than ripples. They drifted past. The yoke moved around as if it weren't connected to anything. 'I'm declaring an emergency,' Lyra said. 'Send the call.'

'I will if I can.'

We started to climb. 'Thank God,' said Alex. 'You've got it now?' 'No,' I growled. And to demonstrate the point I banged the yoke with an open hand.

'Unable to transmit, Chase.'

'Can you turn the radio over to me?'

'Negative. I get no reaction from it.'

I tried to switch it on. Nothing happened. We were still going up. Accelerating again. 'Chase.' Alex was hanging on to his chair. 'Do something.'

I was pressing pads and hitting switches. When none of that worked, I went looking under the panel for something that might allow me to gain control of the aircraft, some sort of emergency board or cutoff switch. I wasn't familiar with that type vehicle, had in fact never seen the make before. At three thousand meters, we leveled off. But we were moving like a bandit. And while I played around in the cabin, the thing began to shake. Violently. 'It's coming apart,' Alex said. He was speaking through clenched teeth. 'What's happening?' 'Going through the sound barrier.' I couldn't get any kind of response out of the damned thing. 'I didn't think these things could go that fast.' I was waiting for the wings to come off. 'Apparently some makes can.' Then we were through it. The rattling and banging stopped, and we were flying free again. 'Good, Chase,' he said. 'Now can you slow it down? And get us to land?' As if some unseen force had answered, the drive shut off. We began to lose acceleration. The antigravs kept us aloft as we bounced and clattered back through the sound barrier. I was still strangling the yoke, trying to pull the nose of the skimmer up by sheer physical force. 'I am still off- line,' said Lyra. Me, too, kid.

I didn't bother with the skimmer's radio. I had taken two links on that trip. One was a necklace, the other a bracelet. I was wearing the bracelet that day. I called on the distress frequency. A woman responded: 'Shore Watch. Go ahead.' 'Shore Watch, we are going down. Need immediate assistance.'

'Please keep calm and describe your emergency.'

'We've lost control of our aircraft.' We were losing altitude again. This time, though, it wasn't a free fall. Still, we were going down at a good clip.

'Your location, please?'

'Lyra, where are we?' Lyra provided a set of coordinates, and the Shore Watch said they'd be right there. 'Better make it quick,' I said. We continued to brake. Suddenly, my weight came back. 'Alex,' I said, 'the antigravs are off again.' 'Have you resolved your problem?' asked the voice from the Shore Watch. 'Negative,' I said. And, to Alex: 'Hang on.'

No need to worry about that.

We plowed into the top of a wave, bounced, and came down hard. The impact threw me against the harness. I heard Alex saying, 'Come on, Chase,' as if it were my fault. Then the cabin was filling with water, and he was trying to get me out of my seat. He'd come to my rescue like this once before, so I thought it was a good sign. But everything was getting dark and starting to spin. '-with me, Chase,' he was saying. 'Stay with me. I can't do this alone.'

But he did. When I saw daylight again, we were in the water, hanging on to something, riding down the side of a wave. It was one of the chairs. 'You okay?' he asked. I looked around. Ocean in all directions. No sign of the skimmer. I needed a minute before I could speak. 'I've been better,' I said at last. 'Nothing broken?' Everything seemed okay. 'I don't think so.' 'All right. I think if there were, you'd know it.' 'I guess. Where's the skimmer?' 'Down like a rock.' He watched me get hold of the chair. 'Don't put too much weight on it.' 'Okay.' He let me go. I kicked a little bit to stay up. 'They should be here soon,' he said. 'I hope. How long's it been?' 'Just a few minutes.'

'Have you called the Shore Watch?' 'Since we came down? No.' 'Why not?' 'I was too busy trying to keep your head out of the water.' 'Okay. Let's try it again.' I got the same operator. 'They're on the way,' she said. 'Should be about fifteen minutes.' 'Good. Thanks.'

'Keep transmitting.'

