Once the file has been created, leave out the -c option, or you'll erase existing entries:
# htpasswd
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user diane
If you prefer, you can include the password at the end of command linewhich works well for scriptsby adding the -b option:
# htpasswd -b
Adding password for user frank
If other users are logged in to the system, there is a small chance that they will be able to discover these passwords if you set them using the -b option because the command line is visible in the output of the ps command (although very briefly).
If you enter an existing user ID instead of a new one, the old password will be updated instead of creating a new record:
# htpasswd -b
Updating password for user diane
AuthType Basic
AuthName '
Require valid-user
7.5.2. How Does It Work?
Apache is the most widely used web server software in the world. It is actively developed by the Apache Software Foundation ( http://apache.org ) and can be scaled from a static personal web site on a desktop-class computer to a extremely high-volume database-backed web site running on clusters of computers.
In order to meet such a wide range of needs, Apache can be configured using over 370 distinct directives. Although many different graphical configuration tools have been developed, none of them can configure all directives or handle all possible deployment scenarios for the software.
The Fedora graphical configuration tool for Apache is named
The actual Apache server program is
Apache listens on the configured ports and waits for incoming connections from client software such as web browsers. Once a connection is established, the client sends a
GET /testfile.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.fedorabook.com
In an elementary configuration, Apache is responsible for mapping the web namespace to the local filesystem namespace, performing access control and logging, collecting the requested resource (either by reading a file or executing code), and sending the resource to the client.
7.5.3. What About... ...interpreting the Apache logfiles?
Logfiles come in two forms: access logs and error logs. An - - [28/Feb/2006:22:01:33 -0500] 'GET / HTTP/1.1' 200 956