/etc/gshadow NORMAL
/etc/shadow NORMAL
/var/log p+n+u+g
# With AIDE's default verbosity level of 5, these would give lots of
# warnings upon tree traversal. It might change with future versions.
#=/lost+found DIR
#=/home DIR
Most of this file consists of
These regular expressions are treated as if they have ^ prepended (they match only at the start of filenames). To exactly match one filename, append $:
/var/log/messages$ >
The $ prevents this selection line from matching the
The second field is a list of fingerprint qualities, drawn from the list included in the file as comments, separated with + characters. The values NORMAL and DIR are configured as group definitions, permitting easy reference to commonly used combinations of fingerprint qualities. In this case, NORMAL is defined as R+b+sha1 , meaning the predefined fingerprint-qualities group R , block count, and SHA1 checksums. R in turn means permissions, inode number, number of links, user, group, size, modification time, creation/inode change time, and MD5 checksum.
To add additional files to be fingerprinted, append entries to this file. For example, to verify that your web pages have not changed, append:
/var/www/html NORMAL
8.8.2. How Does It Work?
AIDE works by recording the fingerprint qualities in its database file as plain text (though the file is normally compressed using
# This file was generated by Aide, version 0.11
# Time of generation was 2006-06-01 10:57:23
@@db_spec name lname attr perm bcount uid gid size mtime ctime inode lcount md5 sha1
/etc 0 541 40755 0 0 0 0 0 0 713153 0 0 0
/sbin 0 4029 40755 32 0 0 12288 MTE0MjkxODMyMg== MTE0MjkxODMyMg== 1880129 2 0 0
/root 0 4029 40750 16 0 0 4096 MTE0OTE2OTg2NQ== MTE0OTE2OTg2NQ== 1296641 8 0 0
/usr 0 4029 40755 16 0 0 4096 MTE0Mjg5MjIzOA== MTE0Mjg5MjIzOA== 1782881 14 0 0
...(Lines snipped)...
/boot/grub/grub.conf 0 16317 100600 4 0 0 599 MTE0Mjg5NTcwNw== MTE0Mjg5NTcwNw== 2011 1 zvjoV7HEEv/lHBdWPRNK9g== xJ2OrD9u9dqn9n3M2y/iKgxzoHk=
/boot/grub/reiserfs_stage1_5 0 16317 100644 20 0 0 9056 MTE0Mjg5NTcwOA== MTE0Mjg5NTcwOA== 2022 1 3QMuqfoxpKu/nMsBGE554Q== 6fWY3Yrk7M4+aW0voaqzOIxyQY8=
/boot/grub/jfs_stage1_5 0 16317 100644 18 0 0 8032 MTE0Mjg5NTcwOA== MTE0Mjg5NTcwOA== 2020 1 6favoJt1WCIN/dnckuHbfQ== aIlm2nFM9bVJSaE/rwLYehLgpRQ=
When run with the -C option,
8.8.3. What About... ...an intruder altering the fingerprint database?
This is a very real possibility. To guard against this, the fingerprint database should be recorded on read- only media (such as a CD-R), stored on a different system, or stored on removable media that the system administrator can secure against alteration. ...automating AIDE scans?
To automate daily AIDE scans, create the file
/usr/sbin/aide --check 2>&1|mail -s 'AIDE scan results' root
Make the file executable by
# chown root /etc/cron.daily/50aide
# chmod u+rx /etc/cron.daily/50aide
An AIDE scan will then be performed daily, and the results will be mailed to
8.8.4. Where Can I Learn More?
? The manpages for
? The AIDE online manual: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~rammer/aide/manual.html