'I will show you the end of the dream!' she cried. 'I'll show you the man. The man in the dream.'

My heart stopped.

'He isn't real,' I whispered. 'It was all a lie. You used it to trick me.'

'No! Everything I show is true. Always true.'

'It can't be…it's impossible.' I swallowed and felt tears starting to fill my eyes. I wanted it to be true. More than anything. 'That can't ever happen to me.'

Nyx beat her hands on her unseen prison walls. 'It's real! It's the future! I've seen it. Touch the walls, and I will show you. I will show you the man in the dream!'

I wanted to. I wanted to see him. I needed to see him. The man in the dream. The man who could maybe truly make this future happen….

My hand moved forward, like it was being controlled by an outside force. Nyx's eyes widened, eager and hungry.

All of a sudden, a scream split the air.

No, it was more than a scream. When Yasmine had destroyed Joel, that had involved screaming. This was more than that. It was the most horrible noise in the universe, a phenomenon that went beyond mere sound. Much as my eyes couldn't exactly perceive an angel's appearance, my ears couldn't fully comprehend this.

My hand dropped from Nyx, and I jerked my gaze to the angels. Yasmine was still on her knees, and flames were starting to consume her. It was no ordinary fire, though. It reminded me of the light of her true form: all colors and none. Carter and Whitney watched, faces unreadable.

Vincent also watched. He'd taken a few steps toward me, backing away from the fire. The look on his face was filled with a jumble of emotions, none of them good. I didn't understand what was happening to Yasmine yet, but I knew what would happen to him.

'Get out,' I told him in a low voice.

His face was pale, as pale as Nyx's. He looked like he'd aged a hundred years. 'I can't…I can't leave her…'

'You have to. They'll destroy you. Or if they don't, someone else will. Someone else in the city will have noticed this. You know I'm right.'

His eyes were still on Yasmine. I could no longer see her, though. She was all flame—flame that had turned black.

'Go!' I exclaimed. 'It's what she'd want. She did this for you!'

Vincent flinched at those words and finally looked at me. The full force of his grief made the held-back tears spill down my cheeks.

'Go. Please,' I begged. Joel had been destroyed. Yasmine looked like she was about to be. I couldn't stand anymore death.

He said nothing, but after several seconds, he turned invisible. I felt his aura go.

Across the room, the flames were starting to fade. Yasmine was slowly reappearing, completely unscathed. She looked no different, but something about her signature had changed. I felt the same golden light, the impression of saffron and frankincense. But it was edged in something else. It no longer had the sharp, crystalline quality of angelic auras. That was gone, replaced by a dark and smoky feel—a smokiness that had nothing to do with the fire.

The flames finally disappeared altogether, and Yasmine still knelt on the floor. Seconds later, another signature joined us, one I knew well. Jerome stood in the room, apparently back from whatever clandestine matters he'd needed to oversee.

He looked from face to face, finally focusing on mine. 'Jesus Christ. What have you done now?'

I ignored him, unable to tear my gaze from Yasmine. She looked the same, exactly the same. And yet, she wasn't…

She'd noticed the change too. She held her arms out in front of her, studying them as though she'd never seen herself before. Horror flooded her features.

'No,' she moaned. 'No…' She began sobbing again.

Carter finally looked away from her and met Jerome's eyes. 'This is yours now, Charon.'

Jerome nodded and stepped toward Yasmine. 'Time to go.'

She looked up at him, face glistening with tears. She said nothing, but she didn't need to. Her expression said everything. It was a plea, a plea that none of this was real, that maybe—just maybe—Jerome could make it all go away. He shook his head and touched her shoulder. They vanished.

The room was quiet, an unnatural quiet that felt almost oppressive. My voice seemed strange and out of place.

'Wh-what happened?' I asked Carter. I noticed now that Whitney was crying.

'Yasmine has fallen,' he said softly. 'She's a demon now.'


I couldn't stay in my bedroom after that, not after seeing two angels die—one physically and one spiritually. I had to get out of there, out of the apartment. None of the others seemed to notice or care that I fled. With Nyx captured, there were bigger things to worry about in the universe than one distraught succubus.

I'd been driving in the car for about ten minutes before I realized where I was going. Dante's. Vincent's talk about the evil charm suddenly seemed unimportant. What I needed right now was to talk to someone about what I'd seen. Seth wouldn't entirely understand, and besides, matters still weren't fixed between us. Discussing serious things with the vampires was hard for me sometimes. I was still mad at Hugh. I wouldn't bother Erik since he was still recovering. Dante was all I had left.

He opened the door to his store after I banged on it for about five minutes. The messy hair and wrinkled clothing showed me that I'd woken him again. He looked annoyed, as usual, when I walked inside.

'Didn't it work? I told you—' He took a closer look at me. 'What happened?'

I staggered to one of the chairs and collapsed into it, hands resting on the side of my forehead. I could have been a mirror of Yasmine. I opened my mouth to speak, to explain what had happened…but no words came out. He knelt beside me.

'Succubus. You're freaking me out here. What happened?'

I stared blankly at him for several seconds before finally focusing on his concerned face. 'She fell.'

'Huh? Nyx?'



My eyes went unfocused again as I remembered that black flame. The horrible sound. Blinking, I tried to shake it off and turn my attention to Dante. 'She's an angel. Was an angel. Maybe she still is. I don't know. Fuck, I don't know. I don't know what she is.'

He reached out and gripped my arms, shaking me slightly to get my attention again. 'Look, you're losing me. I don't know how an angel falling ties into Nyx. If it ties into Nyx. You've gotta calm down and start from the beginning. Take a deep breath.' I did. 'Now another.' I did. 'Now talk.'

I did.

It was hard at first, and I had a few false starts. Finally, however, I was able to back up and explain the cast of angels to Dante. The story slowly spilled from my lips, and I told him all about what had happened: Nyx's capture, Joel's death, and Yasmine's fall.

He kept his hands on my arms when I finished, and I later realized it was to steady me. I was shaking. Several quiet minutes passed as we sat there. He exhaled at last and shook his head.

'Fuck, succubus. That's a lot for one night. Even for you.' He touched my chin with his hand and tilted my face up. 'But you know angels fall. You know they still fall. All the time.'

'But I've never seen it,' I whispered. 'In all this time…

I've never known anyone who was an angel and then became a demon. All the demons I know…well, they've always been demons. I never saw them when they were angels.'

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