# Shut the system back off - you can use pm-hibernate here
# if it works on your system
shutdown -h now
Replace the last line with pm-hibernate if hibernation works on your system and you wish to reduce the startup time in the morning.
Edit your
# crontab -e
Add a line to execute the
# Perform nighttime processing after the 4:30 wake-up
If you shut down the system at the end of your working day, it will wake up at night, perform the processing you have configured, and then shut down.
If your system supports changing the alarm time through ACPI, you can schedule multiple wake-up times: have your system start up in the middle of the night and perform the operations described above, and then have it schedule the next wake-up time before shutting down:
# /usr/local/bin/nocturnal :: script for nighttime processing
# Please whatever commands you wish to execute at night here
# Schedule another wake-up
date '+%Y-%m-%d
# Shut the system back off; you can use pm-hibernate here
# if it works on your system
shutdown -h now
This sets the next wake-up for 7:50 a.m. the same day, just in time to start work at 8 a.m. If your nocturnal processing takes place before midnight, schedule the wake-up for the following day:
# Schedule another wake-up
date +'%Y-%m-%d 07:50:00' -d tomorrow >/proc/acpi/alarm
3.1.4. Where Can I Learn More?
? ACPI Promoters' web site, including the ACPI specification: http://www.acpi.info/
? 'Linux ACPI-Howto, The Sequel': http://www.columbia.edu/~ariel/acpi/acpi_howto.html
? The manpage for
3.2. Configuring Networking
The majority of modern computer system are connected to a network. While server and desktop systems are often configured for one network at installation time and remain plugged into that same network for weeks, months, or years, laptop systems are frequently on the move and may connect to several different networks in one day. Fortunately, Fedora provides a good set of network configuration tools that enable you to easily swing from one network to another like a digital Tarzan.
3.2.1. How Do I Do That?
There are three ways to configure networking on Fedora. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages:
The best approach for desktop and server systems that will connect to one or two networks and rarely require changes to the network configuration
Excellent for laptops that will be connecting to a variety of different networks, but only compatible with certain network hardware
Good for experimentation, remote administration, and very complex configurations Configuring networking graphically
Select the menu option System>Administration>Networking to access the GUI network configuration tool shown in Figure 3-6. Alternatively, you can type the command system-config-network into a shell (or use the traditional nickname for this program,
Figure 3-6. Network Configuration window
To add a network connection, click on the New icon. The window in Figure 3-7 will appear, enabling you to select the connection type.
Figure 3-7. New Device Type window
Use the default Ethernet connection option for any LAN connection, including cable modem connections as well as all DSL connections made through a router or gateway device. Click Forward to proceed to the device-