Tag | Description |
Name | Name of the package. |
Version | Version of the software in the package (software version). |
Release | Release number of the package (package version). |
Group | The application group to which the software belongs. See |
URL | The software's home page on the Web. |
License | The license used for the software (such as GPL or Mozilla). |
Summary | A one-line summary of the package description. |
Requires | Capabilities needed by the software in order to be successfully installed. Many requirements are automatically determined, so this line is often not needed. Also include in this tag any special capabilities required by install and uninstall scripts (or triggers). If a package name is given as an argument, a version number can be provided, and a comparison can be given (such as gcc >= 4.0 or sendmail = 8.13.4). |
BuildRequires | Capabilities needed by the software in order to be successfully built, but not needed simply to install the RPM. For example, the |
Provides | Capabilities provided by the package. Like Requires, most of the Provides will be determined automatically. |
BuildRoot | Specifies where the package should be installed during the package-building process. Many packages use %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root, which will create a package-specific directory within |
This is the initial information for the Critical Mass spec file:
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
One more tag must be defined %description but this tag does not take the
The description text will be automatically wrapped and formatted to fit available space when it is displayed. To include preformatted text, leave a space at the start of each preformatted line.
After this initial information are seven sections, each identified by a section name:
Commands used to prepare the package for building.
Commands used to build the package from the source (such as
Commands to install the software (such as make install ).
Commands to test whether the software built correctly ( make test ). Optional; many packages do not include this section.