for Niall's christening.

Court and Annalía had their son Aleix, their daughters little Fiona and toddler Elisabet, and another one on the way. Though Court loved his bairns, he swore each would be the last. Annalía just smiled and started knitting.

Ethan's mother was delighted with all the grandchildren she'd never thought to have and often said she saw a bit of their grandfather Leith in each one. Presently Fiona was waylaid on the lawn by five of them.

Maddy rose from the blanket and strolled up to Ethan. 'Is Niall ready for the bassinet?' she asked. 'Or should I call in extra help?' Corrine, Maddy's oldest friend, lived on the property and had turned down a position as steward to become their children's nanny. Corrine had proved so deft at her job that other families shamelessly tried to steal her from them.

'He's sound asleep,' Ethan said, then added with a chuckle, 'He snores like you.'

She lightly cuffed him on the chest. 'I donot snore, Scot.' She took the babe, kissing him good night before laying him in the shaded crib beside them. When Ethan opened his arms for her, she settled easily on his lap, gazing out with him. He drew her close, and she sighed. 'I love you, Ethan.'

He pressed a kiss to her sun-warmed hair, inhaling with pleasure. 'How I'm lovin' you too, lass,' he said. Then a thought struck him. 'Right now, if I could give you anything in the world, what would it be?'

'That's easy. A lifetime of this.' She waved her hand over the scene, with their children playing and their entire family strong and happy.

He cupped her face, and her blue eyes went soft as she gazed at him. 'Done,' he said, kissing her lips tenderly. 'I'm going to give you that, Maddy MacCarrick.'

And Ethan did.

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