'If you had killed the others we would no' be in this situation.'

'That one had a gaping hole in his stomach. How did he live through that?' Llorente set his bottle down as if he'd just comprehended something. 'You've now done everything you bloody could to wreck my life.'

Court swigged, then said, 'I swear to you, man, Anna is no' the one who should wear skirts in this family.'

Finally, Llorente appeared furious.

'Hugh, tell him what Pascal would've done if I had no' shot.'

'He would've pulled the trigger soon. He was baiting you, and his aim would've been colder.'

'Did you hear what he said about Olivia?' Llorente's words were a touch slurred.

'Aye,' Court admitted.

'I'd wondered about her loyalties, could never quite see why she'd do this to her father.' He added to himself, 'She'd been loyal all along to her mother,' then frowned. 'Think I love her.' He winced when he tried to move.

Court shook his head at Llorente's wound. That one truly needed to get sewn.

He could hear Niall and the others yelling and laughing in the distance as the shots became fewer and fewer. They were going to tear apart this place tonight looking for Pascal's stash of goods and coin.

Court figured they liked playing the heroes because they'd decided almost to a man to restore everything to its rightful owners before Andorra's typically harsh winter came to these people. Lucrative bounties made it easy to be a hero, he supposed.

'I'm going to contact Ethan now,' Llorente said. 'Ask him to send them home with escorts.'

'What for?'

'Your brother said to leave it to him—not to you—when the time came. Now that we've won, is there any reason I shouldn't be bringing my sister and Olivia here?'

Both Llorente and Hugh waited for his answer. 'No. No reason no' to. Ethan will make sure they're safe.'

'You'll ride before then?'

Court felt a muscle in his cheek twitch.

Each hour that had passed on the way home was agony, but at least during the trip Annalía had stopped throwing up everything she ate. With every mile closer in that coach, she and Olivia had bickered, even after Olivia had said, 'As far as spoiled heiresses go, you're not too bad,' and Annalía had responded, 'As far as conniving witches go, I've met worse.' But truly, if they hadn't bickered, what else would there have been to do?

And though Olivia seemed unaffected by the news of her father's death, Annalía had kept her occupied in any event. 'I keep replaying the scene we'll have when we ride into the courtyard,' Annalía had told her. 'I'll rush to MacCarrick. Aleix will push you into the lake. It will be perfect.'

'Keep up your teasing. I don't care,' Olivia had responded. 'But after I tell Aleix how nasty you've been to me, what incentive will he have to be civil to your unsuitable mate?'

She'd had a point, but fortunately she suspected Olivia wouldn't tell Aleix anything.

And now, today, they were finally here. When the coach stopped and Ethan's guards deemed it safe to clear room, Annalía tumbled out and ran to the house. She tripped in breathless and hugged Aleix, who'd come to greet them.

He smiled down at her and then at Olivia when she entered. A peculiar smile for Olivia. A loving smile? She'd never really seen them together. Oh, Olivia did not just blush?

Annalía waved her hand in front of him. 'Where's MacCarrick?'

He faced her, his expression turning grave. 'Annalía, he's…well, he's ridden from here. He went north, I believe.'

A wheezing sound passed her lips as she sank down onto an ottoman. 'I don't understand. Why would he do that? Didn't he know we were returning?'

Olivia walked up behind her. 'Did he say anything?'

'He wished Annalía well.'

'Wished me well?' Her voice was strident. She hadn't stopped throwing up. She believed she would right now.

'He's not exactly a man of many words, as you know. Annalía, he and I decided it was for the best. He wasn't the right man for you.'

Her eyes narrowed. 'You and he decided? The two of you decided my future? Coach-and-six!' she cried as she shot to her feet. 'You…You coach-and-sixed me!'

He looked at her as though she'd lost her mind. She felt the blood leaving her face, and her legs buckled, forcing her right back down.

Aleix rushed to her and grabbed her shoulders. 'What's wrong with you? What did he do?'

She dimly saw a hand snake from behind her to slap his sharply until he released her.

'Annalía, this is for the best. He's from a completely foreign culture and doesn't have wealth to keep you as you should live. And I don't know if he told you or not, but he can't father children.'

She stared up at him, tears welling. 'I beg to differ.'

'Court, are you all right?' Hugh asked with a snap of his fingers.

'Huh? Why?'

'If your horse had no' sidestepped, that limb back there would've taken your head.'

Court jerked around for a look. He'd never seen it. He'd been lost in thought wondering where she was right now, what she was doing, and knowing she was happier than he was. She had to be. He faced front again, surprised they'd already arrived at the drive for Groot's—though he shouldn't be surprised. They'd made good time since Hugh had led them off the main road to follow a shorter horse trail. Hugh hadn't taken any chances that Court might pass Annalía on her journey home.

'I was thinkin' about her,' Court muttered. 'Miss her.'

'Aye, I know.'

'I miss her so bad it's like…'

'Grief?' Hugh asked, as he swung from the saddle.

He nodded slowly.

'Court, I wish I could tell you it'll get better.' Hugh gave him a weary look. 'But it does no'.'

If this wouldn't get better, if everything continued to remind him of her…

'Where's the pretty Andorran?' Groot asked the minute they entered the posting house.

'Safe at home,' Hugh answered for him when Court could only scowl.

'Good to know,' he said absently as his wife called him to help with guests. They had another full house. Court sank down on a bench because his leg was paining him, and thought to himself that the seat wasn't too uncomfortable. He'd sleep right here before he took the room he and Anna had shared before.

Hugh crossed to the bar and helped himself to pouring two whiskies.

'You know, Hugh, got a missive for you,' Groot said, leaning in to add, 'From Weyland himself.'

Hugh's brows drew together and the bottle slammed to the bartop. 'Now, Groot.'

When Hugh ripped open and scanned the message, he went rigid and his face grew tight, the lines there deepening. The new jagged gashes on his forehead and the side of his face twisted.

'What the hell is it?' Court had witnessed Hugh once in a killing fury, and it was a memory he would never forget. The savage look on Hugh's face right now was so far beyond that—it was chilling. Court rose, then limped over to work the note from a hand clenched so hard it was white.


Jane's life is in grave danger. Come quickly.


'We ride now,' Court said as he turned for the door.

'No, Court.' When he looked back, Hugh shook his head hard. 'I go alone.'

As if Court didn't understand what he was capable of. 'I owe you a debt greater than I think you comprehend. And I'll be payin' it now.'

'God damn it, Court, no. You're injured, and I'll need two horses, which means yours as well.'

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