She halted at the window. 'Why would I ask you?'

'Because you need me.' He narrowed his eyes. 'You've realized that by now, haven't you?'

'I've realized many, many things about you.' She leaned her hip against the windowsill.

'Away from the window,' he barked.

She glared at him but did move. 'And I can just imagine what you would demand in return.'

'Maybe, but maybe no'. The only way to find that out is to try me. I know this is hard. I'd wager you've never really had to ask for anything in your life.'

'That is correct.'

He put his better hand behind his head. 'Well, this is a fine place to start.'

Her head tilted sharply to the side as she sucked in a breath. He knew she would ask him, and once she did, he would help her. He also knew she was making a mental note to make him pay for this.

'I would…request your'—another intake of breath—'help.'

He leaned on his side. His ribs were tender after today's fight, but he wasn't about to move from his mocking position. 'Given that you're new at this, I'll instruct you—'

'As if you've ever asked for anything.'

'Would you like me to instruct you?'

Her chin went up. 'Yes.'

'Very well. Since you still didn't ask, you're going to need to say 'please.' It should be very moving and heartrending if you're sincere. And clasping your hands together over your chest would no' hurt.'

She swallowed. Her body was tight with tension. 'Please.'

He nodded in a deigning gesture. 'And why should I help you?'

Her voice was tight. 'Because you are the one who's hurt me.'

'Because of the kidnapping? I thought we established it was a good thing no' to be married to Pascal. And your brother's free. Turned out pretty damned well.'

Except for the fact that she was an assassin's target and they'd already struck twice.


'Well, because you've asked so nicely…'

'That's it? That's all you wanted?'

''Course no'. That just got you into negotiations. I'm a mercenary and this will be hazardous business. I'll need payments along the way.'

Her shoulders slumped. 'I don't have money with me.' Then her eyes brightened. 'But we're close to a town now. I can sell my jewelry.'

'Canna sell it. They'll be expecting you to do just that. Besides, you've got something much more valuable than that.' His gaze landed on her chest.

She sputtered, working up a retort, but he spoke over her. 'Whenever I ask for it, I want you to let me kiss you. Just a kiss. And I want you to be as fiery as you were in the study.'

'I don't think…I can't just…I'd been drinking…' She paced again.

He nodded as if in understanding. 'Of course, you can always tell me to leave.'

When she glared as she passed him, he suspected she was about to do just that.

'Can you never stand still, lass?'

Anger flashed in her eyes. 'Does it bother you? My pacing?'

'No, no' at all. Just thinkin' if you agree, we're goin' to need a bigger room in the future. Else you'll get dizzy.'

Whatever he said was a winner of a response. She stilled, and her gaze softened so sweetly on him—she had never looked at him like that—and damned if he knew why. But he found he liked it. A lot.

'Just a kiss?' she murmured shyly.

'Wherever and whenever I feel like it.'

She resumed her glare at that, but mumbled, 'Very well.'

Court was amazed she'd agreed. All he had to do was risk his life to keep her safe from the most vicious assassin order in Europe? And he got to kiss her, at his pleasure? He definitely had struck the better bargain. 'Then we have a deal.' He rose and made a sweeping gesture. 'You can have the bed.'

She eyed him warily before she unwrapped the blanket from her torso then hastened under the cover. The moment she lay on her side, he eased down alongside her.

She gasped. 'You said I could have the—' She stopped herself. 'I do have the bed, don't I? But you didn't say to myself.'

'You learn too quickly, lass. I'll have no more tricks in my bag.'

She stiffened, and right when she would scramble away, he threw his arm over her, careful of her bandage. 'Anna, stay. I will no' take my payment now. We are both hurt, exhausted, and drunk. Nothing could stir me. Even the sight of your lovely bottom dinna stir me,' he said, lying so much he thought he'd be struck down. She relaxed somewhat. 'But if you took away any one of the three, then I'd kiss you.'

She was silent for a moment, then asked, 'Why?'

'Because you're the type of woman who needs to be kissed. Hourly, softly. Fiercely.' He skimmed his hand down over her hip and murmured near her ear, 'Thoroughly.'

She shivered, then eased over on her back and faced him. Her breasts pressed against her nightdress, her nipples hard, and just below them she ran her finger back and forth across the cover in long, languorous movements. 'That sounds like a lot of work, MacCarrick,' she purred with that accent. 'Will you be the man to do all that to me?'

He groaned and leaned forward, thanking God for whisky. 'Anna, you have no idea.'

She put one finger against his chest and pushed. As she turned away, dismissing him, she said, 'Stirred?'

Chapter Eighteen

What imp had caused her to taunt him like this? She didn't feel like she was rubbing a bear's belly, she felt like she was jabbing it with arrows when the beast was in bed with her. And she knew better.

It was just that the ride here against his chest had been so surprising, and then seeing him grin had been confusing. Here was the man who'd just spied on her and seen her naked, but the look on his face afterward had been…rewarding?

Or she was simply drunk. Yet again.

'I like that,' he said. His voice, so husky and rumbling, always pleased her. Even when she'd despised him and the words—and accent—his deep voice conveyed, she'd enjoyed the sound. But tonight she could no longer despise him. Tonight it made her tremble.

'You like what?' she asked, too curious to refrain.

'No' that you tease me.'

'Then what?'

'That you think you can tease me and actually keep my hands off your body with a finger.'

She did think that. For some reason she'd always known he would never force himself on her, even when he'd kissed her at the lodge. 'But I have.' She needed to bite her tongue. Was she trying to provoke him? She'd already agreed to let him kiss her whenever he pleased!

'Tonight you have,' he agreed, then pulled her to her back to face him. 'But if you look at me like that again and speak to me in that voice, you will no' fare so well in the future.' His tone was low, his eyes watchful. She realized she found his eyes as pleasing as his voice. They were dark, but now she noticed lighter flecks. She wished she knew what color those were….

Oh, Lord, she feared she was looking at him like that just this second. She tore her gaze from his and studied his lips. She remembered how good kissing him had felt and absently asked, 'Then what would happen?'

'Then I would kiss your lips.' He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip, and the whisky insisted that she allow it. 'And your neck.' He caressed his fingers down her neck. The feeling was so pleasurable, she fought to keep her

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