Configures the animated sliding of the panel when it is hidden or revealed. The panel animation is a cute effect, and it serves the practical purpose of helping the user understand what's happening to the panel.

Like the Arrangement options, the Hiding options are applied to the panel selected with the 'Settings for' control.

The Appearance section lets you configure icon mouseover effects (which include really big, animated tool tips), tool tips helps, colored or patterned button backgrounds, and a pseudo-transparency effect for panels. Customizing the desktop background

The background image or color is adjusted using the Appearance & Themes>Background option in the Control Center. You can get to the same configuration module by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Configure Desktop, then selecting the Background button. Figure 2-11 shows the window that appears.

Figure 2-11. KDE desktop background configuration

You can individually configure the desktop background for each virtual desktop. This can make it easier to identify which virtual desktop is currently displayed, but it can use a lot of memory and increases the amount of time it takes to switch desktops. The 'Settings for Desktop' control selects the desktop to be configured; use All Desktops to use the same image on all of the virtual desktops.

In this configuration module, there are two sections:


Selects a picture or slideshow to use for the image background.


Sets the background image position, scaling, and tiling (repeat) options; background colors, patterns, and gradients; and blending between the background image and background colors/patterns.

There are also two special buttons:

Advanced Options

Permits you to use a program to draw the desktop background (such as kwebdesktop , which uses a web page for the desktop background), to set the color and shadow for the desktop icon text, and to set the size of the background cache.

Get New Wallpapers

Provides a simple way to download wallpapers from , using the window shown at bottom right in Figure 2-11 . A list of available wallpapers appears (you can use the tabs to change the sort order); clicking on one will present a preview, and clicking Install will add that wallpaper to the Picture list in the KDesktop Background window. Customizing the window manager's behavior

To configure window-manager behavior, right-click on a title bar and select Configure Window Behavior. Figure 2-12 shows the window that appears. You can access the same options through the Control Center using the Appearance & Themes>Window Decorations, Desktop>Window Behavior, and the Desktop>Window- Specific Settings options.

Figure 2-12. KDE window-manager behavior configuration

The KDE window manager, kwin, offers extensive configuration options:

Window Decorations

Enables you to select the window-manager theme and the buttons that will be placed in the title bar. Some themes have additional customization options, such as adjustable border width.


Configures the actions performed when the various mouse buttons are clicked on the title bar and active or inactive windows. The Titlebar Actions tab contains settings for the action that will be taken when the user clicks on the window title bar, frame, and maximize button.


The window with focusalso called the active windowreceives keyboard input. This section selects the focus policy:

Click to Focus

Click on a window to give it focus.

Focus Follows Mouse

Place the mouse cursor over a window to give it focus. You can also change focus with Alt-Tab or Shift- Alt-Tab.

Focus Under Mouse

Same as Focus Follows Mouse, but Alt-Tab/Shift-Alt-Tab does not change the window focus (though it will raise other windows to the top), and new windows will not receive focus.

Focus Strictly Under Mouse

Same as Focus Under Mouse, but moving the mouse pointer over the desktop background (not over any window) will unfocus all windows instead of leaving the last window focused.

If you select a focus policy other than 'Click to Focus,' you can configure a delay between when a window receives focus and when it raises, as well as whether focused windows are raised at all (placed in front of other windows). The Navigation section enables you to set options related to keyboard navigation between windows (Alt-Tab/Shift-Alt-Tab).


Configures behavior when windows are moved. For best performance on a slower system (or a remote connection), disable the options 'Display content in moving windows,' 'Display content in resizing windows,' and 'Animate minimize and restore'but on a fast machine, these options can provide useful user feedback. The Snap Zone settings make it easier to align windows with other windows or with the edge of the screen.


Configures Shading (window roll-up) animation and automatic unrolling when under the mouse; Active Desktop Borders, which permit you to move off the desktop onto an adjacent virtual desktop; and Focus Stealing Prevention, which attempts to eliminate unpleasant surprises when you're typing and a new window appears (which in normal circumstances would automatically get focus). Right-click on the control and select 'What's This?' to see a detailed description of the options.

Window-Specific Settings

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