I left it on. 'Alex, thanks for getting me out of there.' 'It's okay. Keep it in mind next time you want a raise.' Two people hanging on to one chair doesn't work well. Whenever either of us put a little weight on it, it went under. 'Chase,' he said, 'you ever hear of a malfunction like this?' 'It was deliberate,' I said. 'Somebody had to go in and either jerry the AI or attach a parasite system.' 'You're sure?' 'Absolutely. Even if the AI had simply failed, the skimmer wouldn't have behaved the way it did. What I can't figure is why the power came back at the end.' 'That's because they didn't want us dead.' 'Really?' I looked around at the empty sky. 'If we got killed, it would attract a lot of attention. And it would connect with Vicki. Somebody wants us to go away but doesn't want to deal with publicity.' 'It's a warning?' 'Yes. I'd say so.' Another wave came by. We rode over it. 'What the hell did she get into?'


We were drifting, looking at each other, watching for the rescue vehicle, when Alex's eyes widened. He was staring past my shoulder. I turned. Forty or fifty meters away, a long black tail had risen out of the water. There was a fork at the end. It stood erect for a few seconds, then splashed down. 'Better hurry,' I told the Shore Watch. Whatever was in the water didn't seem to be going anywhere. The tail lifted and fell again. 'Not good,' said Alex. I was grateful to discover I hadn't lost my scrambler. There was no way to be sure it could screw up the nervous system of a fish in an ocean on another world, but they're supposed to work on just about anything. I held it out of the water and tried to shake it dry. 'Will it work after getting dunked?' Alex asked. 'It's supposed to work underwater.' 'Then why are you trying to dry it off?' 'Feels like the right thing to do.' I set it for lethal . 'Are you trying to start an argument with me?' 'No.' 'I mean, that's probably not a good idea. I'm the only one here with a gun.' 'I know.' 'You should think about carrying one.' 'Chase, normally I have no need for one. I'm an antiquarian.' 'It's the one time you do need one that makes it worthwhile.' The tail vanished, leaving behind swirling water. Then it reappeared, closer to us, stood erect, and slapped down again. I watched it slide beneath the surface. The water grew quiet. 'Can you see anything?' asked Alex. 'No.' I handed him my bracelet. 'Keep it out of the water so they don't lose the signal.' 'Okay. What are you going to do?'

'Take a look.' 'Not a good idea, Chase.' 'Neither is staying here. I'll be back in a minute.'

The water was clear, and I saw the creature off to one side. It was flat and long, shaped like a spade, maybe three or four times as big as I was. Two eyes centered close together on the snout watched Alex. Rotated to me. Went back to Alex. Alex's legs hung down. He couldn't keep them still without sinking. They must have looked like a tasty morsel. The mouth opened to reveal several rows of teeth. I figured the underwater range of the scrambler was about half the distance to the creature. It was going to have to get closer. I didn't think there'd be any problem arranging that. I went back up. 'It's interested in us,' I said. Alex took a deep breath. No joking around this time. 'What is it?' 'It looks a little like a ray. It's a big fish with a lot of teeth.' 'We're not its natural prey,' he said. 'By the time it figures that out, you and I will be hamburger.' 'There's another one.' 'Where?' He pointed. Another tail hoisted well out of the water. On the opposite side of us. It curled and straightened and curled again, then splashed down. 'You think they hunt in tandem?' 'Maybe. We'd better assume they do.' We were both thinking how it would've been a good time for a second weapon. 'Try not to move,' I told him. I went down again. They were both watching us. They were spaced exactly opposite each other, although the newcomer was farther away. But it was approaching. I suspected that when both were at the same range, they'd attack. If that happened, and they were as quick as they looked, I thought I'd be able to take out one, but not both. I surfaced again. 'How's it look?' he said. 'Okay. Leave it to me.' 'What are you going to do?' 'Explain later.' At least I hoped I would. 'Just keep still. Don't move.' I took a deep breath and went back down. The creatures were lining up on us, getting ready. I had to take the initiative away from them. I kicked off in the direction of the first one. It started toward me. That long mouth opened again, and I looked past those incisors and saw a serpentine

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