6.3.4. Where Can I Learn More?
? The manpages for
? CD and DVD Archiving: Quick Reference Guide for Care and Handling (NIST): http://www.itl.nist.gov/div895/carefordisc/disccare.html
? Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling: A Guide for Libraries and Archives (NML): http://www.imation.com/america/pdfs/AP_NMLdoc_magtape_S_H.pdf
6.4. Scheduling Tasks
Fedora Core can schedule tasks to be run at specific times. This is useful for making backups, indexing data, clearing out temporary files, and automating downloads and it's easy to set up.
6.4.1. How Do I Do That?
To schedule a task, use
$ crontab -e
Each scheduled task occupies a separate line in this file. Each line consists of five time fields, followed by the command to be executed. In order, the file fields are:
The number of minutes past the hour, 059
The hour of the day, 023
The day of the month, 131
The number of the month, 112
day of the week
The day of the week, 06 (Sunday to Saturday) or 17 (Monday to Sunday), or written out
A time field may contain an asterisk, which means
Here is an example:
30 * * * * /home/chris/bin/task1
The script or program
15 1 * * * /home/chris/bin/task2
0 22 * * 1 /home/chris/bin/task3
30 0 1 * * /home/chris/bin/task4
0 11 11 11 * /home/chris/bin/task5
You can use a range (
0,15,30,45 9-16 * * * /home/chris/bin/task6
*/2 * * * * /home/chris/bin/task7
0 7 1-7 * 3 /home/chris/bin/task8
By default, any output (to
30 * * * * /home/chris/bin/task1
15 1 * * * /home/chris/bin/task2
0 22 * * 1 /home/chris/bin/task3
In fact, you can also set any standard environment variables; the two most useful are SHELL , which overrides the default shell (
30 * * * * adjust-network
Fedora also provides a system for running scripts on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis, simply by placing the script into a designated directory. These scripts run as
Table 6-8. Scheduled task directories
Directory | Frequency | Time of execution | Task examples |