as you want), the Document Root directory that will store documents for this host, and the webmaster email address (if different from the default).
If you choose a Document Root that is not within
Page Options
When Apache receives a request for a directory (such as
Apache is preconfigured with standard pages that are displayed when an error occurs. To override any of these pages and present a custom error message, highlight the page in the Error pages list and click Edit. A dialog box will appear; change the error message behavior from Default to File and enter the location of the page you wish to use (or select URL and specify the local URL of the web page). You can customize the footer displayed at the bottom of default error pages using the Default Error Page Footer control.
Apache maintains two logs per virtual host: a
The default logfile format does not contain
This tab should actually be named Permission, since it controls what is permitted in web directories. Click on the Edit button in the Default directory options section to edit the options for the virtual host's Document Root directory; available permission options include ExecCGI (run scripts), FollowSymLinks (follow symbolic links to files), Includes (process server-side include directives in files), IncludesNOEXEC (process server-side includes, except scripts), Indexes (use index files such as
To set the permissions for a particular directory, click the Add button in the lower part of the window (or, if the directory is already listed, click the Edit button). Enter the directory name in the Directory field at the bottom of the window and set the Options checkboxes for the options you wish to enable in this directory. By default, all remote computers (hosts) will have access to the content in this directory; the Allow and Deny list options can be used to permit (or deny) access only from certain hosts. The hosts can be identified by hostname (
To enable the use of
There is also a tab for SSLused for secure, encrypted web servingand a tab for Environment, which is used to pass information to web scripts, but the options on those tabs are not used for basic web serving.
Once the virtual host is configured, click OK to return to the main HTTP configuration window ( Figure 7- 17 ).
The Server and Performance Tuning tabs in the main HTTP configuration window do not normally require adjustment.
After configuring Apache, click OK to save your configuration (a confirmation dialog may appear). Directly editing Apache's configuration file
The main Apache configuration information is stored in
# cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.backup-
These directives are all equivalent:
ServerRoot /etc/httpd
ServerRoot '/etc/httpd'
ServerRoot '/etc/httpd'
SERVERROOT /etc/httpd/
serverroot /etc/httpd
To add a comment line, place a pound sign at the start of the line:
# Note: /etc/httpd is the standard Fedora server root.
Comments must be on a line by themselves.
Directives are global unless they are placed in a
<Directory '/var/www/html'>
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks