my love life?'

'Yeah,' said Hugh. 'All the time. You should see the stakes we've got riding on when you and Seth are finally going to sleep together.'

'Well, keep 'em riding, cowboy. It's not going to happen.' I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall near my TV. 'Of course, Niphon's trying pretty hard to make it happen. Is he in on the bet?'

'Not yet. What's he doing?' asked Cody.

I told them about the offer Niphon had made for Seth's soul. To my surprise, they didn't share my shock and outrage.

'I don't know,' said Hugh slowly. 'I've kind of thought about that before.'

I gaped. 'Thought about what before? Buying Seth's soul?'

'Sure. It's what I do, and hey, if it'd help you…'

'Oh dear lord.'

'But if you decide to do it,' said Hugh warningly, 'come to me first. I can beat any offer Niphon makes.'

'If you broker the deal, you're disqualified for the bet,' warned Peter.

'Hey!' cried Hugh. 'That's not right.'

'Sure it is. You'd have an unfair advantage—'

'Christ. Be quiet, all of you. I can't believe you guys are seriously talking about buying my boyfriend's—'

A new signature swept through to us. A scent liked candied apples. Warm honey on the skin.

'Tawny,' we all said in unison.

I opened the door, and Tawny threw herself into my arms, bawling. I yelped and tried not to fall over.

'Oh, Georgina,' she sobbed, mascara running in black rivers down her cheeks. 'I'm never going to do it. Never ever ever.'

I tried to pull out of her Amazonian embrace. 'There, there,' I said weakly. 'I'm sure you will.'

Sniffling, she stepped away and ran a hand over her eyes, making the mascara situation even worse. 'No, I can't. I've tried and tried…nothing works.'

I glanced over at the guys. They were all looking at me expectantly, like I should be able to explain how one succubus couldn't get laid. I doubted anyone could, though.

'Okay,' I said at last. 'Calm down, and we'll get to the bottom of it. But first, pull yourself together. You're a mess.'

'I can't,' she wailed.

'You're thinking like a human,' I chastised. 'You can shape-shift that makeup mess away.'

'No,' she said more adamantly. 'You don't understand. I can't.'

I stared at her, puzzled, then I understood. It was nearly impossible to see, but a faint shimmer was fading in and out around her body. She was having trouble holding this form. Her energy was so low that she was losing her shape-shifting power.

'Whoa,' I said. I'd never seen a succubus that bad. I'd been that low once, but it had been after engaging in a major battle of shape-shifting.

Tears started welling up in her eyes again. 'What's going to happen? What if I run out and—' On and on she went.

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