– Will you call again? Are you OK? Do you need anything? I can send something. What do you need?

– No, Mom, I’m fine. I just. I love you both. And I miss you. Every day.

My eyelids dip. I force them to stay open.

Mom talks.

– We love you, Henry.

Dad coughs.

– Love you, Hank.

– Love you guys. Bye. Love you.

I hang up.

I start to close my eyes.

Stop myself.

If I close my eyes now, I’ll never open them.

I’m tired. My body is too heavy to keep upright. I lean back and let myself drop into the sand. I look up into the bright blue sky. It feels good on my face, but it hurts my eyes. I start to close my eyes. Open them.

If I close my eyes now, I will never open them.

If I close my eyes.

I will never open them.

I close my eyes.


Not a word of the Henry Thompson trilogy would have seen print were I not the beneficiary of amazing good luck, remarkable friendships, and love.

My thanks to Johnny Lancaster, friend. You changed my life.

To Robyn Starr and Simone Elliot, benefactors.

To Cindy Murray, Ingrid Powell, Paul Taunton, Daniel Lazar and Michael Mejias, all of whom have done me great services, and shared a drink or two.

To Maura Teitelbaum, Simon Lipskar and Mark Tavani, coworkers and friends, the ones who showed belief. My debt is great.

Thanks to my readers, those who feel the money was well spent, and those who want it back. It’s nice to know you’re all out there. I am grateful.

I was given special technical assistance in the writing of this book by Anna Isaacson of the Brooklyn Cyclones. She took me around the ballpark and, among other things, showed me where they keep the hot dog costumes. Alas, my suspicions were correct, the race is rigged. Thank you, Anna.

I have been taken in by the Smiths, Farmers and Kressmans. My east coast family. Thank you for the love, and for the young woman in question.

My mom and dad have given me what every child should have, faith, hope and love. All without bounds. If only I had more to give back.


My wife.

My greatest piece of luck.

Stay with me. Make me a better man.

I’ll try to deserve you.

New York City

February 3, 2006



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